
连绵不绝  lián mián bù jué








  • 连绵不绝的岁月中不时回来。
    Ages and ages returning at intervals.

  • 沙漠、连绵不绝的草原或河流的美。
    a desert, or the long sweep of a grassland or river.

  • 岩石露头形成几乎连绵不绝的低矮峭壁。
    Rock outcrops form almost continuous low cliff.

  • 连绵不绝的城市,除了尽头,什么都有。
    In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end.

  • 连绵不绝,如繁星灿烂,在银河里闪闪发光。
    Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way.

  • 这是连绵不绝的战争,雇佣兵和机器人混战其中。
    It's an endless series of proxy battles fought by mercenaries and machines.

  • 连绵不绝的城市,什麽都有,除了尽头,没有尽头。
    In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. There was no end.

  • 每天,关于如何快乐的各种建议犹如洪水,连绵不绝
    Every day, it seems, we're flooded with pop-psych advice about happiness.

  • 以次表达我对绥哥的景仰犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝~~!
    My admiration to you just like the surging river, stretching but never have ends.

  • 我对你的敬仰犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,黄河泛滥一发不可收拾!
    I pay so much homage to you just like millions of gallons successive river, and the flooding never stopped Yellow River.

  • 是因为看不见的东西,连绵不绝的城市,什么都有,除了尽头。
    You understand that?What I didn't see…In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. There was no end.

  • 技艺高超的艺术家利用丰富多彩的口语,创造出连绵不绝的乐趣。
    Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.

  • 我对你的敬仰又如滔滔江水,连绵不绝;黄河泛滥,一发不可收拾。
    I admire and respect you again like surging river's water, continuous not unique; Yellow river deluge, rampant.

  • 最佳答案我对你的敬仰犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,黄河泛滥一发不可收拾!
    I pay so much homage to you just like millions of gallons successive river, and the flooding never stopped Yellow River.

  • 开放式宽敞套房,饱览高山风格的花园全景及连绵不绝的巍峨山脉无限美景。
    Open-plan spacious suites with panoramic views of our alpine style gardens and surrounding mountains.

  • 开车的司机也要集中精力,在连绵不绝的沙堆和水泥堆之间小心地调整方向盘。
    Car drivers have to concentrate on the endless sand and cement piled between carefully adjusted wheel.

  • 即使参议院通过了该方案,过度性贷款也必将带来有关政府救助连绵不绝的争论。
    Even if it succeeds, a bridging loan assures that the debate over a bail-out will drag on.

  • 近日,由于太原市多日来连绵不绝的细雨,造成了道路光滑,引发了多起交通事故。
    Because recently, Taiyuan long time came the continuous drizzle not certainly, caused the path to be smooth, initiates have been many traffic accident.

  • 谢尚玩月闻袁宏咏史于前,文人雅士亦趋之于后,于是泛舟、登楼玩月者连绵不绝
    Xie Wen Hong Yuan Shang Yong-moon in history, scholars also tend to happen, then raft along, the body lunar poles.

  • 又因为斧头山山脉连绵不绝,宛如斑斓大虎,故又被人们冠以老虎的“虎”而沿用流传。
    Because mountain ranges Lianmianbujue axes, Banlan like a big tiger, the tiger has been dubbed the "tiger" and use spread.

  • 我对你的景仰之情如滔滔江水般连绵不绝,如黄河泛滥般一发而不可收拾。就是这句。谢谢大家。
    I admire the sentiment like torrential river water to you continuous not certainly, if Yellow River being in flood round but is beyond redemption.

  • 让的中国人按8个一排并肩从你身边经过,你将永远不会看到尽头,他们的生长率会使人数连绵不绝
    If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.

  • 从理论心理学、经济学、政治理论、伦理学,直到社会法律哲学,其影响力甚至超越时代,连绵不绝
    From theory psychology , economics , political theory , ethics, to social legal philosophy, its influence even surmounts era , and lasts constantly.

  • 光纤现在已经遍布世界各地,光讯号在其中流动,传递连绵不绝的语音串流通讯和数量庞大的数位资料。
    Optical fibers now span the globe, guiding light signals that convey voluminous streams of voice communications and vast amounts of data.

  • 我希望此生唯一的幸福就是你对我情意连绵不绝。 亲爱的,我只需要你的暗示,说出你的心里只有我。
    Ah, conceive what my heart nash to say to you , be my only happiness on heart your friendly will to me, oh… dear, give me but a sign that you are conscious of me .

  • 防守、阻截从前场至后方连绵不绝。富勒姆越过中场,接着陷入重围,被逼入死角,被迫回传,然后失去控球权。
    Fulham take runs through the midfield and get caught in traps, dead ends, get turned around and dispossessed.

  • 每天,关于如何快乐的各种建议犹如洪水,连绵不绝。这些毫无感情的建议无非是说,我们为了快乐应有所作为。
    Every day, it seems, we're flooded with pop-psych advice about happiness. The relentless message is that there's something we're supposed to do be happy.

  • 海的尽头是一整片连绵不绝的山,无数棵树和小草给山穿上了绿色的外衣,如果这要是一幅画,那该是多么美丽的一幅画啊!
    Yizheng Pian at the end of the sea is endless mountains and numerous trees and grass to the Hill to put on a green jacket, if this painting, that is how the beautiful painting ah!

  • 当我们描述母亲的时候总是习惯说母爱博大,深似爱,连绵不绝,恒久不变,而我们所获得的父爱却能塑造我们的性格,无论我们身处何方,无论我们身居何位!
    On that note it would be apt to say that our love for our mothers may be everlasting but what we gain from a father's love and attention can make our personalities whether where or who we are.

  • 在年日照时间超过 2000 小时阳光的地区里,您会渐见连绵不绝的人参场,此乃加国花旗参之都甘露市。午餐于中国餐馆。餐后前往花旗参厂,工作人员会向客人讲解花旗参品种、生产、种植过程及选参方法。
    At Kamloops, a city with over 2000 hours of sunshine per year, we will join a tour of the Ginseng factory and learn about the Ginseng's healing power.

  • 连绵不绝造句相关
