
重男轻女  zhòng nán qīng nǚ







  • 在你身边,重男轻女现象还存在吗?
    Are men still superior to women in your life?

  • 印度重男轻女的观念在识字率上有明显体现。
    The differences in the treatment of boys and girls in India are easily seen in literacy rates.

  • 社会学家对长期以来的重男轻女演化敲响警钟。
    Social scientists are ringing the alarm about the long-term ramifications.

  • 商州固有的“重男轻女”思想直接影响到贾平凹的创作。
    Shangzhou's deep-rooted tradition of viewing sons as better than daughters has direct influence on Jia Pingwa's literary creation.

  • 对《水浒传》人物的分析研究,历来有“重男轻女”的倾向。
    There has been a trend of "preference of males to females " about the analysis and study on the images of 《All Men are Brothers》.

  • 女孩为什么不可以打篮球?是谁定下这个规定,又是谁这么重男轻女
    Why can not girls play basketball? Who set this requirement in such a patriarchal Who?

  • 时至今日在现代发达社会,调查仍然表明父母在生育时是重男轻女的。
    EVEN today in the modern, developed world, surveys show that parents still prefer to have a boy rather than a girl.

  • 传统的“重男轻女”思想在中国根深蒂固,是造成男女比例失调的原因。
    Tian said that a deeply rooted traditional concept that "boys are better than girls" is the reason behind the imbalanced ratio.

  • 中国的独生子女政策加之重男轻女的思想已使中国的男女比例向男性倾斜。
    China's one-child policy combined with the preference for sons has skewed the population toward males.

  • 为了改变重男轻女的思想,一条标语这么写“男孩女孩都是父母的心头肉”。
    In an effort to change the boys-only mindset, one new slogan says, "Both boys and girls are parents\\' hearts".

  • 中国社会有重男轻女的思想。一些父母如果知道怀的是女孩就会选择中止妊娠。
    Chinese society values sons over daughters. Some parents choose to end a pregnancy if the fetus is a girl.

  • 自古中国家庭就有着重男轻女的传统,家里没有儿子,就预示着贫穷和被人看轻。
    For generations, Chinese families without sons feared poverty and neglect. In Chinese philosophy, males represented strength and legacy while the female conveyed weakness and responsibility.

  • 中国的父母亲具有传统的重男轻女的思想,同样这种情况也出现在用人单位身上。
    Chinese parents traditionally favor boys over girls, and so do the country's potential employers.

  • 分析其内在原因,不外以下几种情况:1。历史原因:从古至今传统的重男轻女
    Analysis of their underlying causes, no more than the following situations : 1. historical reasons : From antiquity to the traditional patriarchal;

  • 在一些国家,父母尤其不愿把女孩子送到学校读书,由于习惯上重男轻女的缘故吧。
    icularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rater than girls .

  • 中国政府高层计划人员很早就意识到夫妇重男轻女的倾向将会造成性别比例的失调。
    Chinese government planners have long known that the urge of couples to have sons was skewing the gender balance of the population.

  • 但这不可能是全部答案。人们的态度已经有所转变。雇主真的比大学招生办还重男轻女吗?
    But that cannot be the whole answer. Attitudes have shifted. Can employers really be that much more sexist than university admission officers?

  • 中国是一个最重男轻女的民族,正是这个民族忽略了布朗特的悲惨教训而使自己遭受损失。
    China, a nation blessed by more boys and girls than any nation, ignores at her own peril the lesson of the Bronte tragedy.

  • 田学燕说:“在性别比率失衡的背后原因就是深深扎根于中国的传统观念——“重男轻女
    Tian said that a deeply rooted traditional concept that "boys are better than girls" is the reason behind the imbalanced ratio.

  • 赵主任说,传统的“重男轻女”思想和B超胎儿性别鉴定技术是造成这一问题的主要根源。
    Zhao blamed the imbalanced * ratio on a traditional preference for boys and the availability of gender testing of fetuses with sonograms.

  • 赵主任说,传统的“重男轻女”思想和B超胎儿性别鉴定技术是造成这一问题的主要根源。
    Zhao blamed the imbalanced sex ratio on a traditional preference for boys and the availability of gender testing of fetuses with sonograms.

  • 至少还有一个国家——韩国,扭转了重男轻女的传统,减少了扭曲的性别比(见图表3)。
    At least one country—South Korea—has reversed its cultural preference for sons and cut the distorted sex ratio (see chart 3).

  • 她也谈到家里重男轻女的观念,当她出生时,妈妈三天都不看她一眼,甚至考虑要把她卖掉。
    She also talked about the concept of patriarchal family, when When she was born, my mother did not see her one day, or even consider her to sell.

  • 高丽时期盛行佛教式的葬礼和祭礼,没有太强的重男轻女思想,女性在家庭中占有较高的地位。
    Buddhist funerals and scarified rituals were popular, which provided females with places and opportunities to participate various social lives;

  • 印度重男轻女的观念在识字率上有明显体现。男孩中,受过教育的达70%,女孩只有48%。
    The differences in the treatment of boys and girls in India are easily seen in literacy rates. For boys, the literacy rate is 70 percent; for girls, it is only 48 percent.

  • 一项研究发现,在印度重男轻女的观念一直在减弱,正如中国大部分地区的情况一样,印度的性别比例增加也在减速。
    In India, one study found that the cultural preference for sons has been falling, too, and that the sex ratio, as in much of China, is rising more slowly.

  • 在中国,有数百万适龄男性未婚,对于正在应对由此带来的后果的中国政府来说,转变人们重男轻女的传统观念尤为重要。
    Reversing the traditional preference for sons is a crucial issue for China, which is dealing with the consequences of millions of unmarried men.

  • 至少有一个国家——韩国——已经扭转了其传统文化中“重男轻女”的倾向,原本偏高的男女性别比率出现回落(见图表3)。
    At least one country—South Korea—has reversed its cultural preference for sons and cut the distorted sex ratio (see chart 3).

  • 批评人士认为,计划生育政策使很多具有“重男轻女”传统思想的家庭进行了选择性人工堕胎,由此造成了我国男女比例的严重失调。
    Experts have said the gender imbalance resulting from sex-selective abortions and other practices could have dangerous social consequences due to anticipated shortages of marriageable young women.

  • “巴基斯坦等许多国家都重男轻女,因此男孩可以获得更多家庭资源,”该报告的首席经济学家及联合主编莫里斯o希夫(MauriceSchiff)表示。“
    "In a lot of countries, [such as] Pakistan, boys are favoured over girls, so they get a larger share of household resources, " said Maurice Schiff, the lead economist and co-editor of the report.

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