
自命不凡  zì mìng bù fán







  • 比尔自命不凡,说的话让人生气。
    Bill is a wise guy and displeases others by what he says.

  • 他只是一个新人,不应该自命不凡
    He just a rookie, and he should be unpretentious.

  • 那个雇员是个自命不凡的人。
    That new employee is a stuffed shirt.

  • 那个年轻人非常自命不凡
    That young man is extremely pretentious.

  • 他们为什么不走开?自命不凡的家伙们。
    Why didn't they go away? Smug ones.

  • 一部自命不凡的杂凑,不可能真正成功。
    A portentous soufflé that never truly rises.

  • 他是个自命不凡的官员。
    He is a pompous official .

  • 自命不凡者,脑中为其所知的少数食物所占据。
    Swelled heads are so preoccupied with the few things they know.

  • 她是如此自命不凡,以致听不得别人的任何忠告。
    She was so self-conceited that she was averse to all advice from others.

  • 但似乎那些大的网络企业一直都扬扬得意自命不凡
    But the big internet firms seem to have been worryingly complacent.

  • 他常常回老家来,戴着大礼帽自命不凡地在镇上溜达。
    He would come home and swell around his town in his top hat.

  • 年轻的依菲格拉底没有哑忍这个自命不凡孱头的废话。
    Young Iphicrates was not about to take any guff from this effete, self-important critic.

  • 迄今我所认识的所有非凡人物,主要是些自命不凡者罢了。
    All the extraordinary men I have ever known are chiefly extraordinary in their own estimation.

  • 设法修补彼此的关系,不要成为一位心胸狭窄自命不凡者。
    Try to make an effort to mend fences ; don't be a narrow-minded snob.

  • 如果他不自命不凡,那么对子孙后代来说,他就会更加伟大。
    He will be greater to posterity if he have be willing to be less great.

  • 英国人决不愿饶恕那些不知情道谢的自命不凡的家伙们的感受。
    The English were in no mood to spare the feelings of an upstart people who had committed the cardinal sin of ingratitude.

  • 她只是在琢磨,她是不是一个冷酷的,硬心肠的,自命不凡的人。
    She was wondering if she were not a cold, hard, priggish person.

  • 她只是在琢磨,她是不是一个冷酷的,硬心肠的,自命不凡的人。
    She was wondering if she were not a cold, hard, priggish girl.

  • 我姐姐自从得到那份有很多人申请的新工作之后就趾高气昂,自命不凡
    My sister has had a big head since she got the new job that many people had applied for.

  • 从那以后,他门前一批批自命不凡的历史学家和艺术迷们便一直络绎不绝。
    Since then, the stream of self-important historians and art buffs arriving at his door had seemed never-ending.

  • 首先麻生可能会选择不干了,让位于更加自命不凡的人代表自民党参加竞选。
    Mr Aso might yet bow out, allowing one more boundlessly self-regarding buggins to contest the next election for the LDP.

  • 他的妻子很漂亮,因为大凡漂亮的女人都颇有些自命不凡,总把自己当做高贵的公主。
    Therefore, I came to the conclusion that his wife must be a great beauty, for beautiful women, without exception, stuck up, imagining themselves noble princesses.

  • 他的妻子很漂亮,因为大凡漂亮的女人都颇有些自命不凡,总把自己当作个高贵的公主。
    Then, I surmise that his wife must be very beautiful, for most of this kind women have a high opinion of themselves, and consider themselves as noble princesses.

  • 这明确反映出以下两种情况:要么他是一个自命不凡、让人无法忍受的家伙同时也是个语言杀手;
    This reflects badly on one or other of you: either he is an intolerable upstart as well as a murderer of language.

  • 自命不凡者,脑中被其所知的少数事物所占据,以致没有空间去容纳无数其所不知的事物。----肖伯纳。
    Swelled heads are so preoccupied with the few things they know, so that there is no room left for the innumerable things they don't know. ----Bernard Show.

  • 我来到密尔沃基是因为我故意的想要远离自命不凡的东海岸和狂躁的西部,而去直面生活中那些最基本的东西。
    I came to Milwaukee because I wished to live deliberately, to confront only what was essential in life away from the pretentiousness of the east coast and the frenzy of the west.

  • 她也许是英国文学史上宣传资产阶级婚姻最得力的人,她从未自命不凡,皆大欢喜的结局又带有明智的现实主义。
    She may be the greatest propagandist for bourgeois marriage that English literature has produced, yet she is never smug and her happy endings are tempered by wise realism.

  • 穆塞韦尼先生嘲笑卡扎菲先生自命不凡的“王中王”政策,后者试图通过东非共同体一类的区域贸易集团重建非洲。
    Mr Museveni has ridiculed Mr Qaddafi's swaggering "king of kings" approach, preferring to build up Africa with regional trade blocs such as the East African Community.

  • 一位自命不凡的人在参观一个艺术展览。他停了下来,对一位工作人员说:“我想这一可怕的奇形怪状的东西就是所谓的现代艺术!”
    A very superior person was walking round an art exhibition, when he paused. "I suppose this hideous monstrosity is what they call modern art! "he told an attendant.

  • 教育系主任杰罗姆·T·摩尔斐说,“那些自命不凡的老古板们站出来对方达大放厥词,但他们哪儿知道有多少人正为方达此举欢呼。”
    "The old muddy duddies just stood up and raved about her, "said Jerome T. Murphy, dean of the educational faculty. " She wowed a lot of people more than they expected.

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