
花甲之年  huā jiǎ zhī nián







  • 令人意外的是,尽管外表年轻,其实已届花甲之年
    Surprisingly, despite her youthful appearance, Cook is 60 years old.

  • 我们老两口儿已过花甲之年,再在五楼住下去,爬上爬下的,感觉十分不便。
    an old married couple, and then on the fifth floor unit, climbed up clambering down, feeling very inconvenient.

  • 我们从幼苗长成大树,却永远是您的学生。在您花甲之年,祝您生命之树常青。
    We have seedlings grow into trees, but it will always be your students. When you sixtieth year, I wish you evergreen tree of life.

  • 我们从幼苗长成大树,却永远是您的学生。在您花甲之年,祝您生命之树常青。
    We have grown up as young saplings grow into towering trees. However we are always your pupils. May you enjoy a long life!

  • 2008年,正是九斤步入花甲之年,相信,他会为自己准备一份丰厚的贺礼!
    the burden is nine years into the 60's, I believe that he would prepare himself for a huge gift!

  • 但他没有动摇对党的信念,在花甲之年,每日上山栽树,并住在山上看护,数十年如一日。
    However, he did not shake the party's belief in the birthday, the day the mountainside shu and care to live in the mountains, a few decades.

  • 人的一生是短暂的。一般只能活跃于一个“元”,即六十年,古称“花甲之年”,成为生命终点的托词。
    The person's lifetime is brief. General can active at " yuan " , namely 60 years, ancient say " of a cycle of sixty years year " , make the excuse of life terminus.

  • 目前,中国大陆存在的家族企业基本都是改革开放后成立的,这些早期创建家族企业的创始人多数进入花甲之年
    Most family firms" founders are over 60 years old and the family second or third -generations have entered the firms."

  • 而且,在本世纪头十年行将迈入花甲之年的人,不太可能被提醒他们年纪的产品所吸引。在这方面,这一代人可能尤甚于以往任何一代。
    Nobody likes to be patronised or pigeon-holed and - more than perhaps any generation before - the people turning 60 this decade are unlikely to be attracted by products that remind them of their age.

  • 今天早晨讲“英语阅读”课,课文中描写一位将近花甲之年的母亲,感觉年龄越来越大,在家庭中的地位受到威胁,话语权受到挑战,因而望着窗外的大雨,心情郁结。
    She sighed, and turned back to look outside once more. A few yards away, the lilacs hung heavy in the rain. She could almost smell them, though her window was shut.

  • 她定已迈入花甲之年[注1],然而纵使时至今日,当她已在超过二十年的时间里、游离于公众的视线之外时,杂志与报纸在提及她时总还会冠以日本“永远的贞女”之名。
    She must be in her sixties, Japan's "eternal virgin"--so billed, even now, in the continuing references to her in magazines, newspapers; even now, more than twenty years after her disappearance.

  • 花甲之年造句相关
