
羽毛未丰  yǔ máo wèi fēng








  • 窗台上一只羽毛未丰的小麻雀。
    a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill.

  • 他年龄尚小,羽毛未丰,看起来就是一副很稚气的样子。
    He is still quite young and not mature enough. Judging from his appearance, people think he is quite childish.

  • 他年龄尚小,羽毛未丰,看起来就是一副很稚气的样子。
    A feather that is not yet fully grown; fledgeless, (figuritive) a person is too young, thus not experienced or knowledgeable, nor strong.

  • 象你那么大的时候,我很有同情心,偏爱羽毛未丰,没有人抚养和不幸的人。
    When I was as old as you, I was a feeling fellow enough and partial to the unfledged , unfostered, and unlucky.

  • 象你那么大的时候,我很有同情心,偏爱羽毛未丰,没有人抚养和不幸的人。
    When I was as old as you, I was a feeling fellow enough and partial to the unfledged, unfostered, and unlucky.

  • 这时候一阵狂风吹了过来,巢里细小乾枯的树枝马上燃起了猛烈的火焰。那些羽毛未丰的雏鹰都被烧死了,并从树上掉了下来。
    A strong breeze soon fanned the spark into a flame, and the eagles, as yet unfledged and helpless, were roasted in their nest and dropped down dead at the bottom of the tree.

  • 她怒气冲冲地追着他们,简直像个小瘟神——猩红热或某个羽毛未丰的专司惩罚的这类小天使,其使命就是惩处正在成长的一代人的罪孽。
    She resembled, in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant pestilence -- the scarlet fever, or some such half-fledged angel of judgment -- whose mission was to punish the sins of the rising generation.

  • 她怒气冲冲地追着他们,简直像个小瘟神——猩红热或某个羽毛未丰的 专司惩罚的这类小天使,其使命就是惩处正在成长的一代人的罪孽。
    She resembled, in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant pestilence -- the scarlet fever, or some such half-fledged angel of judgment -- whose mission was to punish the sins of the rising generation.

  • 羽毛未丰造句相关
