
铸成大错  zhù chéng dà cuò








  • 当感情完全淹没理智时, 就可能铸成大错
    If (one was) overwhelmed by passion, it could lead to serious blunders.

  • 抛弃科学对你来说将会铸成大错
    It would be a sin on your part to abandon science.

  • 你终于知道你的想法会铸成大错了吧!
    Béjart——"You know you miswanting maybe to make a gross error."

  • 一失足成千古恨。 小失误会铸成大错
    Little mistakes lead to big ones.

  • 过早地取消刺激措施,有可能铸成大错
    Early withdrawal of stimulus is likely to be a huge error.

  • 当感情完全淹没理智时,就可能铸成大错
    If (one was) overwhelmed by passion , it could lead to serious blunders.

  • 如此进攻将铸成大错
    Such an attack would be a mistake.

  • 那在当时似乎是个好主意,但后来却铸成大错
    It seemed like a good idea at the time, and then it all went horribly wrong.

  • 谁不遵守原则都会铸成大错。她所说的话非常有道理。
    Whoever fails to conform to the principles will make a big mistake.

  • 我们上一次出去… 带着山姆一起 -铸成大错
    Last time we went out… we took Sam with us - big mistake.

  • 每个时代都有其虚构的神话误导你掉以轻心而铸成大错
    Each era has its own myths that mislead the unwary into harmful error.

  • 如果采用抚慰的办法来结束这个严重事件,将铸成大错
    It would be a great mistake to end this grave business up in a pleasant kiss all round.

  • 它的低率政策铸成大错,要知道超低利率并不是万灵丹。
    The Federal Reserve's low interest policy is a big mistake; it is not a panacea.

  • 尽管由于他的愚蠢铸成大错,但俄国“维持和平”的要求仍是荒谬的。
    Yet his mistakes and follies notwithstanding, Russia's claim that it was "enforcing peace" is preposterous.

  • 在这个遥远的安全住所里,每过一分钟都会使他更加感到自己已铸成大错
    Every moment of his time in this far-off abode of safety but added to his feeling that he had made a great mistake.

  • 秦始皇尽管精明强干,却没有在建在的时候指定接班人,因而铸成大错
    For all his shrewdness, Qin Shi Huang made the fatal mistake of not having appointed his successor when he was still alive and well.

  • 电力系统本身的资金密集性要求我们丝毫不可有一点点侥幸去赶风潮,否则就会铸成大错
    The capital of itself of electric power system is concentrated the gender asks our a bit cannot have little to drive agitation by good luck, can make a gross error otherwise.

  • 很显然,入驻白宫将近200天的时间里,他已经避免铸成大错,尤其最头痛的经济政策方面。
    Most obviously, nearly 200 days into office, he has avoided making any horrific mistakes, especially in the fraught business of economic policy.

  • 许多男人因喜欢一个酒窝就娶回整个女孩,遂铸成大错。(就象为了喝牛奶而养一条牛一样。)
    Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.

  • 许多男人因喜欢一个酒窝就娶回整个女孩,遂铸成大错。(就象?了喝牛奶而养一条牛一样。)
    Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.

  • 如果长得漂亮是一种错,我已经铸成大错;如果聪明是一种罪,我已经犯下滔天大罪,做人真难!
    If a mistake was pretty, I have make a big mistake if the crime is a smart, I have committed heinous crimes, Zhennan life!

  • 被告PeterSunde说,“裁决有罪可能对互联网的未来铸成大错…孰是孰非,显而易见。”
    One defendant, Peter Sunde, said a guilty verdict would "be a huge mistake for the future of the internet…it's quite obvious which side is the good side."

  • 在这种病毒流行初期,医学界和政府迟迟没有采取措施以保证国家的血浆供应清洁,由此铸成大错
    Mistakes were made very early in the epidemic because the medical profession and government delayed for too long to ensure that the country's blood supply was clean.

  • 梅尔贝里(6分):发挥平平,最后时刻险些让弗洛雷斯破门,好在这次失误并未像上场一样铸成大错
    Meier Berry (6 points): Displays averagely, finally the time lets Fuluoleisi force a door open nearly, is good because of this fault has not gone on stage likely casts the blunder equally.

  • 如果微小事件就能对复杂系统产生重大影响,那麽即便已瞭解了99%需要瞭解的情况,还是极易铸成大错
    If small events can have large effects on complex systems, even knowing 99 per cent of what you need to know leaves you vulnerable to large errors.

  • 那么,梅森先生向他解释说罗切斯特先生已经结婚了,你舅舅让他立刻回英格兰,阻止你结婚,以免铸成大错
    Well, when Mr Mason explained that Mr Rochester was already married, your uncle sent him straight back to England to prevent you from marrying and making a terrible mistake.

  • 较宽的信息面,对于经营者来说,是必不可少的。而这一点,往往被许多人所忽视,以致铸成大错,后悔莫及。
    And this, often be ignored by a lot of person place, as a result make a gross error, regretful.

  • 其中,名叫皮特•桑德的被告称,有罪判决将“为互联网的未来铸成大错…谁是好心谁是恶意难道看不出来吗!”
    One defendant, Peter Sunde, said a guilty verdict would "be a huge mistake for the future of the internet…it's quite obvious which side is the good side."

  • 而且当我们还在这里在谈论有关要不要变动25个基本点的时候(加息来控制过度的投资),要想铸成大错几乎是没有可能的。
    It is simply impossible to make a grave mistake when we're talking about movements of 25 basis points.

  • 王建铆表示,中国已经厌倦了大跃进:“摸索前进”是一种更明智的战略,他表示,“这样我们就不会那么轻易地铸成大错。”
    Prof Wang says China is fed up with great leaps forward: "Groping forward" is a wiser strategy, he says, "that way we won't so easily make a big mistake".

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