
衣冠禽兽  yī guān qín shòu







  • 什么大学教授,是衣冠禽兽吧。
    What university the professor be a beast in human dress.

  • 是外面衣冠里面禽兽的文明人!
    Inside the animal is outside of the civilized people dressed!

  • 但我们得老师是你们这些衣冠禽兽哦。
    But our teacher is you notorious mothafuck.

  • 我现在是个无心无肺无肝的衣冠禽兽
    Yes, you are right, my lady!

  • 他是个冷酷无情的衣冠禽兽
    He is an unfeeling brute.

  • 芭芭拉嫁给一位衣冠禽兽
    Barbara married an animal.

  • 注重外表的衣冠禽兽,普天之下到处都是。
    The beasts wearing hat and clothes are ubiquitous in every where.

  • 心狠毒辣,衣冠禽兽,是日本人另一面的写照。
    Xinhen diabolical, Yiguanqinshou, is the portrayal of the Japanese on the other side.

  • 他是衣冠禽兽
    He is more animal tha man.

  • 你们男人呀,就没有一个好东西,不是衣冠禽兽,就是禽兽不如!
    Your man ah, have no a good thing, isn't a beast in human dress, be an animals not equal to!

  • 而日本人太讲究礼貌了,所以其另一面肯定也会太深,深至极点就是心狠毒辣,衣冠禽兽
    The Japanese too particular about manners, so the other side will certainly too deep Xinhen point is extremely diabolical, Yiguanqinshou.

  • 一个男人居然可以过着衣冠禽兽的生活,然后被看作是一个最年轻、最纯洁的姑娘的称心丈夫。
    A man can live a life of bestiality and then be considered a fit husband for the youngest and purest girl!

  • 爸爸:简直是在受折磨。你妈妈想给你介绍某个离过婚的男人,一个人权律师,显然就是令人讨厌的衣冠禽兽
    Dad: Torture. You mother's trying to fix you up with some divorcee. Human rights barrister. Pretty nasty beast, apparently.

  • 衣冠禽兽造句相关
