
遗世独立  yí shì dú lì







  • 中亚的南方深处彷佛遗世独立一般。
    The deep south of Central Asia has a feel all its own.

  • 遗世独立的我,想到本就是空的名声和爱已然沉没。
    Of the world, I stand alone, and think till Love and Fame to nothingness do sink.

  • 尘埃扑面,我遗世独立,被遗弃,颤抖在时光退潮的羽翼之下……
    The dust draws near, and I stand alone, forsaken, shivering on the wing of time and tide…

  • 位于中国与印度交界的喜马拉雅山,不丹是世界上最遗世独立的国家。
    Located high up in the Himalayan mountains between China and India, Bhutan is one of the most isolated countries in the world.

  • 隐士,是陈继儒出于对现实环境的清醒认识和对其遗世独立行为的遮蔽;
    The identity of hermit is a shelter where Chen Jiru hides his clear understanding on reality and his peculiar personality.

  • 尽管他们过的是遗世独立的生活,难道就没有一个能够对我的计划有帮助的人吗?
    Solitary as their lives were, is there no one person who would serve my purpose?

  • 虽然不丹遗世独立、又因缺乏铁路系统而贸易困难,但最主要的贸易夥伴为印度。
    Its main trading partner is India, although its isolation and lack of any railway system make trade difficult.

  • 幸好,尽管这个景致绝佳的地方遗世独立,但却并不意味着你就享受不到家的温馨。
    Fortunately, this splendid isolation does not mean having to give up the comforts of home.

  • 那在近期内是不太可能发生。这个群岛将保留他们原有悠然的魅力以及遗世独立感觉。
    That is unlikely to happen any time soon. The islands will retain their easy-going charm and sense of isolation.

  • 中国禅宗的“宗旨”集中体现为“遗世独立”和“以智启信”两点,其目的在于反对宗教世俗化。
    The objectives of Zen Buddhism could be epitomized two points as "To stand all alone against the world outside" and "To open trust with wisdom" to object to religion secularization.

  • 由于外缘星系的海盗猖獗,遗世独立的生活方式是必须的,因为他们不想引来任何贪婪的盗墓者。
    Given the rampant piracy found in the Outer Rim, their solitude is warranted -- they do not want to attract the avarice of space-faring tomb raiders.

  • 我看着那条虫子,好一个粉嫩色的肉瘤在酒精中徜徉,令我联想到安炸弹的人遗世独立的残余物。
    I watched the worm, a pinkish nub of flesh swirling in the alcohol, and thought of the bomber's remains.

  • 这个盆地属于纳帕潮溼森林生态系,它的隐密偏远地区遗世独立,是许多选择离群索居原住民的家。
    Known as the Napo Moist Forest ecosystem, this remote region is home to uncontacted indigenous groups living in voluntary isolation.

  • 尽管布莱尔在很多方面反映出他属于典型的战后婴儿潮一代,他身上却也有着些许遗世独立的气质。
    Although in many ways Blair has lived a quintessential Baby Boomer's life, there is an air of loneliness and detachment about him.

  • 有些科学家专心搜寻佔据特殊生态区位的生物,但这些生态区位遗世独立,一般所知的生物根本无法到达。
    Some scientists have focused on searching for organisms occupying a niche that is ecologically isolated, lying beyond the reach of ordinary known life.

  • 这个智利的属地,即当地人称之为“拉巴奴艾”(石像的故乡)的地方,是世界上最遗世独立的、有人居住的地方。
    Known to the locals as Rapa Nui, the Chilean dependency is the most remote, inhabited place on Earth.

  • 美国喜欢其遗世独立的天才——爱因斯坦、爱迪生、贾伯斯——但是那些行单影只的梦想家可能必须学习与别人互动。
    America loves its solitary geniuses—its Einsteins, its Edisons, its Jobses—but those lonely dreamers may have to learn to play with others.

  • 「竺域」,即为「雷龙之地」,是当地人所称的国名,不丹国既神秘、遗世独立又不轻易到达,有些人甚至称其为「天际外」的国度。
    Known to the Bhutanese as Druk Yul, Land of the Thunder Dragon, Bhutan is mysterious, isolated, and inaccessible. Some have even referred to it as "the back of beyond."

  • 「竺域」,即为「雷龙之地」,是当地人所称的国名,不丹国既神碟、遗世独立又不容易到达,有些人甚至称其为「天际外」的国度。
    Known to the Bhutanese as Druk Yul, Land of the Thunder Dragon, Bhutan is mysterious, isolated, and inaccessible. Some have even referred to it as "the back of beyond."

  • 新系列《立方体》以服装的形式塑造了一个立方体的魔幻空间。这个没有色彩只有造型变换的超现实世界流露出遗世独立的清高与被人遗忘的寂寞。
    The new collection with the theme "the Cube" creates a magical world of cubes--a surreal world with no color but transformation of forms, a story about geometric reveries amidst ultimate loneliness.

  • 诗人们向这个世界发出一种前所未知的声音,我们读诗时就能聆听到,它平和纤细,遗世独立,与文化界的大声疾呼和社会的浮躁之音形成鲜明对比。
    We listen to the still, small voice of poetry when we read a poem, and that voice stands in ferocious contrast to the clamor in the culture at large and, often, to the sound of society's explosions.

  • 在同时代的一些美国同胞眼中,梭罗是一个跟不上时代节拍、离群索居的怪人;在今日一些中国读者的眼中,梭罗是一个遗世独立、沽名钓誉的“假隐”。
    To some of his American contemporaries, Thoreau must appear to be a lonely anachronism, while he is thought today by some Chinese readers to be a pretentious hermit in seclusion.

  • 我为什麽会以「遗世独立」这字眼形容它,不但是因为想要到馆一游的参观者,真的必须要费一番功夫,如果不是有心人,大概也不会特地花上一整天到这里朝圣吧!
    It requires some efforts from visitor to go and if one wasn't intended to go he/she wouldn't spend a whole day for this pilgrimage.

  • 遗世独立造句相关
