
绞尽脑汁  jiǎo jìn nǎo zhī







  • 绞尽脑汁,想记住他的电话号码。
    I wracked my brain, trying to remember his telephone number.

  • 年轻的记者绞尽脑汁想了良久。
    The young reporter thought long and hard.

  • 绞尽脑汁想找个礼貌一点的方式拒绝。
    Try desperately to think of the politest way to say.

  • 艾伦真的绞尽脑汁研发新的教学方法。
    Alan has really sunk his teeth into developing new teaching methods.

  • 经济学家们正绞尽脑汁的解释价格上涨。
    Economists are scratching their heads to explain the price jump.

  • 他整个周末都在绞尽脑汁处理这个问题。
    He had spent the whole weekend wrestling with the problem.

  • 他不得不绞尽脑汁去解决那个复杂问题。
    He had to rack his brains to solve that complicated problem.

  • 绞尽脑汁数小时,试图囬想起她的名字。
    I racked my brain for hours to recall her name.

  • 绞尽脑汁了几小时试图去回忆她的名字。
    I racked my brain for hours trying to recall her name.

  • 他们在试图绞尽脑汁,找出解决困难的办法。
    They are trying to worry out an answer to the difficulty.

  • 楼盘名五花八门开发商绞尽脑汁购房人买账吗?
    Development of various developers who purchase their brains go for it?

  • 绞尽脑汁想了几个小时,试图去回想起她的名字。
    I racked my brain for hours trying to recall her name.

  • 绞尽脑汁、冥思苦想,可还是没有找到解决的办法。
    I racked his brains, wrestling, they still did not find a solution.

  • 为什么很多交易者绞尽脑汁地和明显的矛盾事物做斗争?
    Why are so many traders at their wits' end, grappling with the obvious contradiction?

  • 实际上,我已经绞尽脑汁、费劲心思去想今天我应该讲什么好。
    Actually, I have wracked my mind and heart for what I ought to say to you today.

  • 不要绞尽脑汁的试图什么,成功会在最没准备的时候不期而至。
    Don't make everything an effort, the best things happen when you least expect them.

  • 我教书,是因为我喜欢提出学生必须绞尽脑汁方能回答的问题。
    I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer.

  • 由于贵金属成份的成本不斐,研究人员正绞尽脑汁降低铂的含量。
    Because of the high cost of the precious metal ingredients, researchers are searching for ways to lower the platinum content.

  • 家长经常必须面对的挑战,就是必须绞尽脑汁想出教养子女的最佳方式。
    A constant challenge facing parents is figuring out the best way to discipline their children.

  • 可怜的汽车商们就是一个例子,他们不得不绞尽脑汁为各种新车型取名字。
    Pity carmakers, for example, who are compelled to dream up new names for their many models.

  • 可惜的是,这项研究并没能告诉那些已经绞尽脑汁的家长们如何解决这个问题。
    Unfortunately the study did not reveal any solution to parents at their wits end over the problem.

  • 脸红:达尔文曾绞尽脑汁也无法解释为何通过进化我们说谎时会面红,令人起疑。
    Blushing: Charles Darwin struggled to explain why evolution made us turn red when we lie, which alerts others.

  • 在纽约它们是怨声载道的话题,银行则正为其被强制剥夺的交易平台而绞尽脑汁
    In New York, they are the subject of anxious grumbling, as banks contemplate forced divestments of trading desks.

  • 金融危机席卷全球,不少雇主初阶绞尽脑汁地消沉本钱,以实物取代工资支付给雇员。
    Workers have been paid with various items instead of wages as employers cut corners to cope with the global financial crisis in Australia.

  • 每年的这个时候,情侣们无不绞尽脑汁想办法来庆祝这个特别节日,希望有个难忘的一天。
    At this time of year, couples rack their brains thinking of ways to celebrate this special occasion in the hopes of having a memorable day.

  • 每个动物都想打开那个大箱子,因为他们非常好奇里面装的是什么东西,所以它们绞尽脑汁……
    An assortment of animals tries different ways to get a big box open, only to be VERY surprised by what is inside.

  • 今天你会有幸享有别样的一天,这一天你不得不绞尽脑汁使出每一分的风度和才能来调解矛盾特别是办公室矛盾。
    This could be a day when you have to call in every ounce of grace and talent for mediation that you've been blessed with - especially at the office.

  • 由于互联网信息流量与日俱增,数据中心的数量也不断增加,许多公司不得不绞尽脑汁,千方百计降低运行成本。
    As Internet traffic growth, the number of data centers also on the rise, many companies have racked its brains and do everything possible to reduce operating costs.

  • 不知有多少次,他和他的队友不得不绞尽脑汁搞掉豺狼人的护盾。现在,他需要重新思考自己的战术。重新思考一切。
    How many times had he and his teammates had to find ways to slip past a Jackal's shield? He'd have to rethink his tactics. Rethink everything.

  • 但这之前或者之后,30支球队的老板(不按顺序排定)在做一连串决定时都会极度痛苦,绞尽脑汁想出能帮助球队实现飞跃的办法。
    But before and after that, the bosses of the 30 teams (in no particular order) sweat out, agonize over, impulsively leap to and beat themselves up for an unending string of decisions.

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