
群魔乱舞  qún mó luàn wǔ







  • 迪厅的年轻人在冰毒的作用下正群魔乱舞
    In ballroom ice drove youth to wild dancing.

  • 台湾,群魔乱舞之岛…
    Taiwan, a island of demons…

  • 最后,电闪雷鸣,风雨交加,转眼间群魔乱舞
    Finally, lightning and thunder, rain and storm, came on altogether and executed a mad dervish dance.

  • 群魔乱舞。他和一伙青年兄弟打劫了柏林当地的商铺。
    With a band of young friends, he looted the local shops in Berlin.

  • 万圣节已经过去快一个多月了,这个群魔乱舞的日子真不是浪得虚名的。
    Halloween has passed quickly for more than a month, the Qunmoluanwu days is not really the Langdexuming.

  • 在中国国营媒体出现报导,形容这些派对是「群魔乱舞」后,长城派对在2006年被禁。
    The gatherings were banned in 2006 after reports depicting them as "wild orgies" surfaced in China's state-controlled news media.

  • 现在的娱乐节目简直就是低俗下流乐坛是群魔乱舞,无耻透顶~怀念中国优秀电视连续剧:西游记!
    The entertainment is really obscene and vulgar music Qunmoluanwu is shameless in the extreme to miss the excellent Chinese TV series: Journey to the West!

  • 另一条路则通向幽深黑暗,没有尽头的洞穴,洞内流淌着的不是水而是毒液,群魔乱舞,毒蛇嘶嘶爬动。
    the other leading to a deep , dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and where devils and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled.

  • 另一条路则通向幽深黑暗、没有尽头的洞穴,洞内流淌着的不是水而是毒液,群魔乱舞,毒蛇咝咝爬动。
    the other leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and where devils and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled.

  • 伦敦那段表演中的舞蹈简直就是群魔乱舞。眼看着那些骑着自行车的家伙也来凑热闹,中国人会以为“伦敦人都买不起车啦”。
    The dancing was a bit straggly in the "London "routine . After seeing all the cyclists taking part, the Chinese will think "Nobody can afford cars in London "

  • 还有那些跳舞的在那扔报纸——这是哪个笨蛋想出来的啊?那个舞蹈实在太垃圾了,简直就是群魔乱舞,好像在鸟巢里迷路了似的。
    And the dancers throwing the newspapers away - what dunce dreamt that up? The dancing was generally rubbish - all of them free styling got lost in that giant stadium.

  • 伦敦的例行表演中登场的那些舞者简就是群魔乱舞。眼看着那些骑着自行车的家伙也来凑热闹,中国人都会认为“伦敦人都买不起车啦”
    The dancing was a bit straggly in the " London " routine . After seeing all the cyclists taking part, the Chinese will think "Nobody can afford cars in London "

  • 伦敦的例行表演中登场的那些舞者简直就是群魔乱舞。眼看着那些骑着自行车的家伙也来凑热烈,中国人都会以为“伦敦人都买不起车啦”
    The British "teaser" was ok, but we were disappointed to see the performer in the wheelchair was not in fact disabled but was leaping around later in the dance.

  • 恰恰相反地,73岁高龄的达赖制约着藏人,他会说一些汉语,身上拥有其他青年西藏流亡者所不具备的中国的精神血统,一旦他死去,更多的激进集团——包括西藏青年大会在内——将群魔乱舞,使藏民失望。
    On the contrary, the Dalai Lama, who is 73, is restraining Tibetans, and he speaks some Chinese and has roots in China in a way that younger Tibetan exiles do not.

  • 群魔乱舞造句相关
