
见多识广  jiàn duō shí guǎng








  • 他是一个见多识广的商人。
    As a merchant, he was a man of the world -- he had seen it all.

  • 要愚弄他可不容易;他见多识广啊。
    It's not easy to fool him; he's been around.

  • 他是一位游历各地见多识广的作家。
    He is a much traveled writer.

  • 老马见多识广,不相信第一次见到啊。
    See the first time, the length of the knowledge.

  • 美食家确实是在美食佳酿上见多识广的人。
    A gourmet is a person who is experienced and knowledgeable in fine food and drink.

  • 接下来的一级难度是抓住见多识广的老海鸥。
    The next difficulty level entailed trying to catch the more clued-up, older gulls.

  • 这些特点使得数据容易用于见多识广的决策。
    These features make the data easier for use in informed decision making.

  • 这位海员到过世界上最荒野的港口。他见多识广
    The sailor had been in the wildest ports in the world. He knew his way around.

  • 通常见多识广,阅读面宽,喜欢扩大知识面并传给他人。
    Usually well informed, well read, enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others.

  • 那个家伙是个见多识广的人。(否则:“确实略知一二”
    That guy really understood a thing or two.

  • 不只是让你见多识广见多识广是非常原始的教育思想。
    Education is about to give you innerabundance while not to just make you more knowledgeable. Beingknowledgeable belongs to a very primitive educational thought.

  • 那个是武器吗?我还以为我已经很见多识广了,看来还不够。
    Are you using that as a weapon? And to think, I thought I'd seen everything. Guess I was wrong.

  • 如果人们必须做明智的决定,他们就绝对应该是见多识广的人。
    People should be mathemaically informed if they are to make wise decision.

  • 那个家伙是个见多识广的人。(不是:\“确实略知一二。\”
    That guy really knew a thing or two.

  • 见多识广的顾问可以逐步指导你使用那些屡试不爽的行为纠正法。
    A knowledgeable counselor can walk you through behavior modification techniques that have a proven track record.

  • 确实,有一点至少是错不了的,那就是他很聪明,见多识广,对世界几乎了如指掌
    There was no mistake at least about his being intelligent and cultivated and knowing almost everything in the world.

  • 见多识广的副院长是位从美国留学回来的药剂学博士,他曾协助当地警方侦破案件。
    Informed, deputy director of the United States is from the back, he helped dr pharmacy local police detected cases.

  • 真的,她还从来没有和一个跑过大码头,见过大世面,见多识广性格活跃的人打过交道。
    Indeed, an experienced traveller, a brisk man of the world, had never come within such close range before.

  • 而且,现在的学生更加聪明,更见多识广,并且在他们就业时,他们已经受过良好的教育。
    And the students are much sophisticate now, the (they're) border (broader), the (they are) better educated when they come to use.

  • 我们都是成人了,我们中的大多数人可能会倾向于认为我们在基本生活智慧方面是见多识广的。
    We're all adults, and most of us probably like to think that we're fairly well-informed when it comes to basic life wisdom.

  • 索洛很少离开他的家乡康科德镇,因为他相信一个人可以通过研究一个六英里见方的地区而见多识广
    Thoreau did not leave his hometown Concord very often, for he believed that one could be well-informed by studying an area six miles square .

  • 今天我们需要的是见多识广,为了社会精神而团结起来相互学习的有爱心的个体来像公民一样参与民主进程。
    What we need today are groups of well-informed, caring individuals who band together in the spirit of community to learn from one another, to participate, as citizens, in the democratic process.

  • 当你们每个人被指定已经变得见多识广而且使这个行星的一个频率发生改变,你们必须学会适合管理者的频率。
    As each of you has been assigned to become informed and to bring about a frequency alteration on this planet, you must learn to become Keepers of Frequency.

  • 我们这麽想,因为我们所知道的其他鸟儿,没有一种比渡鸦更爱嬉戏了,牠们招惹各种不同的状况,因而见多识广
    We think so because no other bird we know of is as playful as the raven and consequently exposes itself to such a variety of contingencies.

  • 徐天川摇了摇头,他见多识广,可从未听见过这等怪事,过了一会,缓缓的道:“最奇怪的是,灵堂前都点了蜡烛。”
    Xu shook his head gravely. 'I don't know. The strangest thing of all, ' he continued, 'is that in front of each shrine there are candles burning.

  • 主要的决策权应该全部交给政治家和其他的政府专家,他们更加见多识广并且比一般的老百姓具有更好的判断能力和洞察力。
    Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public.

  • 重大的政策决定永远应该留给政治家和其他政府专家去完成,这些人更为见多识广,因此拥有比平民大众更好的判断力和视野。
    Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public.

  • 愈是见多识广,愈能深刻意识到一个连贯一致的规律--犹如星辰、潮汐、呼吸、白昼黑夜一般具有普遍性——存在于万事万物中。
    The more you live and the more you look, the more aware you are of a consistent pattern - as universal as the stars, as the tides, as breathing, as night and day - underlying everything.

  • 伊丽莎白还是对着费茨威廉上校说,“我们是不是要问问他,一个通情达理,受过教育,见多识广的人,居然不擅长在陌生人面前自荐?”
    " said Elizabeth, still addressing Colonel Fitzwilliam. "Shall we ask him why a man of sense and education, and who has lived in the world, is ill qualified to recommend himself to strangers?

  • 他们必须是见多识广和 安全受保护的, 因此将有可能让他们在即将到来的事件行动一致并且他们自己准备为了向新世纪时代靠近。
    They must be informed and secured , so that it would be possible for them to act in accordance with the on-coming events and to prepare themselves for the approach of New age.

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