
自惭形秽  zì cán xíng huì








  • 假如孩子在怜悯中成长,他们就会自惭形秽
    If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.

  • 他有些自惭形秽
    He was somewhat ashamed of his own unseemliness.

  • 将会因为不曾与我们在今日共同奋斗而显得自惭形秽
    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

  • 即使在贫穷甚至沦为厨房使女的时候,她也没有自惭形秽
    However, when she becomes maid in the kitchen because of poverty, she is still optimistic.

  • 爱脸红的人通常都是有愧的;真正的无辜者是不会自惭形秽的。
    Whoever blushes is already guilty; true innocence is ashamed of nothing.

  • 如果开始不成功,就多次努力,不行再放弃,没必要为此自惭形秽
    If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again. Then give up. There's no use being a damn fool about it.

  • 它是如此深受女士们的宠爱,就连世间的男子们也自惭形秽深感悲哀。
    It is to get so of ladies favorite, connect worldly men also have a sense of inferiority feels sad.

  • 看着青春得意的胡蓉,暗地里自惭形秽,压根也没有想到她会与我结缘。
    Look at youth proud Hu Rong , feel unworthy secretly , has not expected either at all she can attach to me.

  • 彼得也是到了自惭形秽,完全依靠上帝的能力之后,才蒙召为基督作工。
    It was after Isaiah had beheld the holiness of God and his own unworthiness that he was entrusted with the divine message.

  • 子路自惭形秽,急忙退出,改易儒服,再正式去求见孔子,并拜孔子为师。
    He hurried back and changed into a scholar's robes, and then he went to visit Confucius formally and to bow to Confucius as his teacher.

  • 也许自惭形秽,日记男并未向亲戚或邻居求助,虽然他一辈子一直住在这一带。
    Perhaps out of shame, the man with the diary did not turn to his relatives or neighbors for help, even though he had lived all his life on the block.

  • 面对那句--人的心灵,应该比大地、海洋和天空都更为博大的名言,自惭形秽
    The sentence - the soul, it should be over land, sea and air are more broad famous ball.

  • 如果少了那个自小就美丽得让丑女自惭形秽的形象对比,家庭线的故事就会少很多。
    If fewer young age that was so beautiful on the ugly image of Zicanxinghui contrast, the family story line will be a lot less.

  • 自惭形秽是我对别人的最高礼遇,除此之外,我没有别的办法招待我心目中的贵客。
    A self-devaluation is the highest type of tribute I can pay to others, without which I can do nothing else to treat my honorable folks.

  • 而这些在我生命中出现的一长列美好的人们,却让我因曾经质疑神的信实而自惭形秽
    The long list of wonderful people in my life makes me embarrassed to have ever doubted God's love and faithfulness to me.

  • 他从来没有想到他的爱人会这样的华贵,竟使他的内心立刻产生了一种自惭形秽的感觉。
    He had never thought of his sweetheart as of so superior a being, and he was instantly taken with a feeling of diffidence.

  • 他从来没有想到他的爱人会这样的华贵,竟使他的内心立刻产生了一种自惭形秽的感觉。
    The heroine is anguished by the thought that her sweetheart, who is believed to have been drowned, died while not in a state of grace.

  • 我也经常对常常到中心咨询时流露出英语学习的自惭形秽时说这句话。这能是他们的错吗?
    I have always said like this as I came to the center for consultation for my poor English which makes me feel ashamed. Can this be my fault?

  • 作为美国废纸进口中国的第一单成功贸易的操作者,我,现在已是自惭形秽,深叹不如啊!
    As the operator of the first successful trading in Americas waste paper imported to China, now I feel ashamed and deep sigh better!

  • 理论上,量子密钥分配可以保证通信过程中密钥的绝对安全性,因此使得传统密码术自惭形秽
    In theory, QKD holds the key to unconditional security in communications, which make the traditional cryptography fell small.

  • 我不恨英国,我也不为自己是英国人而自惭形秽,但我也不知道为什么我要热爱英国甚于爱其他国家。
    I don't hate Britain, and I am not ashamed of my nationality, but I have no idea why I should love this country more than any other.

  • 因生了聋哑的黄菊香,饱受歧视,加上出身低微,让她自惭形秽,表面上是黄家二太太,实则与佣人无异。
    She later marries Huang Yuan as a mistress. Giving birth to a deaf-mute Juxiang causes her to be looked down upon and is frequently discriminated.

  • 你们那些充满喜悦和悲伤的构造我们生活的故事激励和感动着我,你们对国家的承担的义务使我自惭形秽
    You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives, and you have humbled me with your commitment to our country.

  • 你们那些充满喜悦和悲伤的故事编织着我们的人生,并且激励和感动着我,你们对国家的承诺和担当使我自惭形秽
    You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives, and you have humbled me with your commitment to our country.

  • 我必须说,令人自惭形秽的是,我有机会访问这一有着连绵不断的文明史的世界文明古国,这一有着将近3500年历史的国家。
    I must say that it is very humbling to have the opportunity to visit the oldest continuous major world civilization – a country with records dating nearly 3, 500 years.

  • 当我们尽情享受如此充满艺术性的表演时,自己无法亲身尝试却让很多球迷自惭形秽,也在情感上与这项运动产生了相当的距离。
    And while we can appreciate such artistry in and of itself, the fact that we can't do it puts many fans at some kind of small but measurable emotional distance from the game.

  • 但是,就是缺少了这小小的一部分,整个身体的功能受到了影响。 如果我有一个“塌鼻子”,它会影响我的外表,甚至令人自惭形秽
    But when part of it is missing, it affects the whole body; or the joy and confidence once it was restored. If I had a crooked nose, it will affect how I look and could even affect my self-image.

  • 要是你运气好,她碰巧那些语言都不会说,并且你会发现她对你的困境立刻深感不安,同时也对她自己的语言才能感到十分自卑,自惭形秽
    If God is with you, she will decline all these offers, and you will find that she is at once seriously distressed over your plight, and in a somewhat humbled condition as to her own talents.

  • 真正的爱是盲目的奉献,是绝对的自惭形秽,是百分之百的服从,是把信任和信仰建立在自我及整个世界之外,是把自己的心和灵魂完全地交给那个令你神魂颠倒的人。
    Real love is blind devotion, unquestioning self-humiliation, utter submission, trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world, giving up your heart and soul to the smiter.

  • 真正的爱是盲目的奉献,是绝对的自惭形秽,是完全的服从,是把信任和信仰建立在自我和整个世界之外,是把自己的心和灵魂全部交给那个让你痴迷的人。(狄更斯)
    Real love is blind devotion, unquestioning self humiliation, utter submission, trust and belief against yourself and against the whole world giving up your heart and soul to the smiter. Dickens.

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