
蜻蜓点水  qīng tíng diǎn shuǐ








  • 做调查工作不能蜻蜓点水, 要深入实际。
    To make an investigation one, should go into matters deeply, not just scratch the surface.

  • 就那麽蜻蜓点水似的,点到为止。
    Like a dragonfly skimming the water.

  • 做调查工作不能蜻蜓点水,要深入浅出。
    To make an investigation, as should go into matters deeply.

  • 它有时轻风拂面,润物无声若蜻蜓点水
    It sometimes the wind, silent lubricant if superficially.

  • 相簿分类:蜻蜓点水;莲花;飞鸟;蝴蝶。
    Album contents: Dragonfly; Lotus; Bird; Butterfly.

  • 他们倾向于蜻蜓点水式从一种活动转到另一种活动。
    They thus tend to flit from activity to activity.

  • 遇着你喜欢的女孩时,蜻蜓点水一般和她来个眼神接触。
    When you see or meet a girl you like, make brief eye contact.

  • 蜻蜓点水,唤起另一只在记忆中的景致,寥无岁月差痕。
    There had been no years between the ducking of this dragonfly and the other one – the one that was part of memory.

  • 遇着你喜欢的女孩时,蜻蜓点水一般和她来短暂的眼神接触。
    If you really like this girl, you probably appreciate a lot of things about her.

  • 有的书不是让你蜻蜓点水一样来读的,而是需要你的思考的。
    For some books are not for you to leaf through and dip into, but for you to think through.

  • 最后我拉著她的手到我脸上,她轻轻抚过如蜻蜓点水般轻柔。
    Finally, I pulled her hands to my face, and she passed them over like 'butterfly kisses, ' light as a flutter.

  • 除却大量新闻故事形式的相关报道,就只剩一些蜻蜓点水式的翻译资料。
    Besides a large number of news reports, there remains only some material from translation.

  • 家里好像没有那种东西,就算偶尔有一点,也只不过是蜻蜓点水式的而已。
    And if there were different opinions appearing between us, we simply gave up disscusion.

  • 宁可彻底地练习几种情况,也比蜻蜓点水式地去碰一大堆问题,更为有益。
    It is much more helpful to cover a few situation thoroughly than to touch on a large number.

  • 流动性危机在保守的美联储看来却好像不是什么大件事,干预手段蜻蜓点水
    But the Fed generally seems to be sticking to a conservative course in its interventions thus far, possibly indicating it doesn't see the liquidity crisis as too problematic right now.

  • 你不喜欢蜻蜓点水式的接吻,相反,你总是喜欢将接吻作为前奏以做的更多。
    You do not take kissing lightly, and tend to hope it will lead to more touching and sharing.

  • 如果想控制谈话的主动权,就要有意识的把话题控制在一个主题上,而非蜻蜓点水地一带而过。
    If you want to control the taking, you should control the topic in a conscious subject.

  • 蜻蜓点水般的反补贴关税不太可能阻碍更广泛惩罚中国的法规的通过,而且很可能今年就能通过。
    The about-face on anti-subsidy tariffs is unlikely to forestall the passage of more comprehensive China-bashing laws, which seems all but certain this year.

  • 2005年房地产的宏观调控基本上是政府的行政作为,即银行过低的利率水平调整只是蜻蜓点水
    2005 real estate macro-control is basically the administrative act which is the low bank interest rate level adjustment is going.

  • 大学毕业快七年了,虽然这些年来,回过高雄几次,不过都如蜻蜓点水般,没有好好花时间在那里。
    It's been almost seven years since I graduated from college. Although I went back to Kaohsiung several times during these years, I haven't gotten a chance to really spend time there since then.

  • “库克旅游”这个新词的产生与他关系颇大。“库克旅游”是指像旋风一样,蜻蜓点水似地多地旅游。
    He was responsible for the coining of a new phrase, the "Cook's tour", which means a whirlwind tour that lightly touches down in many places.

  • 然后,一个过于急切的职员想用水晶球预测晋升机会,不小心把球砸到蜻蜓点水是在干什么了老板的胯下。
    Then an overeager colleague, using the crystal ball to predict a raise, inadvertently throws it into a tender region of his boss.

  • 不少考生平时学习,对教材不愿精读细嚼,疏于思考,懒于动笔,眼高手低,一知半解,蜻蜓点水,学而不实。
    Candidates usually a lot of learning, reading materials do not want to ponder, lack of thinking and lazy to write, Yangaoshoudi, ill-informed, superficially, but not really science.

  • 很少有这类留言问题需要作出大量的解释如同完成一个难题一样,当然也不仅仅只是蜻蜓点水般的给出一个理论。
    Few of these questions might require a lot of explanation in terms of following steps to accomplish a task or simply explaining a concept.

  • 用手轻轻的摩挲她的面颊,用手指抚弄他的头发,来一个轻轻的拥抱,温柔的握紧他的手,或是一个蜻蜓点水的吻。
    Brush your hand softly on her cheek, run your fingers through his hair, give a soft hug, a gentle squeeze of the hand, or a quick kiss.

  • 是地产观点争锋的舞台,是体现大众意见的场所,搜狐焦点房地产网希望用对立的观点辩论来进行深层的阐述而非蜻蜓点水
    property is the view across the stage, embodying the views of the public forum, Sohu focus in the real estate network that debate opposing views rather than going out to the deep.

  • 仅仅在日落后短暂片刻时间,上弦月与水星蜻蜓点水般掠过暮色的黄昏,等到天色渐渐转暗,他们也随着夜晚来临消失在天际。
    Shortly after sunset, the young moon and Mercury will flit across the twilight stage, only to disappear by the time that it gets good and dark.

  • 明美顾不上想太多,就伸出了自己空着的那支手臂,勾住他的脖子亲吻了他一下,蜻蜓点水般的碰了碰他的嘴唇。然后她就跑着去排练了。
    Without pausing to reconsider, Minmei put her free arm around his neck and kissed him once, quickly, on the lips. Then she was racing off for a rehearsal.

  • 已有的关注和研究多停留在阐释农村留守儿童教育问题的表面,对产生这些问题的原因分析多为 “蜻蜓点水”,鲜有从制度层面作深入研究。
    The existed attention and research of the left-behind children's educational issues are staying on the surface, much are "just scratch the surface", fresh from the system for in-depth study.

  • 这段是描述为什么感谢她,你说了两个例子,但是我觉得与其两个例子都蜻蜓点水般带过,不如就一个例子来写,写得生动一些,让人印象深刻一些更好。
    When I was confused and met with difficulties in getting along with new people, she said to me, "Some people always want to talk about others, let's give them something to talk about."

  • 蜻蜓点水造句相关
