
重见天日  chóng jiàn tiān rì








  • 世界越来越小,我们共同的人性将重见天日
    that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself;

  • 重见天日之时,他的政坛生涯似乎走到了终点。
    Upon release, his political career seemed over.

  • 古代文化重见天日
    The culture of antiquity was rediscovered.

  • 满布铁绣、灰尘的老底片,终得重见天日的机会。
    Old films, covered with rust and dust, have their chance to see the light of day again.

  • 壁画上这些涂炭的生灵终将重见天日和再放光彩!
    figures in mud and charcoal will after all see the light of day and shine once again sometime in future!

  • 移民大赦使得部分非法在美居留的人得以重见天日
    An immigration amnesty has enabled many illegal residents in the U.

  • 陵墓重见天日的这一天,所有的人都欣喜若狂尽相庆贺。
    The day the tomb was opened was one of joy and celebration for all.

  • 发自内心的微笑能够驱散忧郁的愁云,让太阳重见天日
    The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again.

  • 难道就被埋在沙子下面,直到一阵狂风吹来,它才重见天日
    Was it lying buried under a heap of sand until it was uncovered by a storm?I shall never know.

  • 发掘工作使神庙的地基和通往现在已是沼泽的旧址的道路重见天日
    The digging revealed the temple's foundation and the road to the now swampy site.

  • 尽管墓葬葬品并不十分丰富,但又有多件较为珍贵的文物重见天日
    Despite the mass burial goods is not very rich, but they have more pieces of precious cultural relics will see a bright future.

  • 直到最近以前,中央银行认为通货膨行这个暴徒将永世无法重见天日
    Until recently, central bankers thought that this thug had been locked up for life.

  • 然后有一天,一位外科圣手为他进行了一项复杂的手术,令他得以重见天日
    But then one day a skilled surgeon performed a complicated operation, and Bob could see.

  • 他们一起开始策划一场起义,准备结束博斯克的残暴统治,让穷人们重见天日
    Together, they began planning an uprising in preparation for the end of Bosque's brutal rule, so that poor people see a bright future.

  • 他说:“如果以色列不释放几百名在押的巴勒斯坦人,沙里特就不会重见天日。”
    He said "Shalit will not see the light of day" until Israel releases hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

  • 这药要把白翳聚在一起,使白翳从他眼中脱落,这样你父亲便得复明,重见天日
    This medicine will make the cataracts shrink and peel off from his eyes; then your father will again be able to see the light of day.

  • 有些是把被有意回避或语焉不祥的历史,经过作者的调查和探索,使其重见天日
    Some of the passages are about the history that had been avoided purposely….

  • 以日本医师为首的一组眼科医生群,成功的将一枚用口腔薄膜培植让病患重见天日
    A team led by a Japanese eye doctor has succeeded in restoring the sight of patients by cultivating an artificial cornea out of membranes taken from their mouths.

  • 2014年8月,亚洲地区首次重见天日,3星期后核子冬天结束,各地开始解冻。
    August, Asia region first time release after imprisonment, empress 3 weeks nuclear winter be over, everyplace start defrost.

  • 马萨诸塞州的官员米特·罗米尼指出至少于本星期末封闭的隧道一部分隧道将重见天日
    Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney says at least one portion of the closed tunnels is expected to reopen late this weekend.

  • 在筑巢的鸽子的帮助下,一幅暗藏了300年的文艺复兴时期的油画在西班牙重见天日
    Renaissance fresco hidden for 300 years has been rediscovered in Spain - thanks to nesting pigeons.

  • 这一下,没让我花一分钱就把眼睛治好了,以后不怕外出让孩子们担心了,是政府让我重见天日
    This, has not let me spend one cent money to cure the eye, later did not fear that went out to let the children worry, was the government lets me be delivered from oppression.

  • 墓碑的重见天日仿佛讲述着英雄的战斗事迹,这块墓碑也将永远立在人民心中。碑上刻着“勇敢顽强”。
    And now this tablet could tell people what the story is all about again and people will also bear in mind for ever what this special tablet featured with Brave and Great Will stands for.

  • 情急之下,我横下一条心,沿着篱笆走,看到可以进入的入口就进去,终于,我第一个“重见天日”啦!
    Panic, I cross under the of one mind, walk along the fence to see the entrance to enter the account, and finally, I first "see a bright future" it!

  • 伊斯兰教慈善组织案件的窃听证据,五年前在财政部一次偶然机会披露给原告的密级文件后,得以重见天日
    The eavesdropping evidence in the Islamic charity's case came to light after the Treasury Department accidentally disclosed a classified document to the plaintiffs five years ago.

  • 1600年代,至少有两位学者曾试图解读这份手稿,后来它消失了将近250年,直到伏尼契发现才重见天日
    During the 1600s, at least two scholars apparently tried to decipher the manuscript, and then it disappeared for nearly 250 years until Voynich unearthed it.

  • 为了保护这位伟大的相对论者的形象,遗嘱执行人多年来一直反对公开这些资料,但它们最终还是开始重见天日了。
    These are finally coming to light after years of resistance by executors eager to shield the great relativist's image.

  • 但是天主,当面补偿了他所受的凌辱,阿希加出来重见天日,纳达布却进入了永远的黑暗中,原来他想谋杀阿希加。
    Yet God made Nadab's disgraceful crime rebound against him. Ahiqar came out again into the light, but Nadab went into the everlasting darkness, for he had tried to kill Ahiqar.

  • “民主促进”在您那笨拙的前任(译者注:即乔治·布什)手里暗淡无光而您的个人魅力和人气给了它重见天日的机会。
    "Democracy promotion" lost its shine under your cack-handed, tin-eared predecessor. Your huge personal popularity gives it a second chance.

  • 加利福尼亚州警方表示一名被绑架了18年的妇女终于重见天日,她在11岁时被绑架并关在与世隔绝的后花园禁地里。
    A woman who police say was kidnapped 18 years ago when she was just 11 years old and then held in isolation in a backyard compound has turned up OK in California.

  • 重见天日造句相关
