
缩衣节食  suō yī jié shí






  • 我上个月花太多钱了,我这个月最好缩衣节食点,否则我就糟糕了!
    I spent too much money last month. I better tighten my belt this month or I will be in trouble.

  • 德国人跟圣塞瓦斯蒂安和旧金山人一样,曾经负债挥霍,如今缩衣节食
    German consumers stayed thrifty as consumers from San Sebastián to San Francisco binged on debt.

  • 当一个男人宁可自己缩衣节食,但想办法也要让你过好日子,你应该要惜福,因为这是真心爱你的证明。
    Coz Chad just spent most of his money to get my Christmas present as soon as he got paid yesterday… I was so touched!

  • 然而,格鲁诺积累财富的方式实际上更象是一次幸运的大赌博,而不是靠用一生时间缩衣节食,拼命存钱。
    Yet the way Ms. Groner garnered her wealth was, in fact, more like one big, lucky gamble than a lifetime of scrimping and saving.

  • 他说自己从来不用忍饥挨饿,但靠着父母上门推销分期付款的商品所挣的收入,也只能缩衣节食地过日子。
    He says he never went hungry, but his parents made only a modest living selling merchandise door-to-door, on instalment plans.

  • 但是如果投资者们希望各个国家都缩衣节食,他们又担心这么多发达国家一同紧缩对全球经济会产生怎样的影响。
    But if investors want individual countries to tighten fiscal policy, they also worry about the impact of many developed countries doing so at once.

  • 不幸的是,公共支出方面严重的恶化迫使政府缩衣节食,财政状况从2007年的盈余突然转为占GDP10%的赤字。
    Unfortunately, the shocking deterioration in the public finances, which have swung from a budget surplus in 2007 to a deficit of over 10% of GDP, is forcing retrenchment.

  • 我们当前面临的是1930年代大萧条以来最凄惨的经济景况,复苏不会在几个月内降临,甚至几年内都得缩衣节食过日。
    We currently face is that since the Great Depression of the 1930s the most miserable economic conditions, the recovery will not come in a few months or even years had been on the pinch.

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