
莫逆之交  mò nì zhī jiāo








  • 您是我在世界上的最高尚的莫逆之交
    You are the best friend I have in the world and the noblest.

  • 尽管年龄有差距,两人成为莫逆之交
    Despite their age difference, they became friends.

  • 一本好书,莫逆之交
    A good book is a good friend.

  • 他和零号是莫逆之交- 弗莱德·杜克斯?
    Him and Zero were real tight. - Fred Dukes?

  • 他的个性里散发出一种即使莫逆之交间亦难寻的温暖。
    From his personality radiates a warmth which is not often known among the closest of friends.

  • 正是这一小群人,成了莫逆之交,各自寻找着新的归宿。
    Together they form a close-knit group of jahaj-thais (ship-brothers), each searching for a new destiny.

  • 这两个朋友平日是莫逆之交,一到星期六就是对阵的敌人。
    The two boys were sworn friends all the weekdays, and embattled enemies on Saturdays.

  • 陆军学校学生胡伦廷与白乐德有莫逆之交,共怀报国之志。
    Both studying in the Army School, Hu Lunting and Bai Lede had a deep friendship, and swore to fight for the country.

  • 以前他们曾是结拜兄弟、莫逆之交,但现在他们成了死敌。
    They used to be were sworn brothers and friends, but now they have become sworn enemies.

  • 陆军学校学生胡伦廷与白乐德有莫逆之交﹐共怀报国之志。
    Both studying in the Army School, Hu Lunting and Bai Lede had a deep friendship, and swore to fight for the country.

  • 一本好书,莫逆之交。好书如挚友。好书一本,照亮心灵。
    A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.

  • 这两个朋友平日里是莫逆之交,可到了星期六就成了对阵的敌人。
    The two boys were sworn friends all the week, and embattled enemies on Saturdays.

  • 我们看到了莫逆之交的朋友和挚爱之人在恶梦般的虫族手中丧生。
    We have seen first hand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish Zerg.

  • 在酒吧中,小徐遇到警方武器部的警员卷毛,二人遂成莫逆之交
    Chui meets a cop Mo, they become friends right away.

  • 他和我共事那么多年,岂只是我的普通朋友//我们已成莫逆之交
    After all these years of working together, he is more than a friend to me.

  • 约拿丹之于大卫正像和达蒙之于皮西厄斯;他们是两对典型的莫逆之交
    Johnthan was to David what Damon was to Pythias; they were two typical pairs of devoted friends.

  • 他妻子珍妮特和母亲是克林顿家男性之外最有个性的两个人物,自然成了莫逆之交
    His wife, Janet, and Mother were the two strongest personalities outside the blood family, and became great friends.

  • 出于共同利益,他们又齐心打败了正来围捕他们的红衣主教的人马并因此而成为莫逆之交
    For common interests, and they beat is pulling their red auerbach for stalking the horses and thus become friends.

  • 我常提到的那位黑衣男士,就是一个我希望与之结为莫逆之交的人,因为他深得我的景仰。
    The Man in Black, whom I have often mentioned, is one whose friendship I could wish to acquire, because he possesses my esteem.

  • 我常提及的那位黑衣男士,就是那样一个我希冀与其成为莫逆之交的人,因为他深得我的景仰。
    The Man in Black, whom I have often mentioned, is one whose friendship I could wish to acquire, because he possesses my esteem.

  • 我所提及的那位黑衣男士,就是那样一个我希冀与其成为莫逆之交的人,因为他深得我的景仰。
    The Man in Black, whom I have often mentioned, is one whose friendship I could wish to acquire, because he possesses my esteem.

  • 不过谢强很技巧地称,他与广州诸多发展商如珠江合生、富力地产、星河湾老总均为莫逆之交,谈不上厚此薄彼。
    However wake tactfully said that he and many developers such as Guangzhou and the Pearl River Hop, decimating real estate, Xinghewan mister are friends, not one.

  • 读者的胃口已经被那些莫逆之交的历险吊了起来,但却无奈要等到2010年该小说第二部出版时,才能与他们再次相会。
    The readers who have been hooked by the adventures of the haha-bhais will have to wait until 2010, when the second instalment is due to be published, to meet them once more.

  • 这期间,我有幸结识了数以千计的中外家电领域知名的企业界人士,大家从互惠互利的商业伙伴,成为志趣相投的莫逆之交
    And during which period, I am honored to have made friends with thousands of famous tycoons in home appliances field all of world. We become sworn friends from business partners.

  • 莫逆之交造句相关
