
铺天盖地  pū tiān gài dì







  • 第二天,报纸上的“食人魔”三个字铺天盖地
    The next day the newspapers were full of Khalid der Kannibale.

  • 俄罗斯的坦克,部队和空军铺天盖地涌向边境。
    Russian tanks, troops and aircraft poured across the border.

  • 随后进来的萨德尔特里铺天盖地问了他许多问题,他却答非所问。
    Saddle-tree, who entered immediately afterwards, overwhelmed him with questions, which he answered without understanding them.

  • 沉重的身躯奋力地朝前冲,卷起红色尘土如滚滚的云层铺天盖地
    The mass of heaving bodies surges forward, kicking up a billowing cloud of red dust.

  • 房地产广告便铺天盖地席卷而来,充斥着各大媒体和生活的各个角落。
    Various mass media and different corners of our life are fulfilled with overwhelming advertisement of estate.

  • 在什么也看不见的铺天盖地的大雪中飞行,犹如在一个大奶瓶内飞行一样。
    In the blinding snowouts, it's just like flying inside a milk bottle.

  • 当今时代铺天盖地的媒体宣传使社会不再可能将任何一个男人或女人奉为英雄。
    In this age of intensive media coverage, it is no longer possible for a society to regard any woman or man as a hero.

  • 在如今铺天盖地的都是宣传养生的酸奶广告中,这个独辟蹊径的做法值得推广。
    It is a good example that is worthy to be promoted among those all-the-same ads.

  • 这对曾被怀疑是嫌犯的父母正计划着借助于铺天盖地的广告来寻找女儿的下落。
    The parents, who have been named as suspects in the case, now planning to launch a massive ad blitz to try to find her.

  • 在共和国上下,震惊的幸存者们恐惧地关注着铺天盖地而来的全息频道战争快讯。
    Across the remnants of the Republic, stunned beings watch in horror as the battle unfolds live on the HoloNet.

  • 可是随着铺天盖地的电子产品与各种商业广告,质量与售后服务越来越凸显重要。
    But with the omnipresent electronic products with a wide range of commercial advertising, quality and after-sales service more important highlights.

  • 现在网游风起云涌,韩国、美国游戏铺天盖地,国产游戏也如雨后春笋一般复生。
    Now online blustery, Korea, America, domestic game play also have mushroomed general resurrected.

  • 他的手指向一个村庄上一大片滚滚黑云,这片黑云就突然喷发出铺天盖地的闪电。
    He pointed to a gathering dark mass of clouds over one village that suddenly erupted into a shower of lightning.

  • 很少有政客会投票反对这些法律,因为一旦投了,对他们的抨击就会铺天盖地而来。
    Few politicians dare to vote against such laws, because if they do, the attack ads practically write themselves.

  • 2009年是绿色一年,从绿色奥运到绿色中国,绿色理念铺天盖地般席卷人们生活。
    Year 2009 is the green year, from green Olympics to green China, green concepts spread to every part of people's life.

  • 所以说,虽然离下一次选举还有一年,但是他已经着手在媒体上铺天盖地地宣传自己了。
    Which is why he is already blasting their screens with his biography, even though the election is a year away.

  • 独自伫立在黑暗沉寂之中,生命中的冬天铺天盖地的来。童年的回忆充满馨香,至尽令我难以忘怀。
    I stand alone in the darkness, the winter of my life came so fast. Memories go back to childhood, to days I still recall.

  • 当“民族的才是世界的”一观念被设计师普遍认同的时候,传统民族符号开始铺天盖地地使用起来。
    When the idea "the nationality is the world" was generally accepted by the designers, the traditional national sign was used broadly.

  • 你怎么知道自己是否患有注意力缺陷多动症,专家称患有这种疾病的人好比弹球一样,想法铺天盖地
    How do you know you have ADHD, which experts compare to having a mind like a pinball, with thoughts flitting in multiple directions.

  • 自从2000年世界卫生组织将肥胖症定为一种流行病以来,肥胖症会带来可怕后果的报道铺天盖地
    Since the World Health Organization labeled obesity an "epidemic" in 2000, reports on its fearful consequences have come thick and fast.

  • “我的整个东侧翼将发动铺天盖地猛攻”,他说。按他要求,所有空军全部的重型轰炸机都投入该次战斗。
    "My whole Eastern flank will burst into flames, " he said, as he demanded that the full weight of all the air forces be thrown into the battle.

  • 但不管怎样,队伍在比赛中表现出的胆怯使整个英国媒体和都感到愤怒。铺天盖地的批评指向了球员和教练。
    It was however the timid nature of the team performance that has angered the English media and fans, leading them to lash out at the players and the management.

  • 在最近几个月中,有关维耶里在国米未来的各种猜测铺天盖地,曾一度传闻英超巨头切尔西有意将他带到英超。
    Vieri's future at Inter has been the subject of intense speculation for a number of months now, with Premiership moneybags Chelsea believed to be keen on bringing the striker to England.

  • 周围摩天大楼铺天盖地,新加坡是一个世界聚集地,这里以繁华的酒店、酒吧、旅馆还有购物中心在旅游者中而闻名于世。
    Dominated by dazzling skyscrapers, Singapore is a cosmopolitan state that boasts a wealth of pubs, bars, restaurants and shopping malls to visitors.

  • 有三种简单却铺天盖地般强烈的激情,支配了我的整整一生:对爱的渴望、对知识的追求以及对人类苦难的难以承受的怜悯。
    Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life:the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

  • 针对美国在伊拉克行为的批评是铺天盖地、有理有据,并且已不只局限于在臭名昭著的阿布格雷布监狱曝光的恶劣管理制度了。
    Criticism of American action in Iraq is widespread and well-founded and extends well beyond the disgraceful prison regime at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison.

  • 如果你是风险投资或融资收购公司的专业人士,那么你正被包围在专业融资者,也就是投资银行家们铺天盖地的各种“机会”之中;
    If you are a professional working for a venture capital or leveraged buyout firm, you are being bombarded with "opportunities" from professional money raisers known as investment bankers.

  • 是吉尔湖西南端的多利岩石激发叶芝写下了”多利的小提琴手”一诗(当我在多利演奏小提琴时/民间舞蹈好似大海铺天盖地白浪涌来。
    Dooney's Rock at the southwestern end of Lough Gill, inspire Yeats poem "The Fiddler of Dooney, "("When I play on my fiddle in Dooney/Folk dance like a wave on the sea.

  • 德斯穆克的副手也提出辞职。副首席部长R。R。帕蒂尔把孟买遭遇的这场前所未有的袭击称作是“一个小事件”。这番话招致铺天盖地的批评。
    Deshmukh's number-two is also quitting. Deputy Chief Minister R. R. Patil called the unprecedented siege of Mumbai "a small incident. " That comment generated an uproar of criticism.

  • 然而,那个电子邮箱地址在网站上已存在了很长一段时间,只是由于几百名儿童遭到神职人员或教会管辖机构猥亵的丑闻浮出水面,而后铺天盖地,这一网站才突然变得引入注目了。
    Yet thee-mail address had long been on the site, and came to prominence only amid the mushrooming worldwide scandal involving hundreds of people molested by priests or in church-run institutions.

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