
遍体鳞伤  biàn tǐ lín shāng







  • 地主把那位老农民打得遍体鳞伤
    The landlord beat the old peasant black and blue .

  • 他们把那可怜的男孩打得遍体鳞伤
    The poor boy was beaten black and blue.

  • 会罘会扭头看看那个遍体鳞伤旳涐?
    Niutou will see that side of my injury that scales ?

  • 我遇到过另一个男人在仇恨中遍体鳞伤
    I met another man who was wounded with hatred.

  • 那人威吓要把偷东西得孩子打得遍体鳞伤
    The man threatened to beat the boy black and blue for stealing.

  • 那可怜的姑娘遍体鳞伤
    The poor girl was a mass of bruises.

  • 你为什么还要在我遍体鳞伤的时候再伤害我?
    Why should you be a mass of bruises on my time again I hurt?

  • 可是最后遍体鳞伤,我才知道我们原来都只是草。
    But after we're beaten black and blue, that's when we know we're just the grass.

  • 为了学习飞翔,我遍体鳞伤,顽强地搏击着狂风暴雨。
    In order to learn flying, I am black and blue, doggedly fighting the storm.

  • 带着遍体鳞伤的身体,伍雷本什么地方也没脸面去了。
    With the skin cut all over his body Woremben was ashamed to go anywhere.

  • 无悔的付出换来的只是遍体鳞伤、哭泣也失去了声音。
    Regretless pays trades is only cut and bruised, the sob has also lost the sound.

  • 我的皮肤经常会被蚊子咬,弄的全身遍体鳞伤,怎么办?
    My skin classics regular meeting is bitten by mosquito, the whole body of lane is black and blue, how to do?

  • 被激怒的学生们准备将这个年轻的女骑手打得遍体鳞伤
    Being enraged the pupils got ready to beat the young lady rider black and blue.

  • 我了解那种渺小又微不足道的感觉,遍体鳞伤还故作坚强。
    I don't know why , somebody gave me this kind of feeling that X has betraied me. Maybe so did he.

  • 落日就在山头上,给自己的光刃割得遍体鳞伤,浑身是血。
    HILLTOP. Over there is the sunset, all wounded and bleeding from its own blades of light.

  • 中国企业和许多全球企业一样已经被杀价竞争搞的遍体鳞伤
    A large number of Chinese firms like global firms face cruel price struggle everyday.

  • 两人都是在炮火中成名,虽然遍体鳞伤,但精神与肉体不受影响。
    Both thrived in the fire, and were literally shot to pieces without being affected physically or in spirit.

  • 你们的口号是超越极限,超越自我,在追梦的路上,早已遍体鳞伤
    Your slogan is beyond the limit and beyond self-Zhuimeng in the road, has long been Biantilinshang.

  • 爱是使人遍体鳞伤的错误,而它的帮凶,希望,则是令人悔恨莫及的幻想。
    Love is a damaging mistake and its accomplice, hope, a treacherous illusion.

  • 小鹿站岗时,小猴看到树上结了几个小桃子,就连摘带摇把小树弄得遍体鳞伤
    When little stag guarded the trees. little monkey saw several peaches, So he shook the little trees and hurt them seriously.

  • 彼此之间,不论发生了什么事情,哪怕是口角相向,将对方刺的遍体鳞伤都没关系。
    With each other, no matter what happened, even quarrel against each other and stab each other's bruises will not matter.

  • 遍体鳞伤,腿被烟头烫过,身上被棒球棍打过,脑门还被瓶子砸出了一个大口子。
    THE gash on his forehead was from a bottle smashed against it. Bruises tattooed his body, from cigarette burns on his legs to the marks left by a metal baseball bat.

  • 此时玄机也许已是遍体鳞伤,可是伤口却没有多少血迹,流出的如龟之血早都被炼化了。
    Skillful at this time may have is a mass of bruises, but they do not have much blood on the wound, the outflow of blood, such as the turtles have been refining the morning.

  • 在圣经中,记录了那些为上帝打仗的勇士,他们时常遍体鳞伤,或者成为阶下囚,甚至为服事而丧掉生命。
    The Scriptures show that those who fight the battles of God often end up wounded, imprisoned, and even killed as a result of their service.

  • 他妻子当时正在厨房做饭,听到可怕的巨响后跑了出来,发现他如烂泥般躺在地上,身上被碎玻璃划得遍体鳞伤
    His wife was cooking the kitchen, I heard terrible ran out after a loud noise and found him lying on the ground such as mud-like, who have been beaten black and blue broken glass zoned.

  • 有所避让总比遍体鳞伤强得多,我们只管认真行走,不矫揉造作,不虚情假意,不循规蹈矩,但也一定不要放肆嚣张。
    Avoidance has been much stronger than a mass of bruises, we are only targeted at serious walking, not artificial, not hypocrites, do not behave themselves, but must not be presumptuous arrogance.

  • 一辆遍体鳞伤的白色丰田车开出了院子,车上满载着长须持枪的男子,在那些像破碎的银镜一样闪着光的水田之间绝尘而去。
    A battered white Toyota left the compound, bristling with men, beards and guns, and sped away between paddy fields that shone like a splintered silver mirror.

  • 有人可以毫不费力的离开,但是对于某些人来说却需要花很长时间,付出很多的努力,甚至遍体鳞伤。我已经记不得我在这辆列车上多久了,开始觉得有点寂寞。
    Different people are going through divergent destinies while seeking ways out to leave here, some are able to check out anytime they like, whereas others are trying strenuously but in vain.

  • 他的麻烦在于要使那些质疑者相信他这一计划所需要的资金量并不离谱,虽然那些已经被不断下跌的房产价格以及不断攀升的油价搞得遍体鳞伤的选民们或许宁可不操这份心。
    His problem will be convincing sceptics that his sums add up, though it may well be that voters, battered by falling house prices and rising oil prices prefer not to worry too much about that.

  • 所以,中国虽有难以抗拒的魅力,是块巨大的磁铁,在飞身让它吸过去前,也别忘了检查是否真的准备就绪,可不能“轻装”上阵,否则磁性太强,就扑过去时弄得遍体鳞伤,多难堪。
    Yes, China is like a giant magnet that is irresistible. But if one does not wish to end up in a sorry state, one would do well to check if one is well equipped before one throws oneself at it.

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