
迫不得已  pò bù dé yǐ








  • 如果他不守承诺,他是迫不得已的。
    If he Breaks his, he is Forced to do so.

  • 赢球就好像是一件迫不得已的事情一样…
    I am already grown up, I just get older.

  • 离开你更是迫不得已。我天天都在想你。
    You are forced to leave. I wish you all every day.

  • 迫不得已改变了计划。
    He was driven by necessity to change the plan.

  • 玍活】有时候,会逼沵做一些迫不得已旳事情。
    Does not have a thing in the world.

  • 这倒是真的。许多学生做运动是迫不得已才去做。
    Donna: It's true. Many students do the exercise when they have to.

  • 因为有时迫不得已,火烧屁股的时候,难免脾气不好。
    'Cause there're times when time is pressing when "there's fire burning the butt" it's inevitable that temples flared.

  • 也正如这些学生那样,他们总会有感到迫不得已的地方。
    Just like the students, they all had to be somewhere.

  • 当心受到伤害时才想起抚慰或者说是迫不得已时伤已痛了。
    Is careful receives when injury only then remembers comforts or has no recourse when the wound to be painful.

  • 我们当时没有什麽仪器,所以我迫不得已地只好用我的吉他。
    We didn't have any instruments, so I had to use my guitar.

  • 当人类另一批强大的增援部队抵达时,虫族玩家迫不得已,选择投降。
    When another massive group of reinforcements arrive, the Zerg player is forced to surrender.

  • 但这种迫不得已的做法无法避免与消费者本来还不错的关系进入危机。
    But this practice can not be avoided and compelling consumer would have good relations to the crisis.

  • 在紧急的形势中,不落泪并非意味着铁石心肠,那是生命的迫不得已
    No tears down't mean you have a rough heart, it's the tendency and life disagree!

  • 我能理解那些人内心的感受。他们迫不得已与伟大的艺术家生活在一起。
    I can understand the feelings of those people who are compelled to live with great artists.

  • 首先,危机中出现迫不得已情况时,政府最终一定要援救主要的金融机构。
    For one thing, governments always, when push comes to shove, end up rescuing key financial institutions in a crisis.

  • 然后,你若认为自己是迫不得已的,或是向内在的抗拒反感屈服,你就不会看见。
    Yet will not see if you regard yourself as being coerced, and if you give in to resentment and opposition.

  • 公司不会花血汗钱在广告上,除非他们迫不得已。假如他们花了,就必须产生作用。
    Companies do not spend hard-earned money on advertising unless they have to, and if they spend it, it must work.

  • 这种“迫不得已”使买卖双方对市场交易产生了一种错位,从而影响到二手房的健康发展。
    Who sold the buildings, and buy new houses, which had also contributed to the prosperity of the property market so that the whole city becomes the Housing prosperity, health.

  • 就在米勒上校与他的队友找到雷恩的时候,为保卫战略据点的桥,迫不得已与敌军短兵相接
    Captain Miller and his small group of men find Ryan, but are forced to defend a strategic bridge against the enemy.

  • 什么是真的朋友?什么是伪善的朋友?很多人会说,有时候往往迫不得已,有时候又身不由己。
    Thinking about the friends i'm making in graduate school, i find that i'm lonely sometimes. The only person who  always encourage me and give me smile is my bf.

  • 与后者不同,银行极其不鼓励消费型贷款,尽管有时候是迫不得已,若真是那样他们也会考虑。
    Unlike the latter, the bank strongly discourages consumption loans, though, depending on the need and necessity, it may lend for such purposes;

  • 他还说,换上伊拉克靴子也是迫不得已,因为脚上的鞋早就开裂了,可补给物资却迟迟没有到来。
    He added that he had been forced to swap his footwear because no replacements were available for his own disintegrating boots.

  • 所有一切说明,美国次级债务危机最大的未知数,是在迫不得已情况下,房价会跌得多快,跌得多惨。
    All told, the biggest unknown about America's subprime bust is how quickly, and how far, house prices will have to sink.

  • 该书对汗牛充栋的经济学文献的处理极为高超,让人们觉得去图书馆查文献并不是一种迫不得已的任务。
    The book surveys shelf after shelf of the economics literature but in such skilful hands it does not feel like a dutiful trip to the library.

  • 当年她苦无走红几乎而迫不得已拍了出格照片而出头,但现在看来靠她的实力根本不需要靠这样搏出位。
    She was to come up with any popular almost have no choice but to shoot the photos and bounds ahead, but now appears to depend on her strength did not need on this limelight.

  • 《古兰经》在强调禁食猪肉的时候,也说明了在迫不得已的情况下,为了活命适当吃一点,真主是宽恕的。
    "Koran" in the stressed when fasting pork also explained that in compelling circumstances, appropriate to eat in order to survive that is the forgiveness of God.

  • 虽然他的货架上摆满了中国制造的钟表和收音机,他仍然抱怨他那迫不得已而无所事事的窘境,而这窘境是由中国商人的竞争造成的。
    Though his shelves are full of clocks and radios made in China, he blames his enforced idleness on the competition brought by Chinese traders.

  • 挑战米勒的是一位42岁海科•马斯,后者是一位严厉传统的社民党人,倾向于与绿党结盟执政,迫不得已才可能接受左翼党以次级结盟伙伴的身份加入。
    Mr Müller's SPD challenger, Heiko Maas, a stiff, conscientious 42-year-old, would prefer to govern just with the Greens but would accept the Left Party as a junior partner if necessary.

  • 你要知道,如果我们失去了取用他们廉价劳工的便利,美国**迫不得已,就有必要在绝处中求生,譬如说,开始找回失业中的美国制造业工人,让他们重回工作岗位。
    You know, if we loose our access to their cheap labor the US will have to do something desperate, like start putting unemployed US workers back to work.

  • 如果是那样的话,自然会有其他的国家收拾他们。阿詹提斯,你是个聪明的男孩,你必须明白除了少数乐观过头的英雄,绝大多数时候人们只是为了职责和需要才迫不得已与邪恶开战的。
    Hereafter other nations would have dealt with them. Ajantis, thou art a bright lad, thou must understand that duty and necessity fight evil more often than starry-eyed heroes.

  • 迫不得已造句相关
