
身经百战  shēn jīng bǎi zhàn







  • 有时,它在身经百战的速记中分享。
    And sometimes it is shared in the shorthand of the battle-hardened.

  • 他是一个身经百战的老兵。
    He is a veteran in battles.

  • 他是一位身经百战的宿将。
    He was a much experienced veteran general.

  • 身经百战,成为这项运动的顶尖好手之一。
    She has competed and become one of the top athletes in her sport.

  • 身经百战,矮人先生。我知道怎么防卫我的堡垒。
    Théoden: I have fought in many wars, master dwarf, I know how to defend my own keep.

  • 身经百战,攻占了许多要塞,斩杀了各地的君王。
    He fought many campaigns, captured fortresses, and put kings to death.

  • 原来你是身经百战的沙场老将吗?…能指点两招吗?
    So you're the master of a thousand battlefields, huh? …Could you teach me some of your techniques?

  • 佣兵行会总部的建立宗旨是招揽身经百战的精锐佣兵。
    A mercenary guild is a place designated for the recruitment of experienced mercenaries.

  • 一个身经百战的业内老兵如金先生者也不是一个新官。
    Nor is an industry veteran, such as Mr King, an obvious new broom.

  • 与之共生的,是一支身经百战、专业高效、敬业投入的团队。
    What comes along with the brand is an experienced, efficient and dedicated professional team.

  • 他们旗下拥有一群精明干练的企业家,在不好的过去身经百战
    Below them stands a new cohort of nimble entrepreneurs, battle-hardened by that bad old past.

  • 他们旗下拥有一群精明干练的企业家,对经济不好的过去去身经百战
    Below them stands a new cohort of nimble entrepreneurs, battle-hardened by that bad old past.

  • 克雷斯波回来了,对于身经百战的这位杀手来说,应付媒体只是小菜一碟。
    Hernán Crespo is back, and dealing with the media is simple fare to the experienced striker.

  • 我是身经百战的禁止发布该词语机器人,为了改变一位女士的命运从未来而来。
    Chuck Sherman: I'm a sophisticated sex robot, sent back in time to change the future for one lucky lady.

  • 他是汽车人中年纪最老的,身经百战,全身布满了伤疤和因炮弹飞溅而插入的铬片。
    Paint scarred and chrome chipped by shrapnel from a hundred battles, he is the oldest of the Autobots.

  • 接下来上海实业的七年多,也可以说是身经百战,我自己亲自看过的企业就有几百家。
    Shanghai Industrial the next seven years, can also be said to be Shenjingbaizhan, I have personally seen hundreds of enterprises have.

  • 这款游戏十分神似街机大作《合金弹头》,身经百战的“红魔”身手敏捷、能力非凡。
    Arcade game very spirit likeness masterpiece "Metal Slug" veteran's "Red Devils" physical agility, ability to extraordinary.

  • 像艾芙林,她是从中国内地来的,身经百战,据她自己说是吃苦耐劳,担惊受怕惯了的。
    Take Evelyn, for example. She was from China and had seen a war or two. She said herself that she could stand up to hardship, that she had become used to constant anxiety.

  • 所以,古巴国家队成员大多是身经百战的老手,其中有些人更是并肩打了10年球的队友。
    Consequently, Cuba's national team is made up largely of hardened veterans, some of whom have played tighter for decade.

  • 我们要清楚的是一个身材肥胖矮小的法国人的躯体、同时又是身经百战的军事统帅的非凡。
    We are meant to understand the difference of a warring commander in the body of a fat little Frenchman.

  • 这些曾经转战南北、身经百战的精兵强将为发展祖国钢铁事业,今天又在这里精心设计、精心施工。
    Today, in order to develop the country's iron and steel industry, those veterans, who have ever fought countless battles, are meticulous in design and construction.

  • 作为公司的前台接待员,第一天上班时,我一个接着一个地接听电话,就象那些身经百战的老接待员一样。
    There I was, my first day On the Job as a receptionist, handling one phone call after another like an old pro, when an employee stopped by my desk.

  • 最重要的是我们使这个国家免遭危害。我们做到了向我们的专家提供工具,并要求我们身经百战值得骄傲的的军队浴血奋战。
    Most of all, we protected this country from heart, and we did so by providing tools for a professional as well as military hard work ____ from time to time again.

  • 他们是身经百战的老将,长时间以来忠于里根,并且对共和党有着更久远的支持。他们和全国人民一样了解总统的政治手腕。
    They were battle—tested veterans with long ties to Reagan and even longer ties to the Republican party, men who understood presidential politics as well as any in the country.

  • 当抗日战争爆发时,他们已是久经沙场的英雄好汉;在那内战的艰苦岁月里,在敌我力量悬殊的极不利的形势下,他们曾身经百战
    For they were already heroes, when the Japanese war started, veterans of many a hard-fought campaign in the civil war where the odds had been incalculably against them.

  • 1945年,在他的引领和策划下促成了这位身经百战的老国王以及他的随从与罗斯福总统在苏伊士运河的一条船上的历史性会面。
    In 1945 he shepherded the battle-scarred old king and his entourage to an historic meeting with FDR on a ship in the Suez canal.

  • 在学员初试身手结束后,大部分新战车指挥官再冒出来时,往往全身是灰,但一身荣光。他们把手肘放在舱口上,摆出一副身经百战的老兵姿态。
    At the end of their maiden drive, most new tank commanders emerge covered in dust and glory to pose proudly with elbows resting on the hatch like battle-hardened veterans.

  • 公司既有身经百战的专业融资人士,又有熟悉金融理论的高级人才,同时还拥有一个由企业家、银行家及资深专家学者所组成的智囊团和专家组。
    We boasts a group of advanced specialists on finance and business theories, meanwhile, we own a brainpower which is formed with enterprises, bankers, and senior scholars.

  • 世界上很少有人为乔治布什的离职和他为美国盟国施加压力的随之消失而感伤,但是他团队里那些很好地处理了东欧关系,身经百战的官员们仍然为人们所怀念。
    Few people anywhere mourn the departure of George Bush and the strains he placed on America's allies. But his team of hard-bitten officials who dealt with eastern Europe is still missed.

  • 不过,身经百战的吴君如倒也并不轻松,甚至第一天拍戏被王晶连批“太害羞,不够放开”,“以前拍了那么多喜剧,都没有他那么夸张,感觉十几年没有过了。”
    " However, while also not easy, title went on the first day of filming was even WangJingLian batch "too shy, not release", "took so much comedy, no exaggeration, so he had no feeling ten years.

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