
花花世界  huā huā shì jiè








  • 大都市的花花世界使他感到眼花缭乱。
    He was dazzled by the gaiety and splendour of the metropolis.

  • 这个花花世界有好多可以看的喔。
    There's such a lot of world To see.

  • 大都市的花花世界使他感到眼花缭乱。
    He was dazzled by the gaiety and splendour of the metropolis .

  • 他介绍我认识了汽车零售业的花花世界
    He introduced me to the fascinating world of the retail car business.

  • 石门峡是丰富多采的花花世界,故又昵称百花源。
    Shek Mun Gap is the colorful world of the rich, it is also the source of flowers nickname.

  • 感谢花花世界提供服务,让我们能分享及交换意见。
    Thanks also go to Flower World for providing a service that we can all share and exchange ideas.

  • 感谢多方的帮助,让花花世界成为一个如此美好的园地。
    Thanks to the help from all parties making Flower World such a sweet place to be.

  • 敬爱的读者,难道你们不会要求我画一幅花花世界的速写?
    Wouldst thou not, gentle reader , have demanded from me a dashing sketch of the fashionable world?

  • 花花世界的朋友们,我衷心祝福大家圣诞快乐,新年快乐。
    To the friends in Flower World, I sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  • 在这个霓虹闪烁的花花世界,还会有多少情侣可以相爱一辈子?
    In this change rapid world, how many lovers can have to fall in love for a lifetime?

  • 他第一逮到机会就逃出纽窝市,见识到他梦想不到的花花世界
    Barry jumps at the chance to venture out of the hive, and soon encounters a world beyond his wildest dreams.

  • 天河东部最大的商业项目花花世界购物中心估计也会在年内招租;
    Milky Way eastern largest commercial shopping center project proceeds estimated in the year will be available for leasing;

  • 你用一双眼睛看着花花世界,但世界用千万只眼睛看着你!你不怕吗…
    You use an eye to look at this mortal world, but the world looks at you with thousands of eyes! You do not fear …

  • 常言说失去后才体会到拥有时的珍贵,失明的人会羡慕健康人能看到的花花世界
    Experience has often been lost after the owner of the Prestige, blind people will be envious of healthy people can see the dazzling world;

  • 上海,这个灯红酒绿的花花世界,对于一个初上舞台的青年女演员,处处都是陷阱。
    Shanghai was a dazzling world of myriad temptations, yet for a young and inexperienced actress like herself, it seemed a place more of pitfalls than of opportunities.

  • 世人睁开眼睛,伸出四肢,发现这个五彩缤纷的花花世界,内心是充满着好奇心的。
    Opening eyes and stretching four limbs, people discover the varicolored world and feel curious inside.

  • 花花世界,花花心,花的男人骗人心,达到目的就变心,要想不再伤心,彻底对男人死心!
    World of sensual pleasures, flower flower heart, flower of man bogus heart, attain a purpose to change heart, think no longer sad, thoroughly give up hope the man!

  • 请即坐上飞毡,与茉莉展开奇妙之旅,经历充满惊险趣味、纯真友情及魔幻魅力的花花世界
    Hop aboard Disney's magic carpet and journey with Princess Jasmine to a dazzling world of fun, friendship and pure enchantment.

  • 于是美食便成了在极繁空间中的极简愿望,是花花世界里对于人生的最原始体贴与最初平衡。
    As a result, a nice eating has become our simplest wish in this complicated world, as well as the primitive care and the primary balance for people in this dazzling world.

  • 曾在曼赫顿黑道称王的他,要与熟识的生活说再见──离开纽约纸醉金迷但令他断六亲的花花世界
    Once a king of Manhattan, Monty is about to say goodbye to the life he knew – a life that opened doors to New York's swankest clubs but also alienated him from the people closest to him.

  • 也许婚后我会面对花花世界中那“太极链”一样的诱惑,但是你会像一个永久域名一样留在我的心中。
    Perhaps my meeting is similar to that"too pole chain" in the world of sensual pleasures after getting married of lure, but you will be like a permanence the area be similar to stay in my heart.

  • 位于东圃大马路的新商城东圃购物中心近期已开始招租,而市重点扶持的项目花花世界购物中心估计也会在年内招租。
    Dongpu Main Road at the new Mall Dongpu shopping center recently started for lease, and city shopping center on the estimated proceeds will support the project during the year for lease.

  • 单身女孩的花花世界——亮眼的橙色与粉色营造出亚热带的气息,浅粉色和白色的组合是最适合女孩的床上用品色彩。
    A palette of bright orange and hot pink reflects subtropical surroundings and offers a modern take on the pale pink and white combination traditionally reserved for girls' bedrooms.

  • 由于不明这花花世界的真相,它的美景就像音乐一般,往往会使一些头脑简单的人的知觉放松,然后削弱,然后堕入歧途。
    Unrecognised for what they are, their beauty, like music, too often relaxes, then weakens, then perverts the simpler human perceptions.

  • 通过它我看清楚了美丽的花花世界,通过它行走在清晰中,我曾经希望它永远不会变旧,永远不会坏掉,但是它还是坏了。
    One more trip makes us wanna go back to the place that we belong, cause the ache no ache, to take over the pain from the crashes will coming down"."

  • 他的皮夹子,发光的皮鞋,漂亮的新西装,和他行事那种气派,这一切为她隐隐约约地描绘出一个以他为中心的花花世界
    The purse , the shiny tan shoes, the smart new suit, and the air with which he did things, built up for her a dim world of fortune, of which he was the centre.

  • 你的爱好就是你的方向,你的兴趣就是你的资本,你的性情就是你的命运。各人有各人理想的乐园,有自己所乐于安享的花花世界
    your hobby leads you, your interest funds you, and your temperament forms your fate. Each one has his/her own ideal world to live in with happiness.

  • 色的广义解释就是这个花花世界,这个充满知识、约定、商品、技艺的世界。人们热衷于追求这些变异性极高的事物,几乎终生不悔。
    Extensive definition of form is this world with its myriad temptations that teems with knowledge, contact, merchandise and craft.

  • 听说,上海是一个充满诱惑的花花世界。第一次到上海,只觉得雨雾中的外滩有点像伦敦。1996年4月,我和老公在上海暂时安了家。
    It was said that Shanghai is a so-called varicolored world. My husband and I moved to Shanghai in April 1996.

  • 可是最主要的目标,仍是在无拘无束地遨游于空旷之野,自由自在地享受那种,无物不可有,无事不可为,无地不可游的多彩多姿的花花世界
    His main goal is to roam freely in the vast wild field, a wonderful world where he enjoys everything, does everything and tours everywhere.

  • 花花世界造句相关
