
自生自灭  zì shēng zì miè








  • 因此他们决定让它自生自灭
    So they decided to let nature take its course.

  • 我认为,每个国家都必须其自生自灭
    I believe that each country must chart its own course.

  • 如果我只顾着自己,我就会让你自生自灭
    If I looked out for myself, I would have let you drown.

  • 然后,就留下那只剪掉爪子的猫自生自灭
    And leave their declawed cat behind to fend for herself.

  • 她没有想到,他的外遇,这样快就自生自灭了。
    She doesn't think he's an affair, so soon alone.

  • 不会再有小的乡下拍卖行在犄角旮旯里自生自灭了。
    No longer do small country auction houses have to languish in obscurity.

  • 当然,另一个选择将是索性放手让两家汽车公司自生自灭
    The other option, of course, would have been to simply cut the two auto makers loose.

  • 但是,这也并不意味着我们应该绝望,告诉工人们去自生自灭
    This doesn't mean, however, that we should just throw up our hands and tell workers to fend for themselves.

  • 他们最好的期望是该条款在众议院议案和参议院议案合并时自生自灭
    Their best hope is that the provision dies when the House bill is merged with one from the Senate.

  • 皇帝在阿兹拉凯尔身上做了许多黑暗面试验后,让这个年轻人自生自灭
    After conducting dark side experiments on Azrakel, the Emperor left the young man for dead.

  • 而相比之下,雷曼兄弟只是小麻雀,美国政府任其自生自灭,也不无道理。
    But comparatively, Brother Leiman are only the small house sparrows, no matter what The US government it runs its own course, is also not without reason.

  • 一种方式是生一堆孩子,把他们丢到自生自灭的世界,期待总有那么一两个能适应。
    One way is to churn out offspring in large numbers, turn them out into an uncaring world, and hope that one or two of them make it.

  • 他的境遇相当于世代之间没有任何接触的情况,或者出世后就自生自灭,得自力更生。
    This situation is equivalent to that in which no contact exists between the generations or in which young fend for themselves after they emerge from the nest.

  • 但是我们必须承认,如果任由其自生自灭,那么无论政治还是经济都将陷入危险境地。
    But we must accept that, left to their own devices, they will lurch dangerously in both directions.

  • 请把爱情想成一种优美的状态,它并不是一种手段,而是万事万物,有始有终,自生自灭
    Think of love as a state of grace not the means to anything, but the alpha and omega, and end in itself.

  • 请把爱情想成一种优美的姿态,它并不是一种手段,而是万事万物,有始有终,自生自灭
    Think of love as a state of grace, not the means to anything, but the alpha and omega, an end in itself.

  • 如果在城市生活不下去,许多中国打工者还可以回家种地,而不必在城市的贫民窟里自生自灭
    Many Chinese migrants have a plot of land to return to if the city does not work out, rather than having to fester in city slums.

  • 因此,索马里只能是自生自灭、无法无天,而对于任何想要介入的外人而言,这个地方都太危险。
    Despite the misery, the international will is lacking. So Somalia remains abandoned, lawless and too dangerous for most outsiders to operate in.

  • 然而,它的显着易于驾驶,变速箱,没有麻烦,干脆转向通过操纵杆或任其自生自灭,督导艾恩。
    Yet it's remarkably easy to drive, the gearbox no hassle, simply shifted either by paddles or left to its own devices, the steering just brilliant.

  • 沃尔克的建议将允许对冲基金和其它规模较小的机构继续大胆投机,只要他们被允许“自生自灭”。
    The Volcker proposal would allow hedge funds and other smaller institutions to continue aggressive bets as long as they were allowed to live and die by their actions.

  • 欧盟扩展部委员长欧利?雷恩讲道,民意调查表明,“塞尔维亚要么就走欧洲之路,要么就自生自灭。”
    Olli Rehn, the enlargement commissioner, says that, in the polls, "Serbia will either turn to its European future or risk self-imposed isolation."

  • 如果国会和白宫放手底特律三强自生自灭,如奇瑞这样的中国公司可能成为收拾残局(取而代之)的人。
    If Congress and the White House let the Big Three go under, Chinese companies like Chery might be the ones that pick up the pieces.

  • 山高陡峭,险峻挺拔,山林古木参天,常年翠绿,因未能砍伐,林木自生自灭,树种丰富,至今林象完好。
    High mountain steep, steep tall, Hillwood Tall ancient trees stand perennial green, not because of deforestation, forest to fend for itself, rich in species, as well-so far.

  • 然而,不论巴希尔怎样迟迟不决,任由苏丹南部居民自生自灭,联合国及苏丹各邻国应当尽其所能帮助他们重建家园。
    The UN, along with Sudan's neighbours, should increase every sort of help to the southerners in their effort to rebuild their region, however reluctant Mr Bashir is to let it prosper on its own.

  • 北约秘书长安诺斯·福格·拉斯穆森警告,如果西方国家让阿富汗自生自灭,那么“基地组织会以迅雷之势卷土重来”。
    Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the head of NATO, warns that if the West abandons Afghanistan, "al-Qaeda would be back in a flash".

  • 最新开辟的战场是显示屏(这种由密密麻麻的光点所组成的东西在互联网泡沫过后就已经自生自灭了),还有新近流行的视频。
    The new battleground is display — the kind of graphics-intensive spots that were left for dead after the Internet bust — and the emerging category of video.

  • 年近90的温斯特和他精心栽培的近300名魔法师以及200名忠诚与他们俩兄弟的战士被流放到比利尔岛,认其自生自灭
    Autarchy exiled his uncle by accusing him for rebelling. 90 years old Wisdom was exiled to the island of Belial together with 300 magicians and 200 warriors trained by him and his brother Brave.

  • 我们都应该抱这种希望,因为目前,大型银行在联邦政府保护下筹集短期资金的成本,低于那些可以任其自生自灭的较小型银行。
    Not long, we should all hope, because large banks today, under federal protection, can raise short-term funds more cheaply than their smaller competitors, which are allowed to fail.

  • 这真是令人悲伤的一天,因为有人背弃了他的责任。而这份责任本应占据他心中最重要的地位。怎么会有人遗弃自己的骨肉,任其自生自灭
    It is a sorrowful day in which a man does not accept his duty, which should be first and foremost in his heart and mind. How can one abandon his own flesh and blood to the winds of fate?

  • 在19世纪淘金热时期,贝克被绑架,离开了加利福尼亚的家,被遗弃在北极周边的荒野,自生自灭。他学会了拉雪橇,就像拉雪橇的那些狗一样。
    Kidnappedfrom his safe California home during the 19th-century gold rush, thrown into a life-and-death struggle in the Arctic wilderness, Buck learnsmany hard lessons as a sled dog.

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