
附庸风雅  fù yōng fēng yǎ








  • 在这精致的房间里,女性附庸风雅的迹象随处可见。
    Every evidence of womanly refinement was visible in the elegant chamber.

  • 这个附庸风雅的远郊地区也不是塞林格能呆的地方。
    The artsy-ginsy exurb was no place for Salinger.

  • 我纳闷为什么我们一直必定来看这种附庸风雅的片子。
    I don't understand why we always have to go see such artsy-fartsy movies.

  • 这个经销处比了解它的顾客更关注制作附庸风雅的广告。
    The agency is more concerned with making arty ads than understanding its clients .

  • 最终他们变得更轻柔而且附庸风雅——更适合用作舞曲了。
    And they eventually became less heavy and more arty — more danceable even.

  • 他经常说他对文学有浓厚的兴趣,其实这不过是附庸风雅而已。
    He is always talking about his deep interest in literature, but it's just a pose .

  • 他经常说他对文学有浓厚的兴趣, 其实这不过是附庸风雅而已。
    He is always talking about his deep interest in literature, but it's just a pose.

  • 他的一些附庸风雅的朋友怂恿他买下一座在美术馆里展览的雕刻品。
    Some of his artsy-fartsy friends encourage him to purchase one sculpture which is on exhibition in the gallery.

  • 他经常说他对文学有浓厚的兴趣,其实这 不过是附庸风雅而已。
    He is always talking about his deep interest in literature, but it's just a pose .

  • 我认为这跟本就不是一回事,而且我感觉他们如此附庸风雅毫无益处。
    I don't think it is and I feel they don't do themselves any great service by pretending it.

  • 有两个大款附庸风雅,参加一个冷餐会,与会者自然不乏真正的名流学者。
    Two big shots attended a buffet reception, trying to pose as lovers of culture, for the participants included some real scholars of distinction.

  • 有位附庸风雅的资本家想和海明威搭讪,问道:“什么是最好的写作方式?”
    A capitalist who posed as a lover of culture wanted to strike up a conversation with Hemingway, he asked:" What is the best way of writing ?""

  • 不要嘲笑附庸风雅的人,因为他们正服从文明,而且有一天会成为文明的使者。
    Don't laugh at those person with graces because they promote civilization. And they can become civilized people.

  • 如果说一点感觉都没有,我绝对不会附庸风雅的去表现我所谓的高尚的艺术态度。
    I will never express the so called noble art as hoity-toit if I do not have the slightest feeling.

  • 他们是懂得享受生活的高级白领、成功人士,是“达官贵族”,哪怕是附庸风雅之群。
    They are successful people--white collar workers--who have a great understanding of and a deep enthusiasm for enjoying life.

  • 提起“天涯”,中国的年轻人首先想到的肯定是“天涯社区”,而不是什么附庸风雅的诗句。
    Name "Tianya", China's young people think of first is certainly the "Tianya Community", rather than what Fuyongfengya lines.

  • 他们只是附庸风雅地死抱著那本书,像崇拜明星似的将之视为圣品。这种本末倒置的人实在太多了。
    They just hold firmly the book in pretentious cultural style and regard it as sacred thing as if it were star.

  • 尽量留在鼓浪屿。那里有一些华丽的小招待所,以及一个或两个以上的高档酒店,尽管它们相当附庸风雅
    Try and stay on Gulangyu. There are some gorgeous little guest houses, and one or two more upmarket resorts, though they are rather tacky.

  • 机智、自谦的牛津大学毕业生威克汉(39岁),当年创造女主角时,并未试图迎合附庸风雅的小说读者。
    In creating her heroine, Ms. Wickham, 39, a witty, self-deprecating Oxford graduate, was not appealing to fiction snobs.

  • 韩国城原本由喝酒带动的夜生活,因为卖咖啡带来一点附庸风雅的气息,已经成为这个地区实际上的乡村俱乐部。
    The businesses have become the area's de facto country clubs by bringing a whiff of gentility to Koreatown's alcohol-fueled night scene.

  • 一定要带你的女伴去一个与之气质相符高级餐厅——或优雅,或欢快,或冷酷,或附庸风雅。在这里,气氛很重要。
    Make sure you take your date to an expensive restaurant with an atmosphere like the one you wish to project - be it elegant, upbeat, cool or arty.

  • 我想知道它要花费多长时间接通这样的毛发,并把它旋转成一个形状…可以说,这种以附庸风雅的方式为奇的创造很快就会冷却。
    I wonder how long it took to wire up her hair like this and twist it all into shape…Sorta cool though in an artsy way.

  • 不久场所充满来自芙蓉姐姐的失恋的散文, 由于刺激-但是穿着-的照片(在在陕西好像附庸风雅的多种姿势过程中显示她)。
    Pretty soon the sites were full of lovelorn prose from Sister Lotus, along with titillating -- but clad -- photos showing her in a variety of poses that must seem arty in Shaanxi.

  • 由于藏家各自动机迥异,附庸风雅者,混世投机者以及热爱艺术的真正收藏者混杂其中,需要更多的耐心去甄别并建立一种长期而稳定的合作关系。
    Nevertheless, different collectors with different original intentions, it needs to be identified first. then establishing the long-term and stable relationship on cooperation.

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