
通风报信  tōng fēng bào xìn






  • 简向我通风报信说老板明天要来检查。
    Jan tipped me off that the boss is going to make an inspection tomorrow.

  • 小梅出于姐妹情深,也私自去人间通风报信
    Xiaomei sisters for love, but also secretly tipped off to the world.

  • 阿秋撒谎骗了小莲父亲后,马上跑上楼通风报信
    A autumn lies after cheating small lotus father, run immediately go upstairs tip off information.

  • 有人预先给警察通风报信说有罪犯打算抢劫银行。
    The police were tipped off that the criminals were planning to rob the bank.

  • 有人向警察通风报信,举报有窃贼隐藏在车库里面。
    Someone tipped off the police that the thief was hiding in the garage.

  • 警察和工人得到这个学生的通风报信,都非常感谢他。
    Both the police and the workmen were grateful to the student for this piece of advance information.

  • 通风报信及其他损害同伴的行为是可耻的,也是禁止的。
    Informing or any other action to the detriment of a fellow prisoner is despicable and is expressly forbidden.

  • 他出去吃饭,饭馆的人就向小报通风报信,从中获取可观的报酬。
    Whenever he dines out, restaurant personnel report his whereabouts to tabloids and collect hefty kickbacks.

  • 啊,我知道,如果谁能去通风报信的话,就能拿到五镑的赏金呢。
    Well, I understand that they get five pounds if they can give information.

  • 不过,叶盛茂选择通风报信的方式,把公文交给陈水扁,自己还影印留底。
    However, Yeh Sheng-mao tipped off to choose the way of documents to Chen Shui-bian, also own copies of the end of stay.

  • 小偷们没有照计划抢劫银行,因为有人向他们通风报信说银行受到警察的监视。
    The thieves did not rob the bank as planned because someone tipped them off that it was being watched by the police.

  • 事实上,叶盛茂有很多方法可以通风报信,不一定非要把公文正本交给陈水扁。
    In fact, Yeh Sheng-mao tipped off a lot of ways, not necessarily the original documents should be handed over to Chen Shui-bian.

  • 向从事违反本法规定的生产、销售活动的当事人通风报信,帮助其逃避查处的;
    He divulges secret information to any party involved in the production or sale activities in violation of this Law so as to help this party escaping from investigation;

  • 肖恩:噢,有人向你通风报信。出来到这儿来,坏女孩。(肖恩用枪指着霍尔)。
    Sean:Oh, somebody has been slipping you our mail. Come on out here, you had girl. (Sean points Hall with a gun.

  • 双方都很少会留俘虏,德军通常会处死那些他们怀疑给游击队通风报信的当地平民。
    Few prisoners were taken by either side and the Germans also dealt ruthlessly with any local civilians they suspected of giving succour to the partisans.

  • 叶盛茂的说法,实在不合逻辑,更坐实他一年半前,就向提拔他的陈水扁通风报信
    Ye Shengmao the view, is really illogical, before is more solid his for one-and-a-half years, to promotes him Chen Shuibian to disclose secret information.

  • 当亚兰王发现向以色列人通风报信的是以利沙,他就派遣一支突袭队去擒拿以利沙。
    When it was discovered that Elisha was the one who warned the Israelites, the Arameans sent a band of radios to get him.

  • 如果公开,那么在让公众了解案情的同时,也等于给被调查对象和其他涉案人通风报信
    If make public, so in let while the public knows details of a case, also be equal to elephant be checkinged by tone and person of other experience case to tip off information.

  • 一日,一只老鹰飞进超感应博士屋中,并发出人语,自称奉博士夫人之命,前来通风报信
    One day, an eagle flies into Dr. Tao's house and solicit his assistance to turn him back into a human. Dr.

  • 她心想,会不会是办公室里有人向他通风报信了呢?或者……他不知怎么竟知道她不会被拒绝?
    had tipped him off, or… did he just somehow know that she would not get turned down?

  • 有居民称,网吧老板在周边设有“钉子”放哨,看到有陌生人和异常行动,就会提前通风报信
    The dweller says, internet bar boss is set in periphery " nail " stand sentry, see have stranger and unusual move, can tip off information ahead of schedule.

  • 翌日清晨还没6点,她埋伏在一棵树底的隐蔽处,康乃尔在那里充当观鹿手,并通风报信给她。
    By 6 a. m. the next day, she was in a blind at the foot of a tree where Connell served as deer spotter and relayed information to her.

  • 他在逾越节时进入耶路撒冷,与他的使徒们共进了最后晚餐后,被犹大出卖,给罗马当局通风报信
    On Passover he entered Jerusalem, where he shared the Last Supper with his disciples and was betrayed to the Roman authorities by Judas Iscariot.

  • 一旦与灵魂伤痕部落爆发战争,雷拉格的计划将可能被打乱,因此他必须阻止所有逃出去通风报信的信使。
    A war with the Soulscar could upset Realag's plans, and he must stop all messengers who could escape to reach their territory.

  • 然而通风报信的人受到从工作场所的人排斥的潜在风险,因为一般人都认为揭发公司的犯罪内幕就是背叛了公司。
    However, the whistle-blowers run the potent risk of ostracized from the workplace because of the widely held view that such disclosure constitutes betrayal.

  • 我认为我们学到了点什么,下一次,如果我们抓到毒贩,把他铐起来用飞机运到中国,也许在他到达前,给中国打个电话通风报信一下。
    I think we are onto something - next time we catch a drug dealer we handcuff the drugs to his wrist and put him on a flight to China - maybe even call ahead and tip them off as to his arrival.

  • 当年以东人多益知道大卫的下落后,向扫罗王通风报信,对扫罗或大卫来说,原本是一桩毫不值得惊奇的事,因为多益是扫罗身旁的一个知名的盟友。
    When Doeg the Edomite reported David's whereabouts to King Saul, it must have come as no surprise to either Saul or David, for Doeg was a known ally of the king.

  • 你要切忌触碰“种族”界限----许多囚徒种族隔离意识森严,连电话也有“黑”“白”之分。此外,亦要小心交友不慎,结交了“大老鼠”(即通风报信之徒)。
    Do not cross racial lines—many federal prisons are so segregated that they have "black" telephones and "white" telephones—and do not make friends with a "rat", or known informant.

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