
问寒问暖  wèn hán wèn nuǎn






  • 在拐角的邮局问寒有一家。
    There is one next to the post office round the corner.

  • 曹操看了以后非常难过,曹操就走过去向他们问寒
    Cao Cao looked after very sad, Cao Cao went to them Cold warm.

  • 多年以后, 倘若与你相逢, 我将如何向你问寒
    If I should meet thee After long years, How should I greet thee?

  • 劳累时,你要心疼一下自己,睡个好觉,为自己来一番问寒
    in time of tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep, and show yourself loving concern about your health and daily life.

  • 劳累时,妳要心疼一下自己,睡个好觉,为自己来一番问寒
    in time of tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep, and show yourself loving concern about your health and daily life.

  • 来到民工中间,问寒,承诺一定尽快送他们回家,让焦急的民工得到了温的抚慰。
    Migrant workers came to the middle, Wenhanwennuan, a certain commitment to send them home as soon as possible, so that migrant workers have been anxious the warm comfort.

  • 自从装修公司到家,我们拿他们当上帝,问寒,只希望活儿做得好一点,可题屡屡发生。
    Since home decoration company, and we take them as God asked cold, warm asked only hope that families do better. problems may have occurred.

  • 另外﹐作为媳妇的你﹐应该给予婆婆更多的关爱﹐诸如多些虚﹐不时地送些小礼物﹐特别是节假日时。
    Additionally, as a daughter-in-law, you'd better take more care to your mother-in-law, such as more greetings, some gifts from time to time especially on festivals etc.

  • 打点滴时她们守候在每个病房门前,随时提供服务;平时对伤员和家属问寒,耐心解释我们提出的每一个题。
    Dadian Di when they waited in front of each ward, stands ready to provide services to the wounded and their families in peacetime Wenhanwennuan, we patiently explained By every question.

  • 可是仍然给自己一个微笑,毕竟我对得起现在码的这些字,对得起替我扫描论文或者不时过来踩一脚问寒的人。
    A lesson from the day- be nice to people close to you. Protect them and fight for them. Last but not least, I am still working on my thesis and I did not go to I.

  • ,一个风和日丽的日子,与爸爸妈妈来到双星攀岩俱乐部,前台接待员姐姐迎上来我们:“请三位在室内还是在室外攀岩?”
    Chun-tuan's cold, a bright and sunny day, and my parents came to binary climbing club, went to her receptionist asked us: "I would like to ask three in indoor or outdoor rock climbing?"

  • 姑母干咳了几声,清清嗓子,吞下口水,用法国话发言,她看见海伦觉得很高兴,之后把脸转向皮埃尔,用同样的言词问寒,流露着同样的神色。
    The old aunt coughed, swallowed the phlegm, and said in French that she was very glad to see Ellen; then she addressed Pierre with the same greeting and the same grimace.

  • 终于到了踏进家门的那一刻,父母的关切像一股流淌过我们的心房,他们忙着帮我们拿行李,准备吃的东西,还一边问寒……“儿行千里母担忧”。
    Finally to enter the home at the moment, the concerns of parents like atrial U. S. , they are busy helping us get luggage, ready to eat, but also side…"Er line Qianli worried mother."

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