
表里如一  biǎo lǐ rú yī








  • 要想做到表里如一,还需另加花费。
    To do think that would otherwise cost.

  • 此外,修养还要坚持表里如一的标准。
    In addition, the tutelage also must persist the same standard all the time.

  • 颜色表里如一,色泽鲜艳,孔经清晰。
    Biaoliruyi color, bright color, clear the hole.

  • 那人的善是表里如一的。
    The man is as kind-hearted as he looks.

  • 要说真有表里如一的人的话,那就是此公了。
    Here if ever was a man all of a piece.

  • 这就是说,对自己对他人都要诚实,要表里如一
    This means saying who you are and being that person with yourself and with others.

  • 他们只是去的道听途说和重复表里如一亲的使用。
    They're just going by hearsay and duplicating what they think the pro's are using.

  • 高光外壳,拒绝任何喷涂装饰,表里如一,永不褪色;多种颜色。
    Full gloss pure casing, no any spray-paint decoration, unfading and eye-catching, multi color.

  • 诗写得虽然不算工整,但是可以从中看出他心胸开阔,表里如一
    Although the poem is not written Gong Zheng, but you can see that his open-minded, Biaoliruyi.

  • 光说不做是君子所不齿的,作为君子,要做到言行一致,表里如一
    Light says not to do be gentleman place despise, as gentleman, should accomplish consistent, consistent.

  • 冷藏袋:他们是男性的,因为他们能容纳所有东西,并且表里如一
    FREEZER BAGS: They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.

  • 我们没有人是表里如一的,但是我们又必须表现出来另外一面来生存。
    That none of us are who appear to be the outside, but we must maintain appearances to survive.

  • 而当他遇见奥瑞·鲍埃德时,则发现任何事情,包括法律,都非表里如一
    But when he crosses paths with Orin Boyd, he discovers that nothing is what it seems, even the law.

  • 我爱慕你俊秀的容颜,更崇敬你纯洁的品性。表里如一的美,是最完善的美。
    I love your handsome face and worship your pure character. The beauty of both outside show and inner thoughts is perfect beaty.

  • 他说,选民希望他们选的人给人一种“真实美感”,而且还要“表里如一”。
    What voters want in their politicians, he says, is "authenticity";

  • 不要为了结交新朋友或维持一段友谊而去做错事。要友善而原则坚定地对待所有人。最重要的是表里如一
    Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. Deal kindly but firmly with everyone. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.

  • 不要为了结识新朋友或维持一段友谊而去做错事。要友善而原则坚定地对待所有人。最重要的是表里如一
    Live, act, and say nothing to the injury of anyone. It is not only the best as a matter of principle, but it is the path of peace and honor.

  • 不要为了结识新朋友或维持一段友谊而去做错事。要友善而原则坚定地对待所有人。最重要的是表里如一
    Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. Deal kindly but firmly everyone. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.

  • 不要为了结识新朋友或维持一段友谊而去做错事。要友善而原则坚定地对待所有人。最重要的是要表里如一
    Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. Deal kindly but firmly with everyone. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.

  • 而品德高尚、有修养的人往往能够严于律己、表里如一,即使在一个人独处时也能做到谨言慎行、不做坏事。
    And the person with exalted, cultured moral character often can father at be self restrained, consistent, although be in, also can accomplish not speak and act cautiously, maleficent.

  • “员工参与、改进创新”是延锋江森企业文化的重要基础。“正直、诚信”是延锋江森人表里如一的行动准则。
    "Deep involvement and innovation" are the foundation of the culture of the company and "integrity" is the principle of behavior for all the SYFJC employees.

  • “员工参与、改进创新”是延锋江森企业文化的重要基础。“正直、诚信”是延锋江森人表里如一的行动准则。
    "Deep involvement and innovation" are the foundation of the culture of the company and "integrity" is the principle of behavior for all the YFJC employees.

  • 直觉告诉他们:表里如一意味着拥有一套自己的道德伦理标准,不为私利而背叛;不管实际情况如何都坚持如此。
    They understood instinctively that integrity means having a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand.

  • 本公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,先进的生产设备,完善的检测设施和质量管理体系,更使得产品表里如一,品质卓越。
    Owing to the abundant technologies, advanced production equipments and perfect testing equipments &quality management system, the company is able to products with eximious quality.

  • 本人心地善良、温柔大方、勤奋好学、身体健康、做一手好菜,努力保持年轻的心态和外表,是一位表里如一的女子。
    Oneself the good natured, gentleness is generous, diligence like learn, healthy body, do skill real jam, work hard keep the young mindset and outward appearances, is a watch in such as an of woman.

  • 听她讲话,你简直就要怀疑,银河女士的“无可无不可”,很有可能不是外表的假象,很有可能是表里如一的“境界”。
    Listen to her to speak, you are about to suspect simply, of galactic lady " not care one way or another " , not be outside false appearance likely very, it is consistent likely very " state " .

  • 其意义就在于,用艺术的手法,形象地告诉人们,一个人只有在把真和善完美地结合起来,达到表里如一时才是最美的。
    Its meaning depends on, with artistic gimmick, figure ground tells people, a person is in only rise faultlessly union, achieve consistent when just be the most beautiful.

  • 你并不是一个表里如一的人。外在表现出来的你和内在真正的你非常不同。你具有巨大的潜力——甚至连你自己都不知道。
    Internally, you are quite different from the way you present yourself externally. You possess a vast reservoir of energy that may be partially hidden even from your own awareness.

  • 对那些有幸认识她的人来说,她表里如一,甚至比外表更令人尊敬——她是一个生活丰富、有活力的女士,一位优秀的母亲和好朋友。
    To those lucky enough to know her, she was what she seemed to be, but much more—a bright woman full of life, a fine mother and good friend.

  • 诚信是我们中华民族的传统美德,诚信作为一种道德规范,是指人的思想与行动应当一致,诚实无欺,言而有信,表里如一,说到做到。
    Honesty is a traditional virtue in China. Honesty is regarded as a moral standard, denoting that people's thoughts and actions should be consistent, honest, and true.

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