
问长问短  wèn cháng wèn duǎn






  • 我的唯一目的是不让他问长问短
    My only object was to keep off his inquiries.

  • 对他们点头致意比问长问短更轻松。
    It's easier to give them a polite nod than to ask what's wrong.

  • 在人群中四处活动,向每个人问长问短
    Work the crowd, ask how everyone's doing.

  • 王海一出现,50多名业主兴奋地聚拢在他身边问长问短
    Wang Hai appeared, more than 50 owners excitedly waited at his side make detailed inquiry.

  • 一个大大的纸皮箱给带进来了,我签收了,但不敢打开,因为同事一定会问长问短的。
    11a. m. , a postman bring a big card box to my office, but I can just sign it then hide it up to prevent others asking.

  • 记者发现,前来看房的人中,戴着老花镜、和老伴一起问长问短的老年夫妇随处可见。
    The reporters found that the people who came to house, wearing presbyopic glasses, and his wife together make detailed inquiry elderly couples everywhere.

  • 他不是双子座的,却对周围人与事物,往往抱着一股追根到底的兴趣,问东问西,问长问短
    Ever since he was not but being around people and things, often holding Yi Gu Tracing in the end of the interest, asking questions, Wenchangwenduan.

  • 人们见了,“呼啦啦”围了上来七嘴八舌问长问短。小姑娘一句话也没有说,只是妈妈含着眼泪说出原委。
    People met, "you hula" Wai Wenzhangwenduan Borkborkbork up. The young girl did not say a word, the only mother with tears in her eyes tell the whole story.

  • 每天放学后,母亲一次次问长问短,问这问那,当我兴高采烈的一一回答时,母亲脸上的笑容是那么的灿烂。
    Every day after school, the mother again and again Wenzhangwenduan, and asked the question that, when I was elated to answer one by one, the mother's smile is so brilliant.

  • 有些超市连锁店正在使用自动扫描仪,你可以自己结账,避开那些令人心烦的店员,他们总是看着你问长问短
    Para. 10) Some supermarket chains are using a self-scanner so you can check yourself out, avoiding those annoying clerks who look at you and ask how you are doing.

  • 立陶宛情况最“严重”,住在同个旅舍的似乎没有看过亚洲人,一直抓着我问长问短,不然就是热情地送上吃的。
    The situation was "worst" in Lithuania. People staying in the same hostel seemed not to have seen Asians before, taking every opportunity to talk to me or offer me help or food.

  • 问长问短造句相关
