
触类旁通  chù lèi páng tōng








  • 如果懂得这点,其它的就可以触类旁通了。
    If you understand this point, you can understand the rest by analogy.

  • 这样,阅读古书时才能举一反三触类旁通
    In this way, when can we judge the whole ancient books to read, comprehend by analogy.

  • 如果懂得这点,其它的就可以触类旁通了。
    If you understand this point, you can understand the rest by analogy.

  • 大学四载,游学江城,博览群书,触类旁通,涉猎广泛,过目不忘。
    Four years in university, I studied in Wuhan, known as The River City. I read many various kinds of books, studied and memorized.

  • 指标其实都大同小异,研究透了其中一个指标,其他指标其实都可触类旁通
    In fact, indicators are more or less the same, research through the one of the indicators, other indicators could also comprehend by analogy.

  • 实用英语,行业英语…他山之石,能够使我们触类旁通,以更好的学习和思考。
    Practical english, industrial english etc where we can get some thing from, for better studying and thinking.

  • 学习知识要真、巧、苦、活;真而不巧,不能触类旁通;苦而不活,不能举一反三。
    When you cannot find time for a rest, it is high time you need a rest. (Algernon Sydney)

  • 同时触类旁通,把近似的隐含题目找不入来,一并处理,保留编制的灵验性、适宜性。
    At the same time by analogy, the similar implied problem identified in a joint resolve to maintain efficiency and suitability.

  • 如此,您不仅了解了具体的领域,而且通过实例,可以触类旁通地了解摄影其它各个方面。
    By doing so, you'll not only get to understand that particular area, but through real examples, you'll start to see how the other pieces of the photography puzzle fit together.

  • 在教学生解决某一问题时,老师应帮助他们看到与其他问题的相似性,这样他们才能触类旁通
    When teaching students to solve one problem, the teacher should help them see parallels to other problems so that they can judge the whole from the part.

  • 首先对运气南北政中的正化对化、得政平气、太极全息、南北异同和河洛探源进行了触类旁通
    At first, to comprehend Zhenghua and Duihua, peaceful Qi if obtaining Zheng, Taiji hologram, similarities and differences of south and north, the source of Heluo by analogy.

  • 在拜胡世盛为师后,奇乐勤学苦练,触类旁通,在推测观众心理反应上,更有微妙变化的智慧。
    Having learning magic skills of Hu's , Happy Wiz studied hard and practiced more, which led him to master more skills. He has the delicate intelligence on calculating the audience reaction.

  • 将构件进行分类,从构件和独体字开始学习,再学习高频字,再学习句篇,使学习者能触类旁通
    Classify the components, begin learning with the components and single characters, and then the frequently used characters, and the lecture to make learners comprehend by analogy.

  • 其实不一定所有的故障都那么复杂,有时候从简单的方面考虑,也能很好地解决问题要学会触类旁通
    In fact, all of the failures are not necessarily less complex, and sometimes from simple considerations, but also a good problem-solving  to learn how to comprehend by analogy.

  • 忽视了语法的作用,片面强调机械模仿和记忆,结果造成囫囵吞枣,死记硬背,不能举一反三,触类旁通
    It overlooks the role of grammar and puts undue stress on mechanical imitation and memorization. This leads to the phenomenon of mechanical memorizing without seeking thorough understanding;

  • 有效的仪表采购管理能够为企业降本增效起到巨大的作用,同时也能触类旁通,引申到其它方面的管理中。
    The effective instrument purchasing management can reduce the cost of the industry and increase the profit, and the experience can be used in the management of the plant.

  • 一旦他们养成了能独立解决至少一门功能学习能力之后,他们很有可能会举一反三,在其它学科的学习中触类旁通
    If they can develop independence in at least one area of homework, they are more likely to learn how to do homework in other areas.

  • 结果学生对药物的认识不拘泥于事实的表象,分析问题不再片面,能透过现象看本质,综合考虑,举一反三,触类旁通
    Result: This method can make the students to learn medicine's nature, not only know the appearance and make them know by analogy.

  • 学生只有掌握了科学有效的学习方法,接受新知识才能举一反三,触类旁通,更好地做到知识的迁移,并使学生受益终身。
    In teaching, teachers should train students to grasp the ways of learning. Only with scientific and effective learning methods can students benefit a lot.

  • 本书的特点是:快,迅速提高学生的写作能力;易,代表性的格式和句型,由浅入深;通,循环递进的方式使学生触类旁通
    The main features of the book are: to quickly improve the composition competence of the students, to starting from the easy patterns and to master more writing skills step by step.

  • 同时,本书以附录形式系统整理了有关教育、体育、手机、网络、环保、家居、旅行等专有领域词汇,方便读者定向查找,触类旁通
    Professional glossary on education, gym issues, mobile related content, the internet, the environment as well as tourism also included in the appendix for reader's easy reference.

  • 即使是普通的炒面或汤面,只要在面条或配料上做点变化,就能带来全新的口味,家常篇将给你触类旁通的观念,信手拈来都是一道好面点。
    A little extra touch in the noodle or ingredient will bring you a completely new flavor. This book offers a new perception of noodle cooking. Make a savory noodle dish with ease and pleasure.

  • 姐姐认为,文凭是职业的需要。没有文凭而找到一个好的工作是不容易的,然而,文凭仅仅表明一个人所接受的某种教育,不表明它触类旁通,经天纬地。
    In my opinion , diploma is essential to one's future career because in today's society without diploma it is very hard for one to find a good job.

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