
老生常谈  lǎo shēng cháng tán








  • 这番话无非是老生常谈
    The talk is no more than a platitude.

  • 一度新颖的构思已经成为老生常谈
    A once - original thought that has become a truism.

  • 我说的只不过是些老生常谈
    I'm merely stating what everybody knows anyway.

  • 我是这种老生常谈的冠军。
    I am the champion of the platitude .

  • 这句话可能是老生常谈,但却蕴藏着真理。
    The saying may be a cliché, but there's truth behind it.

  • 人类环境问题对我们中某些人来说是老生常谈
    The problems of the human environment are, to some of us, an old story.

  • 他昨天在北京人代会上所强调的大多是老生常谈
    Much of what Wen stressed yesterday at the National People's Congress in Beijing is already old hat.

  • 我年纪越大,就越不相信智慧会随年龄增长这句老生常谈
    The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.

  • 全球经济力量向东方转移,已经成为政治对话中的老生常谈
    The shift eastwards in global economic power has become a commonplace of political discourse.

  • 对于一个尽职的老师最好要避免给学生灌输老生常谈的东西。
    It is better for a dutiful teacher to avoid rubbing cut-and-dried things into students.

  • 实际上,噪音问题是老生常谈的问题了,但是解决的并不好。
    In fact, the noise problem is a platitude, but is not a good solution for.

  • 假如这是个老生常谈的题目,我只消向读者轻描淡写一番就行了。
    If the theme were hackneyed, I should be obliged to deal gently with the reader .

  • 说教育和技术充满变化是老生常谈。是否有你不喜欢的什么变化?
    It's cliché to say education and technology is teeming with change. Are there any changes there you dislike?

  • 还是老生常谈的事:谁都想让房子整洁,可谁也不愿意亲自整理。
    It's the same old story: everybody wants the house tidy, but nobody wants to tidy it himself.

  • 这是一种陈腐的老生常谈,旨在维护似乎他给了我极大恩惠的假象。
    It was a platitude to maintain the fiction that he was conferring a great boon on me.

  • 现在你说毕卡索是20世纪西方艺术最了不起的人物,只是老生常谈
    To say that Pablo Picasso dominated Western art in the 20th century is, by now, the merest commonplace.

  • 有的人说,他的话都是老生常谈,可还有的人抱怨他没有神学上的主义。
    Some said that his words were commonplace, others complained of his want of theological doctrine.

  • 这些老生常谈在《英国医学杂志》的一篇论文中被列入七项“医学误区”。
    These well-worn theories are among seven "medical myths" exposed in a paper published in the British Medical Journal.

  • 巴尔干地区是个点火就爆炸的火药桶——这固然是老生常谈,但也是千真万确。
    It is a stereotype, but none the less true, that the Balkans is a powder keg needing only a single spark to explode.

  • 生活方式探讨“诗意生产力”主题,是对飞速经济背景下的社会“老生常谈”。
    Life Style of this discusses the subject of poetic productive force, which is a "platitude" about the society under the background of rapid economic development.

  • 同样为真的还有这么一个老生常谈:从今天到明天,事情偶尔也会发生一点变化。
    Equally true is the cliché that things occasionally do change from one day to the next.

  • 也许这听来已是老生常谈,我也清晰…但是请信任我,再没有更好的生活准则了。
    It might sound corny, I know … but trust me, there's no better rule in life.

  • 当有人说学好英文有利于找到好工作时,此人多半不预期听者会对这种老生常谈击节赞赏。
    Anyone advising that learning English can help secure a cushy job is certainly not expecting any recognition for such banality.

  • 的确,爱默生在警句隽语方面如有神赐,以至于使我们总期待他从悠闲的老生常谈中的偶然拓展。
    His gift for epigram is, indeed, such as to make us long for an occasional stretch of leisurely commonplace.

  • 就像,你知道,环保等等。当然说起来可能是老生常谈,就像我们尝试的事–看看我们能做什么。
    Like, you know, environmentally and stuff. As sort of - boring as it is to say it, it is, like something we've trying to - see what we can do with.

  • 在西方国家和马克思主义者关于中国的分析中,经济突变必然要求政治改革的论调已经是老生常谈
    It used to be a platitude of Western-and Marxist-analysis of China that wrenching economic change would demand political reform.

  • 这些建议看上去也就是老生常谈,不过既然大家“常谈”,起码说明两点,其一,这些建议是对的,而且很有用;
    Instead of letting my fatherly advice to my new programmer son or daughter go to waste, I am going to inflict it on you.

  • 这是一个老生常谈的话题了,但是我不得不再次提起它来提醒我自己:转向适合自己的方向,沿着这条路持续前行。
    This is a a home truth, but I have to refer to it again to remind myself to turn to the direction compatible with me and walk this way on and on.

  • 房地产是国民经济的支柱产业,这是一句老生常谈的话,但这个支柱产业究竟有多大比重,一直以来并没有十分准确的数字。
    The real estate is the national economy pillar industry, this is platitudes words, but actually does this pillar industry have the great proportion, since continuously not very accurate digit.

  • 主教练们发言后都不约而同的回避直接谈论他们对手的优势,并用了一些老生常谈的话语比如“尊敬”,“不会低估任何人”。
    The coaches were the first to speak, after all, and dutifully avoided handing their opponents motivational nuggets by relying on well-worn phrases about "respect" and "not underestimating anyone".

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