
胸有成竹  xiōng yǒu chéng zhú








  • 胸有成竹,他有人生的答案。
    Here's somebody who has the answer. 〞I'll follow you anywhere, Mr.

  • 汤姆备有锦囊妙计胸有成竹
    Tom had an ace up his sleeve.

  • 汉梭胸有成竹地对她微笑。
    Hansel smiled a reassuring smile at her.

  • 非常好!看来你胸有成竹
    Very good! So you know what to expect!

  • 组织领导层应该胸有成竹作出果断决策。
    Organizational leadership should make decisions as if the organization has already achieved its goal.

  • 有人似乎胸有成竹,他就是罗伯特先生。
    There was a man who seemed to have the answers, and who was Mr. Robert.

  • 你的主人早已胸有成竹
    Your master already has a plan.

  • 我虽然还小,但对要从事的职业已胸有成竹了。
    Young as I am, I already know what career I want to follow.

  • 他们对外交政策并未如对经济问题一般胸有成竹
    They sound less assured on foreign policy than on economics.

  • 我想要学那种做事稳重的性子,胸有成竹的样子。
    I want to learn to do things in mature as well as with confidence look.

  • 必须对实情胸有成竹才能理直气壮地(到处)指责(别人)。
    You must be certain of your facts be fore you start flinging accusations (around) (at people).

  • 我们是有着不可能理想的人民,我们着眼于未来,胸有成竹
    We are a people of improbable hope with an eye towards the future, with resolve in our heart.

  • 我祝愿你能胸有成竹地面对生活中的种种和你所经历的一切。
    I ask that you be prepared for whatever life hands you or whatever you're going through.

  • 在香山拿了两大块土地的“阳光100”副总裁范小冲也胸有成竹
    "Fragrance Hill took two pieces of land in the" sunshine 100 "vice president Fan small salt also suffer.

  • 其实当时华盛顿胸有成竹:如在加利和契得塞洛二人中选一,美国将投加利的票。
    But by then Washington had decided that if it came to a choice between Ghali and Chidzero, the U. S. would vote for Ghali.

  • 上帝胸有成竹地回答:“你的天使会把你的双手放在一起然后教会你怎样祈祷。”
    But God had an answer for that question too. "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray. ""

  • 他轻松愉快,胸有成竹――还带来了不错的总成绩――想要选择一所上等的法学院。
    Relaxed and confident-and with a strong grade-point average-he wants to select a good law school.

  • 胸有成竹”用来比喻在做事情以前,已经有了充分成熟的考虑,因而成功的把握很大。
    This idiom is used to indicate having a well thought out plan already before one sets out to do something, making success assured.

  • 做到胸有成竹的秘诀在于:学会一些技巧和方法,为可能带给你压力的情况做好充分的准备。
    The secret of thinking on your feet is to be prepared: Learn some skills and approaches and do some preparation for situations that might put you under pressure.

  • 分析人士认为,这显示当地政府已经对引入投资者胸有成竹,而且资产转让价格也已大致确定。
    Analysts think this shows that the introduction of the local government has full confidence of investors, and transfer of assets has been largely determine prices.

  • 有些人利用搜索代理密切观察对于本行业的需求或搜集有关加薪的信息以备增薪谈判时胸有成竹
    Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on compensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise.

  • 对于自己使用的配料要胸有成竹,否则-引起了某人过敏,假期欢乐气氛就不会以你可能希望的方式进行。
    Be absolutely certain of what ingredients you use, though — setting off someone's allergies doesn't quite share holiday cheer the way you might hope.

  • 在意大利餐馆当厨子,在农场养鸡喂牲口,还去过医院,卖过鞋,在爵士俱乐部端盘子,我对谋生胸有成竹
    I worked on a farm, feeding livestock and taking care of chickens; I worked in a hospital, I sold shoes, I was a waiter in a jazz club. I had confidence in my ability to survive.

  • 租这样的房子前,一定要先摸清市场上同类房子的价格,胸有成竹地和中介据理力争,直到价格合理才租房。
    This former rental house, you must first determine the market prices of similar houses, American and intermediary case until prices are reasonable rental.

  • 这种期待,以及未来两年能享受到较高固定收入的满足感,让我坐下来和杰夫谈2000年奖金时觉得胸有成竹
    That, and a hefty guaranteed salary for two years, put me in a positive place as I sat with Jeff to discuss compensation for 2000.

  • 新入队的朋友们,旅途才刚刚开始,而漫漫的前程正等着我们去奋斗、拼搏,愿你们都能胸有成竹地迎接明天的挑战。
    Team new friends, the road has just begun, and the long future is waiting for us to struggle, hard work, you can be sure of is willing to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

  • 她平素那种镇定自若,胸有成竹从容不迫及强硬的政治家风度和在任何情况下都能左右局势,都能解决问题的能力都无影无踪了。
    Gone was the thick-skinned, hardline politician, totally in command of every situation, with the solution for every problem at her fingertips.

  • 第二天我向几个外国人推销我的这台机器,他们都不信,于是我就胸有成竹的证实我这个发明,他们就半信半疑的和我走进了一个废品站。
    The next day I asked this a few foreigners to sell my machine, they do not believe in, so I confirmed with confidence my invention, they are dubious and I walked into a waste station.

  • 导演王家卫会把一个镜头前后拍上三、四十次——其中的十五次往往仅是为了最终拍摄而做的实验——与其相比,张艺谋截然不同,他总是胸有成竹
    In contrast with Wong Kar-wai, who might shoot one scene 30 or 40 times—15 of which are experiments that help shape the final cut—Zhang already had a clear idea of what he wanted.

  • 一个名叫尼基塔的俄罗斯人在中国首都的一家航空公司工作,他是这批外国考试者中最胸有成竹的了,因为他花了四天的时间来复习选择题。他想,一切都没有问题了。
    Nikita, a Russian who works for an aviation company in the Chinese capital, was the most confident person in the group, after spending four days revising the multiple-choice questionnaire.

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