
精明强干  jīng míng qiáng gàn







  • 这位新来的女秘书很是精明强干
    The new woman secretary was extremely clever and capable.

  • 这位新来的女书记很是精明强干
    The new woman secretary was extremely clever and capable .

  • 这位新来的女秘书很是精明强干
    The new woman secretary was extremely clever and capable.

  • 她要求周围的人勤奋工作,精明强干
    She expects hard work and competence from everyone around her.

  • 狂风和巨浪永远站在最精明强干的航海家一边。
    The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.

  • 如果他是个精明强干的人,也许会拖住那个间谍。
    If he's a bright fellow he might even stop the spy .

  • 我想,所能想望的,也不会有更精明强干的代理人了。
    No more sagacious agent could, I suppose, be desired.

  • 我希望,精明强干的你们中会有人主动请缨,完成任务。
    I'm hoping that one of you go-getters will just randomly take the initiative to get things done.

  • 这位拉什顿先生是一个精明强干的人,他具有理想的性格。
    He was a smart man, this Rushton, he possessed the ideal character .

  • “游骑兵要挑选志愿者,”他解释说,“他们必须得精明强干
    "The Rangers select the people that they want, " he explained, "and they have to measure up.

  • 她的邻居一般都躲着她,而她必须每次在做生意的时候表现得精明强干
    Her neighbors would shun her and she would have to be shrewd in all of her business dealings.

  • 假若他不是那麽精明强干的企业家, 就不会在这样冒险的事业中取得成功。
    He would not have succeeded in such a risky business if he had not been such a clever entrepreneur.

  • 该公司的资金雄厚,其信用可以说"无限",而其高级职员可称之为精明强干
    They command considerable funds and an unlimited credit, and the executives are thorough business men.

  • 该公司的资金雄厚,其信用可以说“无限”,而其高级职员可称之为精明强干
    They command considerable funds and an unlimited credit, and the executives are thorough businessed men.

  • 早年在广州经商,精明强干,因商务所需,结识十三行洋人,粗通英语,熟谙洋务。
    Guangzhou to do business in the early years, highly qualified, as a result of business requirements, line 13 to get to know foreigners, Cutong English, familiar with Westernization.

  • 军训结束后你会发现一些令人惊奇的变化——你会比以前更加精明强干,更有信心。
    after the training, you'll discover some amazing things. you'll have a sharper mind, and a lean and hard body, and you'll be more confident than you've ever been before.

  • 俗话说,“清官难断家务事”,历来许多精明强干的官员在“家务事”上纷纷束手无策。
    As the saying goes, "clean government finds hard" always many qualified officials in the "hard" have nothing.

  • 卡特总统挑选了一个精明强干的人来领导国税局,清楚地表明了他了解所得税法有多么复杂。
    President Carter has made it clear that he undertakes how complex the income tax laws are. To head IRS, he has picked a. Philadelphia lawyer.

  • 卡特总统挑选了一个精明强干的人来领导国税局,清楚地表明了他了解所得税法有多么复杂。
    nbsp; President Carter has made it clear that he undertakes how complex the income tax laws are. To head IRS, he has picked a. Philadelphia lawyer.

  • 红蜘蛛残酷、冷血但却精明强干,他想要取代威震天成为狂派首领的野心早已是公开的秘密。
    Ruthless, cold-blooded, and capable, STARSCREAM makes no secret of the fact that he wants to replace MEGATRON as leader of the DECEPTICONS.

  • 一个有效的政府,必然是一个拥有一支目标明确、精明强干、士气高昂的党政领导干部队伍的政府。
    An effective government, it is one has a cause necessarily the government that the party card with clear, intelligent and capable, high morale leads cadre team.

  • 我司在珠江地区有自己的销售群体,有一批精明强干的销售队伍,为贵司开拓和发展珠江三角的市场。
    I Division in the Pearl River region has its own sales group, a group of highly qualified sales team, for your pioneering and development of the Pearl River Delta market.

  • 他说:“你看,福尔摩斯先生,我们都承认你是一个精明强干的人,而且你也有你自己的一套工作方法。
    SherlockHolmes, " he said, "we are all ready to acknowledge that you are a smart man, and that you have your own methods of working.

  • 此外,公司还培养出一支精明强干,能适时为客户提供方便快捷、高效完善服务的高素质营销人才队伍。
    In addition, the company has cultivated a highly qualified, able to provide customers with timely convenient, efficient services to improve marketing of high-quality personnel.

  • 伙伴们听了他这番话,都咂舌称赞,说:“向万能之神安拉起誓,不可否认,你确实要算最精明强干的人了。
    After hearing his story, his fellows all praised him with great awe, "To the almighty god, Alas, we swear that undoubtedly you can be counted as the most intelligent and capable person among us."

  • 地保免不了要有一般人的弱点的,他希望能在报上看到“该区精明强干的地保墨尼”说了些什么,做了些什么。
    The beadle is not superior to the universal human infirmity , but hopes to read in print what "Mooney, the active and intelligent beadle of the district, " said and did.

  • 他们行为粗俗,很难教诲,但是精明强干,富有智慧,拥有坚强性格,这一点从他们善于用喉咙深处发声可见一斑。
    but they are full of shrewdness and mother wit, and possessed of great strength of character, of which, indeed, their remarkable guttural speech is but a type.

  • 精明强干,深得贾母和王夫人的信任,成为贾府的实际大管家,支撑着贾府上上下下所有人的吃穿住行,老死病辞。
    Her deep go-letters, Mrs. Wang jia and trust, become the real big GuFu housekeeper, supported by jia round up and down all the people living here, old disease.

  • 我知道这听上去很可笑:每到午餐时间,我就不再是一个精明强干的人,而变成一个不知道该吃什么、犹豫不决的傻瓜。
    I know this will sound laughable, but every lunchtime I stop being a highly capable person and turn into a dithering fool over what to eat.

  • 以后,我就常常造访他在北京锡拉胡同简朴的寓所,听老人回忆过去的岁月。精明强干的“红心商人”张平,原名张焕文。
    After, I often visit him to play the dwelling place with austere alley in Beijing stannum, listen to an old person to recollect the years in the past.

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