
而立之年  ér lì zhī nián







  • 他是个小伙子,尚不及而立之年
    He is a young man, hardly more than a stripling.

  • 我的父亲而立之年结婚,四旬后有我。
    My father but sign of the year get married, four Xuns have me behind.

  • 我的父亲而立之年结婚,四旬后有我。
    My father but sign of the year get married and four Xuns have me behind.

  • 他兄弟今年已到了而立之年
    His brother is 30 years old.

  • 男人在接近而立之年时更有可能寻花问柳。
    Men are more likely to seek it out in their late twenties.

  • 如今,已过了而立之年,生活琐碎,沉闷紧张。
    Now, over the thirties, living trivial, boring tension.

  • 现在他已经到了而立之年,而他们二人都还未婚。
    Now he was up in his years and neither of them had ever been married.

  • 他应该至少有六英尺高,而立之年,谢顶的红头发。
    He had to be at least six foot, in his thirties, red hair receding.

  • 刚过而立之年,就能有如此娇人的成绩,实在让人感叹。
    Just passed and stand year, with respect to the achievement that can be like this charming person, let a person plaint really.

  • 观众蜂拥而入影院的热情,都给了金敏善而立之年的一脱。
    The audience rush to get into the warm theater, which were given to Kim Min a good Erlizhinian off.

  • 而立之年,我生命的全部支柱离自己远去,这真是毁灭性的打击。
    What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

  • 而立之年,我生命 的全部支柱离自己远去,这真是毁灭性的打击。
    What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

  • “老爷”见她可怜,也是“老爷”而立之年的人了从没尝过女人的滋味,就…
    "Lord " see she is pitiful, also be " lord " and stand year person the flavor that never has tasted a woman, with respect to…

  • 但是这帮而立之年的来自于曼哈顿媒体业,金融业,和公关部门的职员似乎有点大无畏。
    But this bunch of 30-something Manhattan media, finance and PR employees appears undaunted.

  • 汤姆和汉纳(米歇尔·莫娜汉饰)是两个好朋友,在而立之年,他们相互搀扶,共渡患难。
    In their thirties, Tom and Hannah (Michelle Monaghan), the two best friends, are supporting each other through times of uncertainty.

  • 纵然到了而立之年还未找到合适的佳缘,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。
    Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your *ile.

  • 万一都没再婚,你浪子回了头,也依然不晚,我们还来得及在而立之年生一个美少女或小帅哥。
    In case did not remarry, your loafer turned round, also still not late, we return there's still time to be in and stand year give birth to a beautiful girl or Xiaoshuai elder brother.

  • 作为男子汉,一旦过了“而立之年”,健康往往滑坡,比如身体发福、体力、精力与性功能衰减等。
    As a man, once had a "Erlizhinian", often the health of landslides, such as body fat, strength, energy and sexual function, such as decay.

  • 我正值而立之年,身体健康,精力旺盛,敬业精神强,能够全身心地投入到自己所热爱的工作当中去。
    I notched a time when good health, energetic, professional, and able to dedicate their love to the work.

  • 多年前,而立之年的戴安娜嫁给了一个错误的男人—一个性感的捕虾渔夫,而不是他温和的儿科医生弟弟。
    Years ago, thirtysomething Dianne married the wrong man -- the sexy lobster fisherman -- and not his kindly pediatrician brother.

  • 朱湘和海子是中国新诗史上两位杰出的诗人,他们却又都在不足而立之年弃世而去,留给世人无尽的遗憾。
    Zhu Xiang and Hai Zi are prominent poets in the history of Chinese modern poetry, while both of them chose suicide in their youth.

  • 科比是湖人队中资历最老的球员,在未来几年他还将是球队的核心。而今年夏天他将迈入30岁的而立之年
    Kobe Bryant is the oldest of the Laker group that will be the core for the next few years, and he turns 30 this summer.

  • 星期五的时候舍瓦正式进入而立之年,周六,他为切尔西所做的表演收到了来自两个电视评论者的不同评价。
    Andriy Shevchenko turned 30 years old on Friday. His performance for Chelsea on Saturday received mixed views from two of television's leading pundits.

  • 他憎恨失败,而到了而立之年的年纪,他也更渴望拿到冠军,因为这是想要写就最伟大球员传奇必备的筹码。
    He detests losing, and at 30, he is more conscious that winning championships is the bedrock in building the legacy of a player who wants to be among the greatest.

  • 初春的北京,宽阔的马路上,一辆豪华的轿车驶过,车里已过而立之年的高山自信的打电话,安排着公司的事情。
    Early spring in Beijing, the broad street, a passing luxury cars, car, mountain confident his thirties called to arrange the company thing.

  • 其实真的没觉得自己有多好的条件,而立之年,讲有钱比我有钱的多的是,唯一比一般人多的也就是出过国,现在想出去读书也容易。
    Anyway, i really just wanna find my life partner, if anybody dont trust me, i dont care. that's not important for me. If you trust and willing to be friend with me, add my QQ or MSN.

  • 当初的四小花旦周迅、章子怡、徐静蕾、赵薇如今皆入而立之年,对此,周迅表示:“30岁对于女人来说是非常敏感的一个时间段。
    When the four small Huadan Zhou Xun, Zhang Ziyi, Xu Jinglei, Zhao Wei are now in Erlizhinian this, Zhou Xun said: "For 30-year-old woman is a very sensitive time."

  • 在邢慧娜、孙英杰等人逐渐远离人们视线时,而立之年的田坛老将周春秀却正以娇小的身躯撑起中国田径传统优势项目女子中长跑的大旗。
    Such people in XingHuiNa SunYingJie, away from people view, but the veteran ZhouChunXiu TianTan worn by small body on the traditional advantage of Chinese athletics project established a woman.

  • 一名后卫在球场上的巅峰时期来得一般比同僚晚些也持久些,而将要步入而立之年的里奥·费迪南德则坚信往后的几年将会是“最果实累累”。
    A defender peaks later in life than his colleagues further up the field, and as Rio Ferdinand approaches his 30th birthday, he is insistent that the next few years will be 'the most fruitful'.

  • 谭先生,刚过而立之年,2001年来广州,月收入6000元左右,私人存款目前15万元,于是便有了购楼的打算,总价锁定在35―40万元左右的房子。
    Mr Tam, Just had ended a period, 2001 to Guangzhou, 6000 yuan monthly income, private deposits currently 15 million, then there is the intention to purchase, price lock in 35-40 million homes.

  • 而立之年造句相关
