
苦尽甘来  kǔ jìn gān lái







  • 理解是一杯酽茶,苦尽甘来总是甜。
    understanding Yan cup of tea, Kujinganlai is always sweet.

  • 请相信我,会苦尽甘来的…
    Please believe me, will thereafter.

  • 理解就像品茶,品出了苦尽甘来的香甜;
    Understand that just like tea, a sweet product out Kujinganlai;

  • 泪水背后是微笑。(或译:苦尽甘来。)
    Every tear has a smile behind it.

  • 吃苦了苦,苦尽甘来,享福了福,福尽悲来。
    After hardship, sweetness will come. Enjoy first, sadness will follow.

  • 可以说是苦尽甘来
    Can be said to be !

  • 艰苦的时光终将过去,坚强的人必将苦尽甘来
    Tough times never last but tough people do.

  • 这种转变可以被看作是某种“苦尽甘来”的胜利吗?
    Can be this kind of change regarded to be some is planted " after suffering comes happiness " win?

  • 辛勤工作好几年后,琼斯先生终于可以苦尽甘来了。
    After years of hard work, Mr. Jones is finally living on easy street .

  • 苦尽甘来,刘书剑拿到新房钥匙后兴奋得合不拢嘴。
    Much, Liu Shu Jian got new premises after excitedly key features.

  • 也有人说今天的痛苦是为了明天的丰收,苦尽甘来嘛。
    It was also said that today's pain is for tomorrow's harvest, Gujinganlai just.

  • 咖啡的苦涩,茶的苦尽甘来。混合起来是咖啡茶的味道。
    The bitter coffee, tea Kujinganlai. To mix the taste of tea and coffee.

  • 丹·卡彭特说,“丹尼·詹姆斯的出生意味着苦尽甘来
    "Danny James, " says Dan Carpenter, " represents triumph over adversity.

  • 这份工作可能一开始很难完成,但是,只要咬牙坚持下来,就会苦尽甘来
    It must be very hard to carry on in the first, but if you persevere, you will get tasting the sweet after the sweat.

  • 我感觉很好!我感觉太棒了!我是第一的!“”不要害羞,试试吧!“苦尽甘来”!
    I feel good! I feel great! I'm number one! "" Don't be shy, just try! " "Pain past is pleasure! "

  • 失败的滋味是苦的,但战胜失败后所尝到的那种苦尽甘来的味道,才是人生的真谛。
    The taste of defeat is bitter, but failed to overcome the kind of Kujinganlai taste after taste is the essence of life.

  • 六个月没有上场比赛简直是灾难,不过我会把这些时间弥补回来的。毕竟苦尽甘来嘛。
    Not playing for six months was damaging, but now I hope to make up for lost time. After something negative there is always a positive slant.

  • “流”欧生活让我受尽磨难,但最终苦尽甘来。几分钟后她就将宣布我流浪生涯的结束。
    But after suffering comes happiness. In a few minutes she will proclaim the end of my wandering and homeless life.

  • 他看得出,她一生含辛茹苦,如今苦尽甘来,嘴边总是带着温柔、圣洁的翻译学习方法。
    he could see that she had been patient all her life, so that now, after years of it, her lips were set in a gentle and saintly smile.

  • 但我有自己的价值观,尽管经历了那么多的痛苦,我相信在这样一家俱乐部总有苦尽甘来的时候。
    But I have my own values and I realised that, despite all the suffering, good things always end up happening at this Club.

  • 您观您一家人这么和睦。人生最大的乐趣就是苦尽甘来。愿你享受更美好的晚年时光,祝你健康长寿。
    As a brother, you're the greatest, but your good points don't stop there.

  • 害怕吗?可说是不敢回忆,但未能尽忘,以为苦尽甘来,却又跑来个“金融风暴”,人生总是变幻莫测;
    "The negative assets" extremely reappears. Fear ?We may not want to recall, but unable to forget.

  • 到六七八九的飞升递进,经过盛夏火热酷暑的烘烤,共和国经过了战火的多次考验,苦尽甘来熬出了头。
    To the 6789's soaring progression through the summer heat of the baking hot, the Republic after a war of multiple test Kujinganlai his head proudly.

  • 请给自己一个微笑,苦尽甘来,用微笑告诉自己,阳光总在风雨后,在失败的背后,也隐藏着成功的辉煌。
    Please give himself a smile, with a smile telling myself, the total in the wind and rain the sun after the failure of the back, but also hidden the brilliant success.

  • 如果我的老同学或老朋友发达了,首先我会祝福他/她的。毕竟成功来之不易,恭喜他在付出努力后终于苦尽甘来
    If my old classmates or friends has been a successor, firstly, I will give my blessing. After all, to succeed is not an easy thing. No sweet without sweat. Congratulation !

  • 上帝在关上一扇门的时候也会同时为他打开另一扇门,虽然这个过程可能会给他带来伤害,但是事实上总会苦尽甘来的。
    Closes the gate, from the bottom waited for, the world only opens for him. Perhaps the process has the injury, actually still believed after the bitter comes the sweet.

  • 温柔的爱,尽管姗姗迟来,我们的心中充满愉快;相思的感情,尽管在梦中相逢,我们心心相映;杏花美酒,苦尽甘来,我们要对饮味的香浓!
    Tender love, although the SAN SAN, our heart to be filled with joy, In spite of the feelings of love, dreamt, our heart set, A knop and sunshine, we must wine to drink taste fragrant!

  • 现在回想起来有种苦尽甘来的感觉。当时的压力不是没有,但身边的好友都不断的帮我把中心放在角色上,不要辜负制作组、经理人和观众的期望。
    I wish I had time to sit down and organise my photos and blog about my Shanghai trip the moment I came back while the images and emotions were still fresh.

  • 他看得出,她一生含辛茹苦,如今苦尽甘来,嘴边总是带着温柔、圣洁的微笑。[分析]英语句子的顺序,从意思上讲,与汉语句子的顺序是一致的。
    He could see that she had been patient all her life, so that now, after years of it, her lips were set in a gentle and saintly smile.

  • 我的特会长就是吃苦耐劳,喜欢的东西或者事物我会向其目标努力,不会轻易放弃,学习能力强,速度快,工作不会偷懒,不畏困苦,不畏艰辛,我永远相信苦尽甘来,努力就有回报!
    The President of my task is to be like or things i will give its goal, won't give up, learn faster work never lazy, not fear hardship, horns, i always believe in rewarding, effort be rewarded!

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