
紫气东来  zǐ qì dōng lái








  • 上海临东海,是紫气东来生成的地方。
    Shanghai is along the East Sea, where the violet hazes come from the east.

  • 紫气东来,祥云薄雾。神光再临,蓝色族部。
    Blue blood dyed Red sox Purple .

  • 紫气东来,皇天厚土,坐北向南。据浩然之势,得皇族之贵。
    A purple dragon coming from the east, sits in the north and faces the south.

  • 从东门沿石梯小道拾级而上,“紫气东来”四个大字迎面而立。
    From the East Gate along the stone path rising, "Ziqi East to" stand in the face of the four Chinese characters.

  • 因古代正定府和皇帝一般从东来,故曰“迎恩门”,亦含紫气东来之意。
    As a result of the ancient emperor and the government generally positive from the East, Gu Yue, "TU Ying-door", also containing Ziqi meaning to the East.

  • 淡紫与黄色相搭配,既典雅又颇显贵气,恰与东窗光线相融,应了“紫气东来”之意。
    Dan Zi and yellow hue are tie-in, already elegance quite dignitary is angry, just with be in harmony of photograph of Dong Chuangguang line, answered " violet gas east come " meaning.

  • 紫气东来门业超市的刘总介绍,1000元的品牌套装门,应该是实木门的价格底线了。
    Violet gas east Introduction Liu Zong that comes to supermarket of door course of study, 1000 yuan brand covers gate, the price bottom line that should be real wood door.

  • 昨日下午,市规划局公布了规划设计的三套优胜方案:山中之城、“U”形平面、紫气东来
    Yesterday afternoon, the city Planning Board announced the three winning design programmes : mountain city, "U" - shaped plane, officials East.

  • 紫气东来,盛世久安”代表着“广东东盛医疗器材有限公司”对和谐社会,国泰民安,以及国家科技发展与进步的一种良好祝愿。
    "From east comes auspicious air, the world will be peaceful and prosperous forever", that is our best wishes to the society and people.

  • 燕莎国际商圈的崛起,不但在区位上得了紫气东来之先,更得益于她在与之遥相呼应的其它热点地区之间发挥着不可替代的纽带作用。
    Yansha international values rise, not only in location, the first to suffer from higher East, but from her echo from afar with the other hot spots in between plays an irreplaceable link.

  • 紫气东来造句相关
