
超然物外  chāo rán wù wài








  • 你将会发现一个超然物外的自我。
    You will know yourself far beyond anything you can ever imagine.

  • 认为上帝超然物外的才是真正的宗教。
    only to see God over everything, - that is true religion.

  • 他躺在床上一动也不动,似乎超然物外
    He lay still in the bed and seemed very detached from what was going on.

  • 人往往很难超然物外
    People often have difficulties rising above material temptation.

  • 本杰明介绍我静坐沉思,超然物外,打这以后我感觉好极了!
    Benjamin turned me on to transcendental meditation, and ever since I've been feeling great!

  • 当其他总统候选人在爱荷华顶着严寒互相竞争时,有两个男人却超然物外
    AS THE other candidates battled frostbite and each other in Iowa, two men were conspicuously absent.

  • 它以对人生的爱恋、自我的发现与肯定,以及顺应自然,超然物外为风尚。
    The prevailing custom of it is the love of life, self-discovery and affirmation as well as complies with the nature.

  • 好的,有些人说,他过去超然物外,过于冷静。你从未见过他动感情。-是的。
    Some people say, well, he's too detached and he's so cool; you never see his emotions. -Yeah.

  • 在同一时刻他必须既目的明确又淡然无私,如艺术家一般超然物外,又如政客一样接近世俗。
    He must be purposeful and disinterested in a simultaneous mood; as aloof and incorruptible as an artist, yet sometimes as near the earth as a politician.

  • 他早年就决定为了保持清晰的洞见而超然物外(避世),并且为了 真正的去聆听而进入沉默。
    It comes from one who decided early in life to keep the distance needed for clear vision, and enter the silence needed for true audition.

  • 瞩目于时空的种种转换,抒情主体以一“看风景人”超然物外的姿态,叩问“相对”,寻求超越。
    With the keen interest in shifts between time and space, the poet, as a "sightseer", has been exploring transcendence of relativism in a disinterested manner.

  • “自然”人格是一种理想人格,它是一种淡泊朴野、超然物外、逍遥自适、自由洒脱的人生状态。
    The natural personality character was a perfect personality, which was an unwealthy and simple, detached, free and unfettered life state.

  • 不事王侯,高尚其事。【白话】上九,不侍奉王侯,超然物外,孤芳自赏,使自己的德行至高无上。
    Nine at the top means: He does not serve kings and princes, Sets himself higher goals.

  • 奥斯蒙德曾对伊莎贝尔大谈他的自我克制,他的超然物外,他对一切名利地位的无动于衷,视同等闲。
    Osmond had talked to Isabel about his renunciation, his indifference, the ease with which he dispensed with the usual aids to success.

  • 青虚山为道教名山,位于唐县城北35公里处,因“四时之气清而煦,界入虚无,超然物外”而得名。
    Green virtual mountain of Taoism mountains, is located 35 kilometers north of Tang County, because "4:00 of the clean air and Xu, sector into nothingness, worldly" and named.

  • 用同样的方式,这种超然物外的思想已经被用来证明社会中的排斥和联盟现象,比如政治和经济的剥削。
    In the same way, the idea of transcendence has been used to justify social exclusion and allied phenomena, as political and economic exploitation.

  • 偷闲一个半小时,超然物外;只顾纳凉赏景,看着斑斓世界从身边缓缓流过,实在是一次愉快的览胜之旅。
    The whole trip was pleasant, a way to enjoy an hour and a half of enforced chilling out with nothing to do but watch the world go by.

  • 在当今这个浮躁、动荡、充满压力的社会中,瑜伽能让我感受到一种淡淡地、超然物外的心态,来平静面对生活。
    Today our society is full of pressure, unstable and impatient. Yoga brings me a quiet and joyful spirit, transcending creature comfort. Now i can face my life so calmly.

  • 当你只是一个人的时候,它将坐在你的身旁,在你耳边微语着;当你在人群中的时候,它将围住你,使你超然物外
    When you are alone it will sit by your side and whisper in your ear, when you are in the crowd it will fence you about with aloofness.

  • 父母们不知道在孩子整个的一生中,对平静的需要任何时候都没有在孩提时代那么重要---一种超然物外的内心平静。
    Parents do not see that during the whole life, the need of peace is never greater than in the years of childhood, an inner peace under all outside liveliness.

  • 滚滚红尘,纷扰人世,人在旅途,无欲无求。有的是行走江湖的心境,有的是道听途说的见闻,有的是超然物外的感受。
    Red Dust, world turmoil, corners of the state of mind some walking, some hearsay knowledge, some feeling of stay away from the scene. ot Yuanming's Seclusion;

  • 神的存在被看作是完全超然物外的具有赐福人类和永存不朽的性质。在伦理学方面︰善和快乐是一致的,至上之善和没有身心痛苦的终极目的相一致。
    In ethics, his basic concepts are the identification of good with pleasure and of the supreme good and ultimate end with the absence of pain from the body and the soul.

  • 苏轼一生屡遭贬谪,坎坷多艰,但他始终能保持一种超然物外、旷达乐观的心境。苏轼在密州时期就已显示出安往而不适的乐观精神,但超然心态的最终形成还是在被贬黄州之后。
    Su Shi's life is full of frustrations and frequent banishment from the court, but he always keeps up his free spiritual realm of holding himself from the worldly utilitarianism.

  • 从根本上来说,它所依据的无非是这样一种信念,即干记者这一行,不单单是充当一个超然物外的旁观者或报导员,而且应该积极表态支持某种社会学说,通过有选择的报导来阐明某种主张。
    Basically it rests on the belief that the reporter should not be merely a disinterested observer and recounter but the engaged advocator of social doctrine, pursuing a position by selective reportage.

  • 超然物外造句相关
