
窒碍难行  zhì ài nán xíng







  • (长期承诺对我来说窒碍难行)。
    I have problems with long term commitment.

  • 运动鞋公司在人权问题合作上一拍即合,为何在环保问题上窒碍难行
    Q. Shoe companies easily collaborate on human rights issues, so why are they having such a hard time with environmental matters?

  • 很少有事情带来的挫折感比在不适合您的工作与组织上窒碍难行更大。
    Few things in life are more frustrating than being stuck in a profession or organization that doesn't suit you.

  • 尽管如此,想要以皮质摺叠模式来明确区别各种心智才能,仍然窒碍难行
    Still, clear folding patterns that distinguish broader mental talents remain elusive.

  • 有关员工健康、运动、营养的计画,不是从来没成功过,就是一向窒碍难行
    Programs related to employee wellness, exercise, nutrition, have not been successful or easy to implement.

  • 但中央控制实在窒碍难行,随容量大小和涵盖范围的扩大,系统很快就会以控制。
    But central control is stifling, and increasing the size and scope of such a system rapidly becomes unmanageable.

  • 的数十种法规加上根深柢固的习惯,使提升效益的努力窒碍难行,甚至还奖励浪费。
    And scores of ingrained rules and habits block efficiency efforts or actually reward waste.

  • 投机者佔了整体市场的大部份,失去了投机者的参与,市场上的避险交易为将会窒碍难行
    speculators account for the majority of the market as a whole, have lost the participation of speculators, hedge market transactions will be obstacles.

  • 然而,多数观测者却认为,这项耗资20亿美元的更替计画窒碍难行,因为太空船的建造将耗日费时。
    Many observers, however, deem this $2-billion "re hosting" option unrealistic because of the long delay until the spacecraft could be constructed.

  • 纵使议会制定窒碍难行之议决案,政机关在不破坏府会和谐关系最高原则之下,宁愿另寻他途,代替覆议案。
    Despite an unfeasible resolution should be made, the administration would rather seek other ways out than veto it in order to maintain the harmony between the two powers.

  • 但遗憾的是,美国最高法院所发布的两项激进条例,限制了净水法案的权限,因此改善水质的任务将变得更为窒碍难行
    Unfortunately, this task has been made more difficult by two activist rulings of the United States' Supreme Court that have limited the jurisdictional scope of the Act.

  • 在英国大学里,根据副校长和人事主任们的说法,系主任和其他中级学术主管共同形成「一层厚云」,让改变革新窒碍难行
    Heads of department and other academic middle managers form a "thick layer of cloud" frustrating change and progress, according to human resources heads and vice-chancellors.

  • 然而他们中的很多人据知又回归到早先的方式,其中一些回到了圣战主义者的据点,比如也门这样的地方;还有一些则前往王国南部,那里法律窒碍难行
    Scores of them, however, are known to have reverted to prior form, with some making their way to back to jihadist strongholds in such places as Yemen, to the lawless south of the kingdom.

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