
触目皆是  chù mù jiē shì








  • 广场上, 乱丢的果皮废物触目皆是
    Littered fruit peels and other forms of garbage can be seen everywhere on the square.

  • 幸福的家园无处不在,生活的温馨触目皆是
    The happy home is ubiquitous, life meets the eye warmly all.

  • 触目皆是的汽车几乎占满了整条马路, 交通问题真是令人挠头。
    Traffic is really heavy, all you can see are cars.

  • 景区峰峰并列,草木峥嵘,有扑朔迷离的原始森林,触目皆是奇观。
    Fengfeng tied scenic areas, vegetation ZHENG Rong, a complicated and confusing the jungle, are the attention-grabbing spectacle.

  • 细细流览,哈佛之美触目皆是。这座钟塔上迎风摇曳的小旗子,不也别有一番情趣?
    A close look reveals the beauty of Harvard everywhere. Doesn't the little flag waving on top of this cupola have a charm all its own?

  • 孩子们受饥荒煎熬,以及世上触目皆是的孤独、贫困和痛苦—这些都是对人类应该过的生活的嘲弄。
    Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their pain make a mockery of what human life should be.

  • 这部片的小惊喜触目皆是,或者亦可以说,它本身就是个大惊喜,所以知得愈少会愈好。有惊喜才有趣。
    This film is filled with many little surprises, or you could say it's one big surprise, so the less you know, the better.

  • 因湖大部分是干涸的湖底,触目皆是银白晶莹的盐结晶体,阳光下盐体闪闪发光酷似寒夜睛空的月光,故名。
    Most lakes are drying up because of the lake, mine can be seen everywhere Jingying white salt crystals, salt body under the sun sparkling like empty eyes Cold Night Moonlight, named.

  • 中国人,中国的币,中国的产品,如今是触目皆是了。故找寻新年之主题的学究们,便洋洋万言,预测今后的中国,将成为全球的霸主。
    The Chinese, their money and their manufactured goods are everywhere, and pundits in search of New Year themes have been full of predictions about China as the coming global power.

  • ②这种钢铁片,据说就是炸弹的裂块,③有大有小,④那时在立达学院附近触目皆是,我所拾的只是小小的一块,阔约六寸,高约三寸,厚约两寸,重约一斤。
    The one I picked up was a small one, measuring roughly six inches across, three inches high and two inches thick. Its weight was about a catty.

  • 孩子们受饥荒煎熬,无辜者被压迫者折磨,孤弱无助的老人在自己眼中变成可恶的累赘,以及世上触目皆是的孤独、贫困和痛苦---这些都是对人类应该过的生活的嘲弄。
    Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.

  • 孩子们受饥荒煎熬,无辜者被压迫者折磨,孤弱无助的老人在自己的儿子眼中变成可恶的累赘,以及世上触目皆是的孤独、贫困和痛苦──这些都是对人类应该过的生活的嘲弄。
    Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.

  • 孩子们受饥荒煎熬,无辜者被压迫者折磨,孤弱无助的老人在自己的儿子眼中变成可恶的累赘,以及世上触目皆是的孤独、贫困和痛苦--这些都是对人类应该过的生活的嘲弄。
    Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.

  • 孩子们受饥荒煎熬,无辜者被压迫者折磨,孤弱无助的老人在自己的儿子眼中变成可恶的累赘,以及世上触目皆是的孤独、贫困和痛苦--这些都是对人类应该过的生活的嘲弄。
    Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.

  • 孩子们受饥荒煎熬,无辜者被压迫者折磨,孤弱无助的老人在自己的儿子眼中变成可恶的累赘,以及世上触目皆是的孤独、贫困和痛苦---这些都是对人类应该过的生活的嘲弄。
    Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.

  • 孩子们受饥荒煎熬,无辜者被压迫者折磨,孤弱无助的老人在自己的儿子眼中变成可恶的累赘,以及世上触目皆是的孤独、贫困和痛苦---这些都是对人类应该过的生活的嘲弄。
    Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery9) of what human life should be.

  • 触目皆是造句相关
