
退避三舍  tuì bì sān shě








  • 政府干脆退避三舍,保持他们的原样!
    The government just stays back, keep the perimeter.

  • 他那锋芒毕露的机智使我们退避三舍
    The barb of his wit made us wince.

  • 他投资该报业务之际,其他人则退避三舍
    He is investing in the newspaper business at a time when others are heading for the hills.

  • 经济政治上的东西有时候会让常识退避三舍
    Economic political things overshadow even common sense occasionally.

  • 十个月前,穿着皮夹克的恶棍加扎利使你退避三舍
    Ten months ago, leather-jacketed heavies ensured you kept your distance.

  • 还有许多基金公司目前仍对金融股或一般股票退避三舍
    There are plenty of money managers still keeping their distance from the financial sector or stocks in general.

  • 不快乐就像一种传染病,人们往往对不快乐的人退避三舍
    Being unhappy is like an infectious disease; it causes people to shrink away from the sufferer.

  • 在荆棘路前,看着条条荆棘,不免退避三舍之感油然而生。
    Thorny Road in the former, looking at every thorns, can not avoid a sense of felt.

  • 外国的投资者和游客被这里政治动荡和暴力风险吓得退避三舍
    Foreign investors and tourists will both be deterred by the political instability and risk of violence.

  • 宽容并不等于懦弱,我们是在用爱心净化世界,而不是含着眼泪退避三舍
    Tolerance does not mean weakness, we are purifying the world with love, with tears in her eyes rather than avoid.

  • 在大多数的情况下,乔丹挡不住众女的热情而不得不退避三舍至侧翼接球。
    In most cases Jordan will have to step back and take the pass on the wing.

  • 当抑郁像一只虎视眈眈的恶犬,蹲伏在我们的心室时,快乐自然退避三舍了。
    Happiness will avoid to be appear once sadness stay at our heart like one sentitive dog.

  • 这也是护持三宝的一段,所以念这一段咒的时候,一切的妖魔鬼怪都要退避三舍
    It's a passage that protects the Triple Jewel, and so when you recite it the demons flee and the ghosts don't stop running until they're ten miles away.

  • 也许你有社交方面的缺点,诸如势利、饶舌、出语粗俗等,使你的新相识退避三舍
    Maybe you have social faults such as snobbishness, talkativeness, using slang, etc. which drive away new acquaintances.

  • 在一个对”偏见“退避三舍的社会里,偏袒美丽似乎被认为是再肤浅不过的做法了。
    In a society that eschews prejudice, favouring the beautiful seems about as shallow as you can get.

  • 全球股票市场的动荡加剧,也使得各大基金公司经理人退避三舍,不愿承担过多的风险。
    The queasy aggravate of global stock market, also make each big retreat to avoid a conflict of fund company handler, do not wish to assume overmuch risk.

  • 须臾之际,我们会略作狂想,但是一旦要给这样一个离奇幻物填充大量细节,则退避三舍
    We can give it a momentary thought, but we balk at filling in much detail on so whimsical a fantasy.

  • 我的这种实用主义想法使我一直对那些我觉得不会马上用得着的词语和语法规则退避三舍
    the cynical thought that pushed me to skip over any word or grammar rule for which I didn't see an immediate use.

  • 他现在只要一喝醉酒,就会拔出他的水手弯刀,将它放在面前的桌上,使别人都对他退避三舍
    He had an alarming way now when he was drunk of drawing his cutlass and laying it bare before him on the table.

  • 3年前,我右手臂切除了胎记癌,而且我了解到保险公司在听到癌症这个字眼时经常会退避三舍
    Three years before, I had a melanoma removed from my right arm, and I knew that insurance companies often run when they hear the word cancer.

  • 天蝎座的善妒使你觉得不好对付。而你总是逢场作戏,又不屑于善意的小谎言也会让他们退避三舍
    GEMINI &SCORPI Scorpio's jealous tendencies are impossible for you to handle. You flirtatious ways and little white lies[4] will drive the Scorpion as far away as possible.

  • 尽管大公司能把新生的企业家笼络在自己公司的麾下,与日俱增的官僚作风却会使这些创业者们退避三舍
    While larger, older organizations are able to keep nascent entrepreneurs among their employees from leaving, increased bureaucracy has the opposite effect on founders.

  • 就天性来说,对于会造成伤害的事物所有的人都会退避三舍,而会设法求得以及赞赏美好的或有帮助的事物。
    For by nature all creatures recoil from the things they think would do them harm and seek out and admire those things that seem good and helpful.

  • 说起买房,更多的消费者都表示目前房价太高,尤其是对于工薪阶层来说,面对商品房高不可攀的身价只能是退避三舍
    you buy, more consumers have expressed their current prices are too high, especially for wage-earners, in the face of commercial housing prices can only be kept aloof from the audience.

  • 说起买房,更多的消费者都表示目前房价太高,尤其是对于工薪阶层来说,面对商品房高不可攀的身价只能是“退避三舍?
    about getting their collective intermediary, more consumers said prices are too high now, especially for wage-earners, Faced with the commercial housing prices can only call "kept aloof?"

  • 这是因为,要完全堵绝讨论究竟不大可能,而当它一旦达到时,没有坚定信念作基础的信条自然一遇辩论的影子就会退避三舍
    for to shut out discussion entirely is seldom possible, and when it once gets in, beliefs not grounded on conviction are apt to give way before the slightest semblance of an argument.

  • 此字原意为「吃生肉的人」,正好说明了种族自我中心意识,有的族群觉得「吃生肉」这种文化习俗稀松平常,有的却闻之而退避三舍
    The term means "eates of raw flesh, " and as such is an ethnocentric observation about cultural practices that were normal to one group and repulsive to another.

  • 现在觉得他们的成功是件好事,但是我们中的多数人可能对他们作为知识分子在著作中使用的方法退避三舍:讽刺,欺骗,甚至编造杜撰。
    But most of us are likely to recoil at the methods they used in their work as intellectuals: caricature, deception, and even fabrication. Consider three examples.

  • 但近来,这些投资者要么对这类交易退避三舍,要么要求更高的利率回报,这就有可能使得雷曼兄弟和其他银行只能通过调用自有资金来为交易融资。
    But investors recently have shied away from such deals or demanded higher interest rates, and that could leave Lehman and other banks to fund the deals themselves.

  • 看到粘乎乎的烂泥一样的东西,你会坐立不安或者浑身发抖吗?血污场景会使你恶心吗?看到吓人的虫子,你是否赶紧退避三舍?看到尸体,你是否吓得面色苍白?
    Are you someone who squirms when confronted with slime, shudders at stickiness or gets grossed out by gore? Do crawly insects make you cringe or dead bodies make you blanch?

  • 退避三舍造句相关
