
虎穴龙潭  hǔ xué lóng tán








  • 那一刻,我真有种才出龙潭,又入虎穴的感觉。
    That moment, I really have the kind of talent leave Longtan, also enters the tiger's den the feeling.

  • “跳出煎锅,又落火坑”(才离龙潭,又入虎穴)是一句谚语。
    "Jump out of the frying pan into the fire" is a saying.

  • 而利物浦的下场比赛就是星期六午茶时间做客龙潭虎穴的厄普森。
    Next up for Liverpool is a potentially hazardous trip to Upton Park on Saturday tea-time.

  • 经理派人去请杰克逊先生,杰克逊先对其同事说,“我去龙潭虎穴后,你能帮我把这些信写完吗?”
    The Manager sent for Mr Jackson who said to his colleague, "while I am in the lion's den, will you finish these letters for me?""

  • 经理派人去请杰克逊先生,杰克逊先对其同事说,“我去龙潭虎穴后,你能帮我把这些信写完吗?”
    The Manager sent for Mr Jackson who said to his colleague, "while I am in the lion's den, will you finish these letters for me? ""

  • 那个可怜的小孩由于忍受不了继母的残忍,逃出去沿街乞讨,结果发现自己不过是脱身龙潭,又入虎穴
    Unable to put up with the cruelty of his stepmother, the poor boy ran away and begged from door to door, only to find himself jumping out of the frying-pan into the fire.

  • “博尔顿从来就是龙潭虎穴,这些年已经验证这一点,能够在这里取胜太棒了,”李补充道,“任何时候的胜利都是最棒的,特别是长久的国际比赛日休息前。”
    "Bolton is never an easy place to go to, as has been proven over the years, so to get a win there was excellent, " added Lee. "A win at anytime is good, but particularly going into a lengthy break.

  • 虎穴龙潭造句相关
