
踟蹰不前  chí chú bù qián







  • 你是否由于过去的伤害而踟蹰不前
    Do you hold back in relationships because you were hurt in the past?

  • 棉花价格正在下跌,买主们都踟蹰不前
    Cotton is falling in price, and buyers hold off.

  • 国际市场上,棉花价格正在下跌,买主们踟蹰不前
    The market being chaotic, buyers in London are very cautious.

  • 国际市场上,棉花价格正在下跌,买主们踟蹰不前
    The cotton was falling in price on the international market and the buyers held off.

  • 但是他在克里蒙那小提琴制造学校的古典训练一度使他踟蹰不前
    But his classical training at the violin-making school of Cremona has held him back for a long time.

  • 该地区的其他国家,由于高失业率和低工资的影响,消费水平踟蹰不前
    Elsewhere in the region, spending has stumbled, squeezed by higher unemployment and lower wages.

  • 有些人惧怕失败,他们承受不起失败的打击,因此,他们踟蹰不前,不思进取。
    Some people are afraid of failure and they can not bear the blow of failure, so they stay where they are and try to not to mike progress.

  • 让我们的子孙传唱,当我们面对挑战时,我们没有怯懦、没有退缩,更没有踟蹰不前
    Let us the descendants sing, when we facing challenge, we do not have, not to flinch timidly, has not hesitated to advance.

  • 我们可以说,他正面对着两种关口而踟蹰不前,一种是自绝的关口,一种是自救的关口。
    One would have said that he was hesitating between the two abysses, -- the one in which one loses one's self and that in which one saves one's self.

  • 假若你一开始便踟蹰不前,有所保留,甚至横加指责,那你就不可能最大限度地从书中获益。
    If you hang back, and reserve and criticize at first, you are preventing yourself from getting the fullest possible value from what you read.

  • 然后,仍旧很微弱很尖细的哨音,都在他前面很远很远的地方响起,使他踟蹰不前,想退回去。
    Then, still very faint and shrill, it sounded far ahead of him, and made him hesitate and want to go back.

  • 共和党人一直质疑全球变暖的严重性,因此在采取措施控制碳排放量方面一直观望徘徊,踟蹰不前,鲜见行动。
    Republican doubts about the severity of global warming are much more serious, and have undoubtedly slowed the adoption of carbon curbs.

  • 若我的同伴不能向我发出那最终、最难的请求;若他们会踟蹰不前而最后转求别人,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。
    If the ultimate, the hardest, cannot be asked of me; if my fellows hesitate to ask it and turn to someone else, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

  • 踟蹰不前造句相关
