
美轮美奂  měi lún měi huàn







  • 该产品似云影流逸,潇洒飘扬,美轮
    The product may cloud shadow flow Plaza, natural and unrestrained flying, beautiful.

  • 花儿在金色的阳光下随风舞动,真是美轮
    Flowers in the golden sunlight dancing under the wind is really beautiful.

  • 此刻,我想与大家一同欣赏这座美轮的体育场。
    I want to take a moment with you all to recognize this marvellous stadium.

  • 美轮的柜台,他们把自家的杯子蛋糕展示在里面。
    The beautifully counter which they used to display the cupcakes.

  • 既有佛教文化的博大精深,又有建筑艺术的美轮
    Buddhism both extensive and profound culture, and the magnificent architecture.

  • 而当白昼来临,树叶荷光共舞,它又是如此的美轮
    And as the day begins, the leaves with the light on them dance and give it that peculiar feeling that one has of great beauty.

  • 她拥有着美轮的上身,但是到腰部以下就光滑的结束了。
    She had a perfectly formed upper body which ended smoothly just below the waist.

  • 她挥手示意,两个史菲利思人捧着一只美轮的项圈走上前来。
    She motioned, and two Spherians came forward with a gorgeous jeweled collar, a kind of regal gorget.

  • 那里可真是美轮,而且正是我们许多人想象中中国该有的模样。
    It was gorgeous, and exactly what many of us thought China would look like.

  • 这是我在与他人合著的《维基经济学》一书中表述的一个美轮的例子。
    This is a beautiful example of the collaboration I described in the book I co-authored, Wikinomics.

  • 花车上盛放的芙蓉组成的朵朵浪花气势恢弘,都江堰、青城山建筑造型美轮
    On the decorated vehicle Sheng Fang the cotton rose composition's spray imposing manner is broad, Dujiang weirs, the Qingcheng construction modelling is tall and pleasing to the eye.

  • 艺术家的妙手可以在薄如纸的蛋壳上雕刻出如此美轮的图案,你,能想象到吗?
    MicroHand artists can be as thin as paper on the eggshell carving out such a beautiful design, you can imagine it?

  • 但这些将工厂门面装点的美轮的企业家却拥有共同的盲点──生产可可豆的劳工。
    But the Quakers had a blind spot in their social engineering plan -- those who produced the cocoa beans.

  • 大英雄骑着纯白的独角兽,带着公主逃离恶龙的威胁,然后在美轮的密林深处野合。
    The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon, saves the princess and makes love to her in an enchanted forest.

  • 冰椅、冰桌、冰墙和冰酒杯的酒吧,所有的一切让人仿佛置身于一个美轮的极冰世界。
    Ice chairs, ice tables, ice walls and ice Glasses, all of which seems to expose the people into the magnificent world of polar ice.

  • 这里有一条线索:大多数人不会每天睁眼的那一刻想着如何得到更加美轮的性爱生活。
    Here's a clue: Most of us don't spent every waking moment trying to live out our sexual fantasies.

  • 而对于楼盘开发者而言,可以在这场美轮的“百景表演”中展现风采、树立品牌、赢得民心。
    But speaking of the estate exploiter, may in this tall and pleasing to the eye "hundred scenery performances" the development elegant demeanor, set up the brand, win the popular sentiment.

  • 样板间是住宅项目的脸面,所以美轮的样板间难免修饰了房子的本来面目,甚至误导消费者。
    The face of residential project is between example, so the hard to avoid between the example of beautiful Huan of United States annulus decorated the true colors of the house, even misdirect consumer.

  • 所展示的楼盘甚至有电子楼书、电子地图、BBS论坛等,360度的三维立体样板间展示美轮
    The electronic display market is even Loushu, electronic maps, BBS Forum, a three-dimensional model-360 degrees 3D display beautiful.

  • 居民修整著自己的城市,他们在墙上作画,把街上的圆柱装饰得美轮,在住屋里镶嵌上马赛克地板。
    The residents repaired their city with paintings on their walls, decorative columns on their streets, and mosaic floors in their houses.

  • 如果说貌的女人是一幅画,光彩夺目美轮,而有味道的女人就是一盏灯,照亮自己也照亮了别人。
    If the woman is a beautiful painting, dazzling, magnificent, and the taste of a woman is a light, light to illuminate the people themselves.

  • 我们不禁疑惑:这些美轮的建筑和它的传奇故事是如何保留到今天,并如此完好而真实地展示在我们面前的呢?
    We can't help wondering how the legendary complex has remained intact and why it is so well preserved even today.

  • 在他之前的著作《饥饿的潮汐》中,对恒河三角洲时常潮起潮落的孙德尔本斯地区1就写得美轮,从而赢得读者交口相赞。
    "The Hungry Tide", his previous work, drew plaudits for its portrayal of the beauty of the Sundarbans, the tide country of the Ganges delta.

  • 从小受到父亲郑钧木先生的熏陶,对钧瓷的生产和制作有一定的了解和制作水平,并为钧瓷这种美轮的窑变艺术效果所痴迷。
    He know about the production of Jun porcelain for the influence of his father and he was crazy about the art of Kiln Changing of Jun Porcelain.

  • 位于酒店二层的“都市酒吧”拥有50余个餐位,装饰美轮,提供各式酒水饮料和咖啡,是您商务会谈,闲趣小酌的佳地之选。
    Metropolitan Bar is on the second floor with over 50 seats. The bar is providing you various choices of beverages and a meeting place with your friends.

  • 当我逛着街,和某个英俊的男人擦肩而过时,便能想象一出精彩激情的故事,10秒钟的时间,我们相识相爱床上激情,画面美轮
    When I Guangzhao Street, and a handsome man pass by, can be imagined a wonderful story of passion, 10 seconds of the time, we met the bed love passion, beautiful screen.

  • 内皮尔曾于1931年发生大地震,全城几乎被夷为平地,但美轮的装饰艺术派建筑因此获得了生存空间,如雨后春笋般大量涌现。
    And in Napier you'll see a wealth of fabulous Art Deco architecture, which only materialized because the city was almost entirely destroyed by a huge earthquake in 1931.

  • 由此,美轮的梦便朝夕相伴,随着时间的推移,楼盘越接近竣工,原来的那个“概念”就越模糊,而不尽如人意的地方越发显现出来。
    Thus, the dream is dear beautiful, with the passage of time, more development close to completion, the original "concept" to the more obscure, and not much traffic increasingly revealed.

  • 斯特林格并非去展示所有细节,或他称之为疣或皱纹的东西,相反,他对这张照片进行了处理,给硅藻做了精心打扮,制作出这张美轮的显微照片。
    Rather than showing all the details, or warts and wrinkles as Stringer likes to call them, he dressed up the diatoms by manipulating the image and creating this beautiful photomicrograph.

  • 除了莫扎特之外,这座可爱迷人的奥地利城市,还给游人显示出旧城区保全完的华丽风采。迷人的花园,装饰美轮的教堂,以及全欧洲最大的,完好无缺的中世纪城堡。
    Besides Mozart, this lovely old Austrian city offers a gloriously preserved old town, charming gardens, ornate churches and Europe's largest and most complete medieval castle.

  • 美轮美奂造句相关
