
防不及防  fáng bù jí fáng







  • 进攻行动迅速, 敌人就狞不及
    If the attack is swift, the enemy will not be prepared.

  • 一切发生得太快了,男孩子有点不及
    Everything happened so fast, boys a little less defense.

  • 这个进球让四川队有些措不及,主场的优势一时间没有了。
    The Sichuan team goals so that some measures as prevention, home of the advantages of a time gone.

  • 全球性的粮食短缺让所有人都措不及,我们将采取什么措施?
    Global food shortages have taken everyone by surprise. What is to be done?

  • 试图出击摘传中的门将促不及,拼着撞上门柱的代价也没有将球拍出。
    Attempts to launch an attack picks passes on the goalkeeper to press against, spells is running upon post's price not to leave the racket.

  • 边路对我们而言非常重要,也还需要些改进,这样在比赛中才能让对手措不及
    The wings are very important for our play, certainly we have to improve there because it's something that can surprise our opponents and become important during games.

  • 而1月12日发生的海地地震却让海底人措不及,质量不过硬的房屋也毫无抵抗之力。
    No living Haitian had experienced a quake at home when the Jan. 12 disaster crumbled their poorly constructed buildings.

  • 而1月12日发生的海地地震却让海地人措不及,质量不过硬的房屋也毫无抵抗之力。
    No living Haitian had experienced a quake at home when the Jan. 12 disaster crumbled their poorly constructed buildings.

  • 如果说得到满足就可以得到快乐,人生实在有很多措不及的失败和预料不到的水中捞月
    Be satisfied if we can be happy, life is a lot of the failure of prevention measures and not unexpected .

  • 一切发生得太快了,男孩子有点不及。稍稍愣了一下,脸上的笑还来不及褪去,新的一波笑意竟浮了上来。
    Everything happened so fast, boys a little less defense. A slightly distracted look, his face too laughter fade, the new wave of smile was floating up.

  • 令人悲伤和不应该发生的悲剧就是暴露于大量杀虫剂下的农民,农民工和其他人令人粹不及的疾病和猝死。
    The sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers, and others exposed to sufficient quantities of pesticides is very sad and should not occur.

  • 巴蒂尔很有可能守科比,但是在三月份的比赛中,阿泰斯特发生了一个战略性言论,使得科比措不及,也激怒了科比。
    Battier typically guards Bryant, but in a game between the teams in March, Artest employed a trash-talking strategy that surprised and irritated Bryant.

  • 通过各种手段,政府已经以令人措不及的速度将档案分类处理。在这种行政管理之下,更多的机构获得授权对档案进行分类处理。
    By any measure, the administration has been classifying documents at a dizzying pace. Under this administration, more agencies have been given authority to classify documents.

  • 有一种东西,它会在某个夏天的夜晚象风一样突然袭来,让你措不及,无法安宁,与你形影相随,挥之不去,我不知道那是什么,只能称它为爱情。
    There is something that comes suddenly like a wind on a warm summer's evening. It takes you off guard. , and leaves you …

  • 有一种东西,它会在某个夏天的夜晚像风一样突然袭来,让你措不及,无法安宁,与你形影相随,挥之不去,我不知道那是什么,只能称它为爱情。——余虹日记。
    There is something that comes suddenly like a wind on a warm summer's evening. It takes you off guard, and leaves you without peace. It follows you l…

  • 防不及防造句相关
