自由放任 zì yóu fàng rèn
Keynesia revolution is the revolution to allowing unrestrained freedom.
That doctrine of laissez faire which so often in our history.
'Laissez-faire has had its day, ' Mr. Brown said in the interview.
All these are vital modifications to the laissez-faire model.
S. history. It is no longer Reaganomics or laissez faire capitalism.
An economic theory in favor of laissez-faire, the free market, and the gold standard.
Laissez-faire policy result in increase economic activity, but contribute to a rise in import.
He was a defender of laissez-faire and the industrial revolution, as was Bastiat.
You don't have to meet a lot of standards to be aid to set up as a school.
This new laissez-faire environment has been a major driver in the internationalization of Chinese contemporary art.
At the beginning of the Progressive Movement, the government adopted a Laissez-faire policy and failed to timely make the responsiveness to the needs of treatment of the society.
At a minimum, the most freewheeling areas of modern finance, such as the $55 trillion market for credit derivatives, will be brought into the regulatory orbit.
Its most famous son is Adam Smith, the laissez-faire economist and author of The Wealth of Nations.
Liberalism was concerned with freedom and individuality and early on was identified with "laissez faire", or a lack of state intervention in the economy.
Thus, they opposed laissez-faire economic theory, which calls for selling at the highest possible price and buying at the lowest possible price.
Servant leadership is seen as creating a laissez-faire vacuum that merely asks the staff or hoard "What do you think needs to be done?"
Adam · Si Mi is on the foundation with successive forefathers freethinking economy, elaborated the principle of thought of his economy of allowing unrestrained freedom systematically.
"Laissez-faire is finished, " he declared in Toulon. "The all-powerful market that is always right is finished.
To match the choice of the transformation of its political system, the media development in Russia also went through a developing process from "laisser faire to gradual ordering".
As treasury secretary, he has served as chief proselytizer for American-style capitalism, counseling the tough love of laissez-faire.
Neither Obama nor Clinton have declared open war on corporations in this country, but each has said that the free ride corporations have had in the last eight years is over.
These critics attribute the global financial crisis mainly to the failure of laissez-faire philosophies, and note Western governments' nationalization of well-known financial institutions.
It is a common failing of laissez faire and theory of government intervention that they confirm efficient frontier from a perfect market and a perfect government.
It is an open question how well Britain's laissez-faire approach will cope with the distinctly illiberal world of cross-border energy politics, but early signs are not encouraging.
America's laissez-faire ideology, as practised during the subprime crisis, "was as simplistic as it was dangerous, " chipped in Peer Steinbrück, the German finance minister.
经济人的理论 ,功利主义思想 ,自由、平等、效率和自由放任的思想 ,是近代西方经济伦理思想的主要遗产。
The theory of economic person, utilitarian thought, the thought of free, equal, efficiency and allowing unrestrained freedom, it is the main legacy of thought of ethics of latter-day west economy.
The evolution history of enterprise registration system of countries all over the world has undergone four phases: namely, Entry with Franchise, Free Entry, Entry with License and Entry with Rule.
It goes like this. We always knew that unbridled free markets were a mistake, yet we were derided for saying this; and now we are all paying the price for your excesses.
Also, you Sarkozy proposed "strengthening the supervision of capitalism, to replace the laissez-faire, " the idea of Merkel and others in the dissent, also said how important straw.
This has led to some soul-searching about the appropriate limits of China's free-wheeling Internet culture, with a couple of recent lawsuits pointing the way to greater regulation of netizen behavior.