
闻所未闻  wén suǒ wèi wén








  • 这些人都给了我许多闻所未闻的知识。
    All of these people gave me a great deal of information I had never heard of.

  • 闻所未闻,让我看看图片。
    I didn't heard of that. Let me see it.

  • 他是一位史无前例、闻所未闻的网球冠军。
    He was a champion like tennis had never seen.

  • 他们将教你闻所未闻或者曾未做过的东西。
    They may teach you something you have never done.

  • 当代大学生面临的选择几年前闻所未闻的。
    Today's college students face choices unheard of years ago.

  • 几乎是执法枪击事件中闻所未闻的高命中率。
    Pretty much unheard of in law enforcement shootings.

  • 他们会告诉你许多你闻所未闻,使你拍案称奇的事情。
    They will tell you many things which you have never known and whereat you will be amazed.

  • 冬天居然会有客人上伊滨来住,这真是闻所未闻的好运气。
    A guest to stop at Iping in the wintertime was an unheard-of piece of luck.

  • 此前我对抗议活动闻所未闻。所以很好奇,过去看了一下。
    I hadn't heard anything about a protest, so I was curious and went to have a look.

  • 灾难性巨变很少见,长期持续的灾难性变化更几乎是闻所未闻
    Catastrophic change is rare, and continual catastrophic change over long periods is almost unknown.

  • 然而,其他一些大学所采取的扩大生源的手段在几十年前闻所未闻
    Other colleges, though, are trying to drum up excitement by offering perks that would have been unheard of a generation ago.

  • 他描写纸币流通,煤炭和其他欧洲当时闻所未闻的其他有价值的东西。
    He described paper currency, coal, and other valuables that were unknown in Europe at the time.

  • 他们现在正享受免费透析,费用由政府承担,这在以前的中国是闻所未闻的。
    They are now enjoying free dialysis at the government's expense, something almost unheard of in China.

  • 河北的戏曲有着悠久的历史,游客到了河北可以欣赏到闻所未闻的古老戏曲。
    Hebei has a long history of opera, the hebei tourists can enjoy unheard-old opera.

  • “德干圣战者”组织此前几乎闻所未闻,但孟买袭击计划周密,不似新手策划。
    "Deccan Jihad" organization, previously almost unheard of, but well-planned attacks on Mumbai, the new plan may not.

  • 阳春参观如此规模的日本艺术家迄今已闻所未闻的,而且肯定是没有风险和障碍。
    A solo tour of this scale by a Japanese artist had been hitherto unheard of, and was certainly not without its risks and obstacles.

  • 你当然清楚,内部客户是该业务领域的专家,他们会说一些你以前闻所未闻的专业术语。
    You know that the internal clients are subject matter experts and will speak to you in a language filled with acronyms you have never heard before.

  • 如果你遭遇交通堵塞,别灰心丧气。在这个世界上,驾车对一些人来说还是闻所未闻的特权。
    If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.

  • 丘成桐后来发现,有些老师教学生,原来从未见面,也不相往来,这倒是闻所未闻的稀奇事。
    Afterwards, Qiu found a curious thing never heard about that some teachers never meet with their students, let alone to associate each other.

  • 丘成桐后来发现,有些老师教学生,原来从未见面,也不相往来,这倒是闻所未闻的稀奇事。
    Later, Qiu found that some teachers neither meet nor have come-and-go with their students, which is really a strange thing never heard of before.

  • 杰克•斯派洛(看到像岩石一样坚硬的螃蟹腿):现在我们正被一群石头跟着,真是闻所未闻
    Jack Sparrow: [as he sees rock-like crabs] Now we're being followed by rocks. Never heard that before.

  • 裁判跳过桌子来和卡特一起庆祝,这真是闻所未闻!……文斯卡特最后一轮的第一扣!HOHO!
    The judges are coming over the table to congratulate Vince Carter. It is unheard of! …Vince Carter with his first on the final round! …HOHO!

  • 但两个星期前,政府颁布的一条禁止居民夜行的宵禁令更是让马塞卢处于一种闻所未闻的死寂之中。
    But it reached a new depth of deadness two weeks ago when a curfew forced people to stay home at night.

  • 这么年轻就完成本科学业实在很少见,但能在紧接着的一年里取得数学系的博士学位就更有点儿闻所未闻了。
    It is rare for such a young student to fulfill their undergraduate but to go on the following year and achieve his doctorate degree in Mathematics the next is a bit unheard of.

  • 随着人群聚集,他们的怒气继续上升。周二早晨电台谈话节目的主持人开始行动,宣传一种闻所未闻的论调。
    With the crowds still massing and anger rising, the talk-show hosts on Tuesday morning swung into action, propagating an unheard-of line of argument.

  • 成百上千年前,辐射中毒闻所未闻。就辐射而言,当时几乎没多少人罹患过癌症,且那些癌症病例也极少因辐射引起。
    Hundred's of years ago, there was no such thing as radiation poisoning, or for that matter radiation at all, even cancer was few and far strung.

  • 当我丧失了所有的钱财,不得不住到城里最穷的地区时,我遇到一些闻所未闻,见所未见的人。我从来不知道还有这样的人存在。
    When I lost all my money and had to live in the poorest part of the city, I met some very strange people. I never knew such people existed.

  • 当我丧失了所有的钱财,不得不住到城里最穷的地区时,我遇到一些闻所未闻,见所未见的人。我从来不知道还有这样的人存在。
    When I lost all my money and had to live in the poorest part of the city, I met some very strange people.

  • 朝鲜人民听到了他们闻所未闻的乐曲——格什温,德沃夏克的作品,还有《星条旗永不落》——由具有历史意义首次访朝的美国交响乐团演奏。
    North Koreans listened to music they had never heard before—Gershwin, Dvorak and the "Star-Spangled Banner"—in an historic first visit by an American orchestra.

  • 沃尔玛是中国上最大的商品消费厂家,然而在也是中国人常去的消费场所,许多人热衷于在琳琅满目的产品中购物,许多产品他们的父辈甚至闻所未闻
    Wal-Mart is one of the biggest buyers of consumer goods manufactured in China, but it also has stores there for Chinese customers, who enjoy a variety of choices their parents' generation never knew.

  • 闻所未闻造句相关
