
难言之隐  nán yán zhī yǐn







  • 为什么她一言不发, 是不是有什么难言之隐?
    Why didn't she say a word? Is there anything in her mind that she finds it hard to disclose?

  • 他是有特殊原因或是难言之隐吗?
    He is a special reason or transparency?

  • 其实在此事上,老朱有自己的难言之隐
    In fact, in this case, Chu has his own telling.

  • 不然就是有其他难言之隐
    Or else there are other hiding something!

  • 约翰今天很怪,他一定是有什么难言之隐
    John is quite strange today, He must have some secret sorrow .

  • 公布房价成本如此难藏有多少“难言之隐”?
    Announced to the possession of such property cost "transparency"?

  • 对于此次现金回购,湘投控股也有难言之隐
    For the cash buy-back, Gordon voted Holdings has also telling.

  • 企业更有难言之隐
    The enterprise has a painful topic more.

  • 家家都有难言之隐
    Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.

  • 是什么“难言之隐”在阻碍着新政的大车前行?
    What kind of "transparency" in the large cart before the new hamper?

  • 犯罪广告最早成气候的,是专治难言之隐的“神医”。
    The first overwhelming generation of crime Ads are for the "highly-skilled doctors"who specialized in STDs.

  • 对于在地铁内建公厕,广州地铁总公司有着难言之隐
    to build public toilets in the subway, Guangzhou MTR Corporation has unspoken difficulties.

  • 明星也有难言之隐的嘛。希望你们粉丝能够接受事实。
    Celebrities have their sensitive issues too you know. I wish you fans could understand that.

  • 但是人工生命却跟它的表亲人工智能有着同样的难言之隐
    Yet artificial life suffers from the same malaise that afflicts its cousin, artificial intelligence.

  • 为什么相隔那么近却不能相见?有什么难言之隐吗??悲伤?
    Why cannot be apart meet however nearly so? What a painful topic is there? ? Sadness?

  • 一旦将各地房价成本的真实数据公之于众,将会暴露出多少“难言之隐”?
    Once the data will be publicly available throughout the real estate costs would be exposed much "transparency"?

  • 315就要到了,也希望各位理解他作为一个“小本生意人”的难言之隐吧。
    315 is coming, I hope you understand him as a "small business" of telling it.

  • 当你有难言之隐的时候,你是选择告诉真相,还是对你的伴侣说善意的谎言?
    Will you tell a truth or tell a white lie to your spouse when you think the facts is hard to tell?

  • 它们是那样的深邃、坦荡、无掩。然而我还是感受到他心中有一种难言之隐
    They were so dark and straight, and though they seem to be hiding anything, I couldn't get rid of the impression that somehow he must be hiding something.

  • 阿俊向舒馨送上颈链表达爱意,但他不肯说出当日与芬妮的事,似有难言之隐
    Chun gives Angie a necklace to show his love, but he refuses to disclose anything about Fanny. He seems has difficulties in telling the story.

  • 三是案外因素,有的法官虽然同情业主,“但有难言之隐”,只能判业主败诉。
    Third, the external factors, although some judges sympathetic owners, "but unspoken difficulties" can only be imposed against owners.

  • 但是,记住一定要听完她的解释?我肯定跟其他人一样,当时她也肯定有难言之隐
    but hear her out, OK? Like everybody. I'm sure she had her reasons.

  • 置业安家本是大喜事,然而,层出不穷的房地产纠纷却成了市场各方的“难言之隐”。
    home installation this is the big news, however, the endless disputes has become a real estate market parties "transparency".

  • 姑不论她有什麽难言之隐,和艺术资本集团这类借贷公司打交道者,除她之外,大有人在。
    But whatever her reasons, she is not alone in doing business with Art Capital and similar lenders.

  • 没有人不愿意找实力强的“正规军”检测,但老百姓也有难言之隐,高价格是他们挥之不去的痛。
    no one to find strength "regular" testing, But people also have awkward to make their minds is the high price of pain.

  • 无论是消费能力,还是行业环境,特别是业主的橱柜消费观念的差异化,让很多商家有着难言之隐
    Regardless of being the power of consumption, the profession environment, specially owner's cabinet expends the idea the variation, lets many businesses have the hard thing to bring up.

  • 都有难言之隐却振振有词,都是满腹委屈却大义凛然,退赛事件的两大主角的言行多少让人有些恍惚。
    Have argued is hiding something, but are full of grievances purpose, the two major events back game leading the number of words and deeds of some people trance.

  • 对他的控告条条有充分根据,并且为他有难言之隐的沉默一而再再而三地证实,现在他永远翻不了案。
    Every accusation against him has been amply proved, and they have been endorsed and re-endorsed by his own eloquent silence, till at this day he stands for ever convinced.

  • 这些话说得吞吞吐吐,断断续续,她似乎心里还有什么难言之隐,以致我一直在担心玛格丽特会不会发疯。
    These words were said so falteringly, and seemed to hide some painful notion that was so persistent, that I feared for her reason.

  • 当开始一段新的关系的时候,那些拥有难言之隐的夫妇们的恐惧之一便是对伴侣过去的恐惧,这包含情感和性两个方面。
    One of those unspoken fears couples face when embarking on a new relationship is the fear of their partner's past, both emotional and sexual.

  • 难言之隐造句相关
