
肃然起敬  sù rán qǐ jìng








  • 这位老教师是位令人肃然起敬人物。
    The old teacher is an impressive man.

  • 权权爱国心,让人肃然起敬,只恨此生女儿身啊!
    The right of the right to patriotism, respect people, ah this!

  • 不管到哪,看到这张图像我就忍不住对它肃然起敬
    I can't help admiring the picture wherever I look at it.

  • 连他所在之处的气氛,也是圣洁而令人肃然起敬的。
    The very atmosphere of His presence was holy and awe-inspiring.

  • 她的斗志,令人肃然起敬。虽然我们未必人人同意她这样做。
    Her fighting spirit aroused people's respect, even though not every one would agree to what she had done.

  • 那所令人肃然起敬的学府里在住校的教师中间,我有一些朋友。
    I had friends among the resident members of that venerable domicile of learning.

  • 无论什么地方,提到马德兰先生这个名字,大家总是肃然起敬的。
    Everywhere the name of M. Madeleine was pronounced with veneration.

  • 看那土林,酷似一座座欧式古堡遗址,森严壁垒,令人肃然起敬
    Lin look at the soil, like Block, a European-style castle ruins, guarded barriers, it is respect.

  • 它有来自15个航空公司的185架的稳固订单,这让人肃然起敬的。
    Its firm order tally of 185 aircraft to date from 15 airlines is respectable.

  • 如果你是名脑外科医生而不能让人肃然起敬,这是个什么样的世界呢?
    What kind of a world is it if you can't get instant status points for being a brain surgeon?

  • 使得罗切斯特感到自惭性秽,同时对她肃然起敬,并深深地爱上了她。
    Rochester Zican are made of dirty, at the same time respect for her and deeply in love with her.

  • 它不是一个令人肃然起敬的用来区分言语艺术与其它不及它的东西的术语。
    It's not an honorific term that distinguishes verbal art from something lesser.

  • 尤其是他在苏格兰士兵面前的一番讲演,多么慷慨激昂,令人为之肃然起敬
    In particular, he is in Scotland for a speech in front of soldiers, how impassioned, it is respect.

  • “我肃然起敬,”他说,他的声音颤抖,“今天站在地球上最美妙的人面前。”
    "I stand in awe, " he said, his voice quivering. "Standing in front of the most wonderful person on earth today. "

  • 好的,我总是对美国宇航员很尊重。但看到你们经历这些,我只是不由得肃然起敬
    Well, I've always had a lot of respect for America's astronauts. But seeing you go through this, I'm just simply awestruck.

  • 尽管快要退休了,但这份奉献精神,令年轻民警肃然起敬,更调动了他们的积极性。
    Although has soon retired, but this sacrificing spirit, makes the young police to have profound respect, aroused their enthusiasm.

  • 对我们而言,荣誉令人肃然起敬,因为它不是昙花一现的东西,而一直是古老的美德。
    Honor is venerable to us because it is no ephemera. It is always ancient virtue.

  • 这体现君子的美质,高洁傲岸,洁身自好,又不孤芳自赏,姿态从容大方而又令人肃然起敬
    This reflects the beauty of a gentleman quality, Gao Jie haughty, keeping oneself clean and do not idle, calm and generous gesture but awe-inspiring.

  • 每个灵魂都是崇高的,每个灵魂都是庄严华美的,每个灵魂也都发着令人肃然起敬的璀璨光辉。
    Every soul was grand, every soul was magnificent, and every soul shone with the brilliance of My awesome light.

  • 曹操一听便肃然起敬,也陪着流下眼泪,然后说文聘啊,你是个忠臣,这样吧,你就做江夏大守吧。
    Cao Cao will be an inspiring, but also accompanied by tears, and then said that the text of recruits ah, you are a loyal, so be it, you do great Shou Jiangxia it.

  • 主庙内的主体建筑,规模宏大,气势非凡,雕梁画栋而又庄严肃穆,身临其境,不能不使人对关公肃然起敬
    The main temple's main building, large-scale, imposing extraordinary, diao liang hua dong and solemn silence, Down on the ground, can not fail to respect people of Guan Gong.

  • 温总理对资源灵活有效地调动,对国外援助的欣然接受,以及给人民带去的巨大精神鼓舞,都让人肃然起敬
    The efficient mobilization of resources, grateful acceptance of aid from other countries and excellent moral support offered by the Premier was a beautiful thing to see.

  • 大家都在关注你,特别是父母、老板、教师和贵宾们。(注意:这也包括警察。)身处高位,别人对你肃然起敬
    Everyone notices you, especially parents, bosses, teachers and VIPs. (Take note -- this also includes the police. ) Your high viz. position commands respect.

  • 他的女儿对这些突然涌入的奇怪的新知识感到肃然起敬。他的爸爸最后问她:“那么,为什么你想知道关于性的事呢?
    He covers a wide and varied assortment of sub topics and by the time he's finished, his daughter is somewhat awestruck with this sudden influx of bizarre new knowledge.

  • 三年来,许多美国志愿者不仅捐了钱,还不远万里来到这里义务劳动,这种国际主义志愿精神,令我们每一个人肃然起敬
    During the past three years, many American volunteers have not only donated money, but also put force a great deal of hard work to complete this Project.

  • 虽然这些活动看起来孩子气且令人发笑而不是让人肃然起敬,但实际上,这些活动需要强大的力量,健康的体格和坚定的决心。
    While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination.

  • 虽然这些活动看起来孩子气且令人发笑而不是让人肃然起敬,但实际上,这些活动却需要强大的力量、健康的体格和坚守的决心。
    While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require an enormous of strength and fitness as well as determination.

  • 她那因雨水冲刷而裸露在地面的树根都有碗口来粗,她盘曲着努力向地下延伸,像是在演奏一首雄劲的生命进行曲,令人肃然起敬
    She was due to rainfall but exposed tree roots in the ground are sized to coarse, her twisting an effort to extend underground, such as playing a march that portrays the forces of life, awe-inspiring.

  • 赖特先生是个集权制拥护者,在他看来,伦敦是政治,经济和社会兴旺的唯一发源地,对那些在提及伦敦时不肃然起敬的人,他很蔑视。
    For him London is the only possible source of political, economic and social health. And those who don't touch their forelocks at the mention of London, he despises.

  • 他们也许不浑然一体,不相重相敬,然而只要看到他们在价格的坚持上、在区域价位的整体抬升上配合之默契,能不令人“肃然起敬”?
    They may not be seamless, not to re-accommodate, but as long as the price to see them, in the overall regional price decreasing with the tacit understanding, and can not cause the "greatest respect"?

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