
诸如此类  zhū rú cǐ lèi




《晋书·刘颂传》:“诸如此类 ,亦不得已已。”




  • 诸如此类, 不胜枚举。
    Things like this are too numerous to mention.

  • 这些小学生经常帮生产队积肥、锄草,诸如此类的好事他们还做过很多。
    These school children regularly help the production teams collect manure and do weeding; they often do good deeds like this.

  • 诸如此类的科学发明, 都大大提高了劳动生产率。
    Scientific inventions such as these have raised labour productivity by a big margin.

  • 诸如此类,他们可以举出一大堆。
    And so on, they could specialize a lot.

  • 管子会缠结,破裂,或发生诸如此类的故障。
    The pipe would kink, or burst, or something.

  • 我们经营电视机,收音机以及诸如此类的商品。
    We deal in TV sets, radios and the like.

  • 可能会有一个大垫子在下面接着,诸如此类的东西。
    And maybe there is a big cushion under it and something like that.

  • 他们真正的工作也仅仅不过是处理水泡以及诸如此类
    So was their only real work, treating blisters and the like.

  • 所有关于俱乐部和入会仪式等诸如此类的书中都提到过眼罩。
    Blindfolds were used in all the books about clubs and initiations and that sort of stuff.

  • 你必须认证用户,显示并管理表格,验证输入的有效性诸如此类
    You have to authenticate users, display and handle forms, validate input, and so on.

  • 在狂欢节到来之前的三周中,诸如此类的宴会每个周末都会举办。
    Parties like this one are happening each weekend for three weeks leading up to carnival.

  • 我不明白为什么人们喜欢插队,随地吐痰和其他诸如此类无礼的事情。
    I don't understand why people push in line, spit and do other rude stuff like that.

  • 一些任务可以导致屏幕切换,一些任务会更新用户设备的数据,诸如此类
    Some tasks could lead to other screens, some could update data on the user's device, and so on.

  • 诸如此类预计中的风险,我也希望这待售房屋大量过剩的压力能继续缓解。
    Like Calculated Risk, I would have expected the large overhang of unsold houses to keep downward pressure on.

  • 我也喜欢看书。但我更喜欢看纪实文学:像历史、社会评论诸如此类的东西。
    I like to read too. But I prefer non-fiction: history, social commentary and stuff like that.

  • 戴你还可以时时给它检查是否长了寄生虫,检查它的牙齿,诸如此类的事情。
    You would also check it for worms every now and again, check its teeth and that sort of thing.

  • 绝不要抽菸或喝酒诸如此类的事,因为它们会毁了你灵体出窍与精神心灵出窍的机会。
    Never smoke or drink alcohol as this will ruin your chances of having soul body or soul mind OBE's.

  • 你会发现你需要为它装修什么-记忆,你可以信赖的朋友,酷爱学习和其它诸如此类的事。
    You'll find what you need to finish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things.

  • 这种非物质性劳动产生想法、符号、符码、文本、语言单位、形象和其他诸如此类的产品。
    This kind of immaterial labor produces ideas, symbols, codes, texts, linguistic figures, images, and other such products.

  • 宗教还有更多的事情要做,那是传统,因为如果你不做,邻居们就会看出来,诸如此类的东西。
    It was more do it because it was tradition and because the neighbors will see if you don't, sort of thing.

  • 五名内阁部长也将前往哥本哈根,兜售他们关于农业、绿色工程、科学研究等诸如此类领域的合作。
    Five cabinet secretaries will also be going to Copenhagen, to make their pitch for co-operation on farming, green jobs, research and the like.

  • 神采用一个人的身体,这个化身会像普通人一样,受到疾病、忧伤、饥饿、口渴等诸如此类的折磨。
    Assuming a human body, the Incarnation falls victim to disease, grief, hunger, thirst, and all such things, like ordinary mortals.

  • 我已经搞定了最基本的――那些关于距离只是幻象,一切事物实际上只是一个点……诸如此类的内容。
    I've got the basics down ― all that stuff about distance being an illusion, that everything is really one point, blah, blah, blah.

  • 自最初播种以来,人类造成了12件诸如此类的事件,其它6件在性质上是太阳的变动然而撞击了地球。
    Mankind caused 12 of such events since the original seeding and the remaining 6 were solar in nature but impacted Earth nonetheless.

  • 还有你要知道水果和蔬菜,和全部的谷物,保持远离油腻的食物,不要吃太多甜的东西-诸如此类的东西。
    And you know, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, stay away from greasy foods, don't eat too many sweet things – that kind of thing.

  • 反之,在得到相关管理部门的提前通知和允许的情况下,公司应提供合理途径以将填料设施用于诸如此类用途。
    In turn, the company shall grant reasonable access to filling facilities for like purposes with prior notice and the permission of the relevant management.

  • 也许有些关于情报机构与此事有关消息会传开来,比方说他们在因特网上收集声音、消息,等等诸如此类的东西。
    There may be some intelligence that intelligence agencies will be able to get about it, for example, picking up on Internet traffic, voice messages, things like that.

  • “如果你正好能够立即打开电脑,就像打开手机和翻开课本或诸如此类的事并关掉复原一样,那将是完美的,”他说。
    "If you could just open it up immediately, just like you do with your cellphone, and text somebody or whatever and close it back up, that would be ideal, " he said.

  • 持续性的降雨和岩层滑动,再加上主干道上覆盖着一层淤泥,诸如此类的情况,阻碍了营救官员为进入目标地区所作的努力。
    Persistent rain, as well as rock slides and a layer of mud coating on the main roads, such as the one above, hinders rescue officials' efforts to enter the target region.

  • 大卫:是有旅馆。可是他们觉得也许让他住在一个真正的美国家庭中会更好。吃着爆米花,大家在一起闲聊,诸如此类的事……
    David: Yes, there are hotels. They just thought maybe it'd be nice for him to stay with a real American family. Popcorn, waffles, all that stuff.

  • 诸如此类造句相关
