
花言巧语  huā yán qiǎo yǔ








  • 花言巧语了, 吹捧是不会使你捞到好处的!
    Cut out the banana oil; flattery will get you nowhere!

  • 他以花言巧语骗取了那小孩的玩具。
    He cajoled the toys out of [(away)from] the child.

  • 收起你的花言巧语吧,它让我觉得恶心。
    Pick up your banana oil, it makes me sick.

  • 别对我花言巧语。(非“歌曲和舞蹈”)
    Don't give me a song and dance.

  • 我讨厌政客们的花言巧语
    I am tired of the empty rhetoric of politicians.

  • 寓意:小心奉花言巧语,它也许别有所图。
    Moral:Beware of flattery. It may not be meant.

  • 花言巧语的流氓在那宗交易中欺骗了我。
    The plausible rogue took me down over that bar gain.

  • 花言巧语者喂你空汤匙;巧言令色鲜矣仁。
    He who gives fair words feeds you with an empty spoon.

  • 我说这话、免得有人用花言巧语迷惑你们。
    And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.

  • 我说这话,免得有人用花言巧语迷惑你们。
    I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument.

  • 您的花言巧语和所作所为之间实在是差距太大了。
    The gap between the fine words and your actions has grown too far.

  • 花言巧语地骗她父母她为什麽必须用他们的车。
    She gave her parents a song and dance about having to use their car.

  • 花言巧语地骗她父母她为什么必须用他们的车。
    She gave her parents a song and dance about why she had to use their car.

  • 我可能不会花言巧语,但是我能够保证最终的结果。
    I may not offer soaring rhetoric, but I do promise results.

  • 议员何俊仁批评当局「用花言巧语诡辩」,十分可耻。
    Legislator Albert Ho criticized the authorities for being shameful in their fancy excuses.

  • 我们的判断不应当被花言巧语蒙骗,也不应被个人私利扰乱。
    Our judgement should not be deceived by sweet words, nor be disturbed by personal interest.

  • 你会笑的,亲爱的,而且你会问,我怎么一下子变得这么花言巧语
    You will smil, my sweet heart, and, ask, how did I come to all this rhetoric?

  • 这个“闹独立”的共和党人一直面临一些来自极右势力的花言巧语
    The maverick Republican has been facing some harsh rhetoric from the far-right.

  • 只要有具体的言行在,任何花言巧语都损伤不了一个好人。——巴金。
    With concrete words and deeds , deceiving words will not hurt a good person.

  • 哪怕有再多的花言巧语(即使有盖氏计划那么多)也无法改变这一事实。
    And no amount of financial hocus-pocus —for that is what the Geithner plan amounts to —will change that fact.

  • 这封信的花言巧语暂时地宽了宽他的心,不然、他也许会反驳她的讥诮。
    If he had been more than temporarily relieved by the evasions of the letter, he might have rejected some of her scorn.

  • 花言巧语,钱物交流等等很多都只是表象,而内在的东西应该用心去发觉。
    Rhetoric, communication, and so a lot of money and goods are only appearance, while The inner intentions of the things we should go to find in our heart .

  • 其中最重的一个原因就是那些有权的人往往会相信那些借助花言巧语、阿谀奉迎向上爬的人。
    One of the reasons is that the powerful tend to believe those who try to make their way up the ladder through flattery.

  • 好的沟通与花言巧语无关,也并不一定要使用逻辑严密的词句,简单明了才是其真正的原则。
    Good communication does not mean that you have to speak in perfectly formed sentences and paragraphs. It isn't about slickness. Simple and clear go a long way.

  • 政府应该严禁广告,因为某些广告误导消费者,夸大其词甚至是虚假的,里面充满了花言巧语和陷阱。
    The government should restrict advertisements because some of which are misleading, exaggerating and false with flowery words and traps.

  • 圣经不但让我们看到我们真正的需要,也引导我们从透过诱惑图片,花言巧语舆大众传媒之假象走出来。
    Scripture must take us beyond our perceived needs to our real needs and liberate us from seeing ourselves through the seductive images, cliche's, promises. and priorities of mass culture.

  • 花言巧语的妖蛆之使,他们只记得自己的荣耀而忘了给我们带来的死亡。现在,他们却对我们的仇恨表示惊讶。
    Fianna: Sweet-voiced Wyrmcomers that remember their own glory but forget the death they brought to our people. Now they wonder at our anger.

  • 你只要对这两种人谈起你的疼痛、疾病等情况,他们就会用花言巧语强行逼迫你买下任何一种他们所谓的药物秘方。
    So long as you talked about their aches and pains, their diseases and ailments, people would buy any kind of a nostrum that an unscrupulous fakir chose to palm off upon them.

  • 埃斯蒂米洛娃女士并不赞同分离主义者自治,并且很快识破了1991上台的民族主义分子焦哈尔•杜达耶夫的花言巧语
    Ms Estemirova had little sympathy with separatist self-rule and was quick to see through the nationalist rhetoric of General Jokhar Dudayev, who came to power in 1991.

  • 在我们努力协调意见的分歧时,应当抛弃偏执与意气用事;我们的判断不应当被花言巧语蒙骗,也不应该被个人私利扰乱。
    In our efforts to adjust differences of opinion we should be free from intolerance of position, and our judgements should be unmoved by alluring phrases and unvexed by selfish interests.

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