
闭关自守  bì guān zì shǒu








  • 闭关自守的政策不能引导 国家走向繁荣。
    The close-door policy couldn't steer a country to prosperity.

  • 当我们闭关自守时,你们以鸦片强行开放市场。
    When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.

  • 长期闭关自守,把中国搞得贫穷落后,愚昧无知。
    As a consequence, the country declined into poverty and ignorance.

  • 独立自主不是闭关自守,自力更生不是盲目的排外。
    Independence does not mean shutting the door on the world, NOR does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign.

  • 里昂似乎已濒临衰退为一个死气沉沉,闭关自守的省城。
    Lyon seemed ready to subside into a sleepy and closed provincial city.

  • 但是,独立自主不是闭关自守,自力更生不是盲目排外。
    But independence does not mean shutting the door to the outside world, nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign.

  • 我们闭关自守时,你们把毒品偷偷运到公开的市场上去卖。
    When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.

  • 闭关自守这么久后,这些年轻人,尚有勇气精力走向大世界。
    After a long isolation, these young men still have courage and energy to go toward the great world.

  • 这两位修女如今已搬到邻近一间修女院,留下莉莉安娜修女闭关自守
    The two nuns have now moved into a nearby convent leaving Sister Liliana barricaded inside.

  • 中国在西方国家产业革命以后变得落后了,一个重要原因就是闭关自守
    One important reason for China's backwardness after the industrial revolution in Western countries was its closed-door policy .

  • 改革不能闭关自守,教育现代化、教育与国际接轨是教育发展与改革的必然趋势。
    Reform can not turn inwards, education modernization, education international standards is an inevitable trend following the development of education reform.

  • 任何人都不应闭关自守,而应面向世界,以探索人们怎样对付日新月异的事态发展。
    Never should a man stay in a closed-door room. You should explore the universe to see how men are coping with the events of changing.

  • 但即使他们这样做了,仍然很难想象他们能怎样结束已历时30年的开放而闭关自守
    But even if they did, it is hard to see how they could end the 30-year-old process of opening up and turn China in on itself.

  • 任何人都不应闭关自守,而应面向世界,以探索人们怎样对付日新月异时代的事态发展。
    Never should a man stay in a closed-door room, you should explore the universe to see how men are coping with the events of changing .

  • 我需要结交新的朋友,接受不同的观点,增加更多的常识并需要打开我的心扉而不再是闭关自守
    I need to make new friends, accept different views, browse more common senses and try to open my heart rather than ego-centered.

  • 这样往往容易使我们的视野受到一定的局限,甚至难免不自觉地受到闭关自守的因袭观点的影响。
    This is often easier to make our vision subject to certain restrictions, even unconsciously, will inevitably be closed因袭the impact point of view.

  • 因为现在任何国家要发达起来,闭关自守都不可能。我们吃过这个苦头,我们的老祖宗吃过这个苦头。
    A closed-door policy prevents any country from developing. We suffered from isolation, and so did our forefathers.

  • 任何人都不应该闭关自守,而应面向世界,以探索人们怎样对付日新月异时代的事态发展。——伊斯拉姆。
    Never should a man stay in a closed-door room. You should explore the universe to see how men are coping with the events of changing times. --Nazrul Islam.

  • 要而言之,中国既要有自我的认识,又要有世界的眼光,既要有不闭关自守的度量,又要有不盲目模仿的决心。
    To sum up, China has to have self-knowledge, but also have a world vision, which requires both a measure of non-closed-door policy, but also there are not blindly copy the determination.

  • 还记得1982年的世界形势么?那时美国苦于同苏联争夺世界霸权,中国也才结束闭关自守,开始经济改革。
    REMEMBER 1982, when the Soviet threat haunted America and China was still a giant backwater that had only just started reforming its economy?

  • 而在郑和下西洋不久,当哥伦比亚发现新大陆,儒教的世界观大行其道时,中国烧掉了舰队并开始了闭关自守
    And not long after Zheng He's voyages, when Columbus reached the New World, the Confucian worldview won the day; China burned its fleet and turned inward.

  • 过去那种地方的和民族的自给自足和闭关自守状态,被各民族的各方面的互相往来和各方面的互相依赖所代替了。
    In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal inter-dependence of nations.

  • 这三种集团代表着不同层次的血缘亲属关系,并且它们之中每个都是闭关自守,各管各的事情,但是又互相补充。
    Gens, phratry, and tribe are all groups of different degrees of consanguinity, each self-contained and ordering its own affairs, but each supplementing the other.

  • 过去那种地方的和民族的自给自足和闭关自守状态,被各民族的各方面的互相往来和各方面的互相依赖所代替了。
    In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency, we have intercourse in every direction, universal interdependence of nations.

  • 是否存在这样一种可能,美国最终会选择撤退到另一不同的防护罩下——不是导弹防御,而是关闭国门,闭关自守
    Is there a danger that America will choose, in the end, to retreat behind a different kind of shield—not one that guards against missiles, but one that aims to shut out the world?

  • 为履行自己的职责,在七十年代初期,美国确实制定过一条颇有希望的持中路线,既反对闭关自守又对多极化的世界作出反应。
    In the early 1970s, the United States did chart' a promising centrist course designed to fulfill our responsibilities by both resisting withdrawal and responding to a pluralistic world.

  • 诚然,没有哪个国家必须要重复历史,况且中国也已摆脱了几个世纪来的闭关自守,并对外国的投资、贸易以及技术敞开了怀抱。
    No country, of course, is bound to repeat the history, and China has shed centuries of insularity to embrace foreign investment, trade and technology.

  • 美国早期的孤立主义,包括几个层面的含义:第一、孤立主义是一个政治和外交的概念,并非绝对的闭关自守,仅限于政治和外交领域。
    The thought contains four aspects. First, Isolationism of the United States is not simply "closed-door" , but delineated American foreign policy towards other nations.

  • 上述所有问题都基于这样一个事实:没有任何一个国家能够单独应对21世纪的挑战,也没有任何一个国家能在闭关自守的情况下有效地增进自身利益。
    All of these issues are rooted in the fact that no one national meet the challenges of the 21st century on its own, nor effectively advance its interests in isolation.

  • “在利物浦我过得非常开心,但是在足球领域,你不能总是闭关自守,因为你永远都不会知道下面会发生什么,我没打算离开利物浦,”他接受国家队报采访表示道。
    "I am happy at Liverpool but in football you cannot close the doors on anything because you don't know what will happen. I do not plan to go, " he told El Pais.

  • 闭关自守造句相关
