
荡气回肠  dàng qì huí cháng








  • 来这里完全地感受并在让我荡气回肠
    To feel complete here and now stirring within me.

  • 你不要失望,荡气回肠是为了…最美的平凡。
    That you are not disappointed , pathetic than is for … The most beautiful ordinariness!

  • 这三个悲剧一起构成一个荡气回肠的大悲剧。
    These three tragedies constitute a soul-stirring big tragedy together.

  • 我仍记得听到这个词的时候荡气回肠的感觉。
    I can still remember the strength hearing that word vibrated through my body.

  • 突然感觉自己的举动很悲壮,有够荡气回肠
    Sudden feeling their action are very solemn and stirring, has suffices soul-stirringly.

  • 作者为傻子的悲剧命运唱了一曲荡气回肠的挽歌。
    The writer sings an elegy of concuss the spirit returns to bowel for fool's tragedy destiny.

  • 有这样一句话:一个人的一生荡气回肠,永不朽。
    It has been said that what a man does during his life shall echo throughout eternity.

  • 在亘古的大地与苍凉的宇宙间,有一种平凡的声音,荡气回肠
    In time immemorial to the land and desolation of the universe, there was an extraordinary voice, soul-stirring.

  • 细吹锣鼓《走西口》将锣鼓与唢呐、笙同台,把这首山西民歌演绎得荡气回肠
    Small gongs and drums blowing, "Zou Xikou" gongs and drums and suona, sheng on the same stage, this was the first interpretation of Shanxi folk Dangqihuichang.

  • 好,就去丽江,多少佳人才子曾到过的地方,多少荡气回肠故事曾发生的地方。
    I said"Ok, let's go ". A lot of able men and beautiful women have gone n there, and a lot of exciting adventures have happened there.

  • 预测:5号种子,在西部决赛碰上科比的湖人,一场荡气回肠的比赛后被打败。
    Prediction: The fifth seed and a gut-wrenching defeat in the Western Finals to Kobe and the Lakers.

  • 他将七把剑分赠七人,七人携剑演绎一段荡气回肠的“七剑下天山”的武林传奇。
    He will give seven hours seven swords, sword carrying seven people interpret a soul "Qijianxiatianshan" martial arts world legend.

  • 打开音乐,有你喜欢听的,韩磊的《千百年后谁还记谁》,被荡气回肠的旋律感动。
    Open the music, you like to listen to, and Han Lei's "Who, after thousands of years in mind who" have been touched by soul-stirring melody.

  • 要实现中国古典园林“雅静之至”的理想境界,确实也离不开令人荡气回肠的听觉因素。
    Acoustical factors are essential to achieve the tranquility of the Chinese classical gardens.

  • 游廊是观赏滏阳河景区和新市区全貌的最佳位置,远近风景历历在目,浮想联翩荡气回肠
    Fuyang scenic view Veranda is a new urban landscape and the best location, near and far vivid scenery, dang qi hui chang imagination.

  • 于是,在金秋时节,我们跨跃几千里去寻觅嫩江平原这片黑土地上那些令人荡气回肠的故事。
    Then, fall season, we are crossed jump a few a thousand li to go those your people on this blackland ground swing Campagna of look for tender river the story of gas ileum.

  • 然后峰回路转,把全片结束在一咏三叹、荡气回肠的京族情歌上,给人以无穷的回味与遐想。
    And then, it turns up and ends in a soul-stirring love song of Jing, arousing infinite aftertaste and reverie.

  • 被一个70后哥哥提及,才知道是一部荡气回肠的电影。于是匆匆下载,看了,在情人节这天。
    The movie mentioned by a brother and just know the movie is affecting. So hurry to download, looked it, on Valentine's Day.

  • 酒吧曲意悠扬、婉转、荡气回肠的音乐,为商业洽谈、朋友聚会、恋人蜜语提供一个舒适的氛围。
    Bar melodious Italian song, tactfully, Dangqihuichang music for commercial negotiations, the gathering of friends, lovers, honey language to provide a comfortable atmosphere.

  • 朋友是你登高时的一把扶梯,是受伤时的一句安慰,是风雨袭来时的一把伞,是一段荡气回肠的歌!
    A friend when you ascend an escalator, is injured when a consolation, is an umbrella when the storm hit, was a soul-stirring song!

  • 本报今晨消息记者彭浩报道:面对旧帅马加特,拜仁慕尼黑今晨上演了本赛季最荡气回肠的逆转战。
    The newspaper this morning news by Peng HaoFacing old Commander Majiate, Bairenmunihei has this morning performed this season most soul-stirring counter fighting in one place after another.

  • 《水之元素》是一个荡气回肠的爱情故事,讲述了年轻女教师伊索尔特偶然发现她父亲的纳粹史的故事。
    A resonant love story, The Element Of Water follows Isolde, a young teacher who chances upon her father's Nazi past.

  • 也许应该感谢王母的无情,如果不是她的无情分隔,牛郎与织女的情与思,怎会如此的感人肺腑、荡气回肠
    May be grateful to the Queen Mother of the ruthless, relentless, if not separated from her, Cowboy and the Weaver Girl and the thought of the situation, how could such a moving, ?

  • 关于2008年的夏天,中国男篮留给人们的记忆是与西班牙队一役的荡气回肠,也是在无缘四强后姚明凝重的表情。
    With regard to the summer of 2008, the Chinese team left in people's memory is a battle with the Spanish team's Dangqihuichang, also missed the semi-finals after Yao's solemn expression.

  • 延长石油,它不同于婀娜多姿的杨柳;也不同于花枝招展的玫瑰;它是荡气回肠的江海横流;它是巍峨壮观的山峦叠嶂。
    Yanchang Petroleum, not alike the graceful willow, is different from the gorgeous rose. It is the billowy wave; it is the majestic chain of mountains.

  • 精致小巧的外观设计、让人荡气回肠的音响效果和坚固耐用的构造是出行在外的发烧友随时享受完美倾听环境的理想选择。
    Its small size, amazing sound quality and rugged construction make the 6010A an ideal sound system for the traveling professional user and a constant source of listening enjoyment.

  • 不过,最让人荡气回肠的还是冠军巴西队在球场上的王者风范,以及阿根廷、意大利、英格兰、德国等老牌劲旅球迷们的眼泪。
    However, most people acted champion Brazil in the stadium or the magic touch, as well as Argentina, Italy, England, Germany, the tears fans old team.

  • 一曲荡气回肠的“春天的故事”,叩开了人们禁锢的心扉。一场波澜壮阔的改革,催化着古老的华厦沃土,化工舰船扬起了浩浩风帆。
    The reform of a surging forward with great momentum, catalysis is worn old China mansion fertile soil, raise of chemical ship vessel grand grand sail.

  • 也许是石琴的神奇?当人拾级而上,一步、两步……五步、六步,“七步弹琴”回音奇妙、荡气回肠,使人心驰神往、感叹不已,仿佛身临洞天仙境。
    Qin Shi magic perhaps? When people step up, step forward, two steps … … five, six step-by-step, "playing seven-step" fantastic response,  much lamented, as if Wonderland.

  • 《金融时报》这期日本选题的报道是非常出色的,对此我引以为傲。希望读者可以享受到读好文章时所带来的那种阅读快感,一如鄙人初次体验那样:不免荡气回肠
    I am proud of the quality of the FT's reporting on Japan, and I hope you enjoy these articles as much as I did when I first read them.

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